Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1576: Strong meeting

Looking at the blue sky above the sky, the square is full of people, his eyes seem to want to penetrate the sky, spy on the starry sky outside the sky, just now, they are from this piece of heaven!

"If there is no other entrance to this small world, only four elephants, then this small world is much more terrible than the small world of the eight deserts."

Lin Feng murmured, now it seems that the monster giant elephant should be the horror of the demon emperor level, and, is a demon emperor who is good at powerful power, the power of the giant elephant, and ultimately they use the power of the battle to bring them From the starry sky, it can be seen that if the giant elephant relies on the physical strength, it is impossible to pass the piece to destroy the starry sky. The name of the four elephants is not the name of the waves.

In the small world where I used to be, the upper emperor was enough to break through the void and go through the Sun Castle Pass, but this piece of void, I don’t know what level I want, I can step out through the four elephants.

Lin Feng thought for a moment, then his body began to flash. At this moment, he is in the mountains. He always has to go to someone else's place. If they can't see where they are, then the power is too horrible. The crowd was thrown away from the stars, and I am afraid I was taken to the corners.

After a long time, Lin Feng finally saw a group of fairy palaces. The buildings here are very strange. They are different from the eight deserts and the big world style. The independent castles of the fairy palace stand there, the houses under their feet. It is easy to be ignored directly.

Lin Feng speeded up, and his figure stepped into the city from the void. Looking at the sea, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed. At this moment, he thought, it seems that the Emperor’s imperial palace is probably in this small world. It is.

This also means that the Promise Emperor has already stepped through the four elephants and has come to this small world.

Lin Feng’s eyes glanced at the people under the air. They were generally weaker than those in the big world, but they were stronger than the eight people. The sages were still visible, but the characters at the Lord’s level appeared. Not too many, and occasionally one or two people can be seen. As for the figure of the top level of the Lord, Lin Feng has not seen it.

The figure is flashing, Lin Feng's body suddenly drops, falling in front of the three young men and women, these three people are not weak, have the strength of the Zunwu level, it should be clear.

Seeing that Lin Feng was wearing a robe, the three men looked stagnation and looked at the young figure in front of the handsome, Lin Feng casually stood there, without a little bit of extravagance, but gave them a sense of unfathomable.

"Strong, it should be the level of the Lord!" The heart secretly said, the beautiful woman's eyes flashed, revealing a fascinating look, then began to say: "What is the predecessor's command?"

"The Promise Emperor, have you heard of it?" Lin Feng asked a few people, there is no clue here, he can only find someone to cross-examine.

"The Promise of Heaven!" The three people heard this secretly trembled, thinking about where this person is sacred, the Emperor, the existence of this level, do not know that there are several in this world.

"Predecessors, we have not heard of the Promise Emperor." The woman shook her head, and Mei Li slammed against Lin Feng. She was quite charming and said: "But I can take my seniors to a place to ask!"

Lin Fengjun is extraordinary, handsome and unpredictable, and he directly asks the horror of the Emperor level. This has to make the woman tremble. If she can have a good relationship with him, can she get some unimaginable? The advantage is that I have always lacked an ancient scripture. This is her heart knot. Without the ancient scriptures, the Wuhuang seat she wants to pursue is undoubtedly an idiotic dream.

"Where, take me there!" Lin Feng said to the woman.

"Okay, trouble the seniors take me a ride!" The woman stretched out the jade hand and said to Lin Feng softly, the martial arts people are very tough, and they can sacrifice a lot for the martial arts, even the body is at the mercy of the woman. Undoubtedly such a kind of person, her heart is very strong, she knows that if she has no chance, she can't repair the ancient books. Lin Feng's appearance makes her see an opportunity.

"Xi Yao!" The two young men saw that this scene was a stiff look. Then they saw only the woman named Xi Yao who smiled at them: "After returning to the sect, tell the Master, I will take a trip with my predecessors. I don't know when I can return."

At this time, Lin Feng had already buckled the yin jade hand of Xi Yao, and then his body flickered and rolled into the air. Lin Feng’s ambition was more than a few times more than her. The temptation of ordinary temptation can be shaken, bring her, only for the Promise Palace. .

Looking at Lin Feng and Xi Yao's figure disappeared in front of him, the two young men looked quite ugly, but then they took a long breath and let the mind calm down. This is the world of martial arts, cruel and realistic, for the sake of seeking martial arts, they like it a bit. The younger sister did not hesitate to follow a strange young man, and even showed that she had never had a charming attitude.

Lin Feng and the woman stepped on the sword of the heavenly sword, and the sword was empty. Xi Yao directed Lin Feng to go to a certain direction and saw the terrible speed of the sword. The Yao Yao body slightly approached Lin Feng and asked. : "How do you call your predecessors?"

“Lin Feng!” Lin Feng looked at the front and said calmly.

"Lin Feng, can I call your name directly!"

"Yes!" Lin Feng nodded, and suddenly revealed a touch of joy in the glory of Xia Yao. He continued: "Lin Feng, you have said that you have been practicing for years, and you should be in the realm of Zunwu."

"Cultivating more than ten years!" Lin Feng said faintly, it has been more than ten years since I came to the world of martial arts in a blink of an eye. Time has passed.

When Xi Yao heard Lin Feng’s words, it was only a little stiff. Only for more than a decade, Lin Feng did not deny the latter sentence. Obviously, it should be the peak of Zunwu. She has been practicing since childhood and has been 20 years old.

"The practice of predecessors must be very powerful. If Ruo Yao has an ancient scripture, it should be more than the present!" Xi Yao said faintly, the slender hand of the jade is clasping the palm of Lin Feng, and the body is completely leaning on it. Lin Feng’s arm was up, and he did not hide his purpose, but said it very generously.

"If you can help me find what I need, I will teach you an ancient classic!" Lin Feng said calmly, the heart is like water, the beauty can not seduce him, but he is not familiar with the world, want to find the Promise Palace, need someone to guide.

When I heard Lin Feng’s words, Xi Yao’s beauty flashed a beautiful mang, but her heart was inadvertently also had a faint loss. Her temptation was so bad. There was no way for Lin Feng to look at her.

There is no palace, but it is made up of no one. There are not many disciples under the door, but each of them has strong strength, especially the few disciples who are headed, but they have already reached an inexplicable realm. It is said that the disciples and the two disciples They are already invincible masters. As for the innocent people who made the Wuhuang seat 120 years ago, now they don’t know if it is more powerful.

There is no palace, it is the strongest existence of this region. The place where Xi Yao took Lin Feng to come, there is no palace, and the news of no palace will be introduced to Lin Feng, let Lin Feng do it in mind. .

There is no such thing as a martial artist in Fangyuan. Lin Feng wants to inquire about the terrible existence of the Emperor's level. Only the Emperor Wu can have some knowledge. This is very clear in his heart. Therefore, he brought Lin Feng to the palace.

At this time, there is no palace outside, there are disciples who saw the two figures coming from the sword, could not help but body to vacate, look at Lin Feng, said: "Where are you!"

"Lin Feng, a younger generation, came to see no predecessors!" Lin Feng's voice rolled and passed out.

"Hey, I have to visit the palace, but I dare to fly in the air, solve the sword and hand over the sword under your feet to me. As for seeing my master, according to the rules, there are no three beheads outside the palace. I will give you a glimpse. The opportunity!" The guard in the robe said coldly, which made Lin Feng brow a pick. This is no big man's shelf. There is no palace to solve the sword. If you want to see him, you still need no three beheads. Moreover, there is only a chance!

"There is indeed such a rule, but that is for the weak, strong people should be able to get through, I will talk to him." Xi Yao whispered to Lin Feng, then looked at the Taoist: "I Seeing no predecessors with the predecessors, there are things to do, and I hope that I will be grateful and grateful!"

After all, Xi Yao took out a storage ring and threw it at the other party. It was probably some potential rules.

The thief smiled and peeked at the storage ring. The twinkling eyes flashed and looked at Lin Feng. "If you want me to be wanted, the sword must be solved and handed over to me."

"Hey!" Lin Feng snorted, this person clearly wants his sword, the flash in the scorpion flashed a cold mang, Lin Feng looked at the front, rolling said: "Lin Feng Lin, come to see no predecessors!"

The horrible sound waves rolled out and trembled throughout the palace.

The man looked cold and stared at Lin Feng, angered: "A big courage, you dare to disturb the people who have no palace to practice, you are looking for death!"

Lin Feng’s eye-catching center was stunned, and his footsteps suddenly stepped forward. A wave of great power came to the other side. Lin Feng said indifferently: “Roll!”

With a bang, the man’s body was blasted out, spit out a blood, pale, but seeing Lin Feng coldly looking at him, said coldly: “A watchman, dare to talk to me!”

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