Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1566: Promise copper pieces to hand

"What the **** is going on?" The crowd also looked at the emperor's palace map, but they were not familiar with the area, and it was definitely outside the Qingdi Mountain area.

The median emperor of the Nine Palaces in Tiangong recognized the general orientation of the map, but there was no joy. If it was in that place, the emperor was afraid that it had little to do with them, because that There are too many strong people in the block area. The characters of the Nine Palaces Tianbao have come to the whisper and have no right to speak. Even the forces of Qingdi Mountain will not give you any face.

"There may be variables, and there is still a piece of copper that does not appear. Maybe this is not a complete picture of the imperial palace!" They comforted themselves in thinking, but they themselves understood that this possibility is not great, but since it is So in the faraway areas, why are the five copper pieces containing the emperor's palace figure appearing in the area of ​​the Nine Palaces in Tiangong, is it left in this area before the fall of the Promise Emperor?

"You can have a fifth piece of copper on your body?" At this time, the Emperor of the Emperor Wang of the Yaowang Palace swept to the crowd and said: "If there is a fifth piece of copper, maybe we can accurately determine the palace. The location of the map, find the Palace of the Promise."

When the crowd heard this, they were silent. Lin Feng’s eyes were blinking, and the fifth piece of copper was in his hand, but would he want to take it out?

"If there isn't one, these four pieces of copper will belong to the people of my nine great palaces, and when the fifth piece of copper appears, they will be taken out to give you a full picture." The white-shoulders spoke again. Undoubtedly, his voice has revealed his ambition, and he wants to take the copper piece as his own and earn it in the hands of the Nine Palaces.

"I don't agree. If you come to control, even if you get the fifth piece of copper to open the emperor's palace map, I am afraid that it will not let us know!" Someone said indifferently.

"Yes, maybe, the fifth emperor's picture is on you!"

Other people who are not in the Nine Palaces will agree with each other's good calculations.

"I think that the Nine Palaces Tianbao to control the Promise Copper is the best choice. Otherwise, whoever is responsible for the loss of the copper film!" The strong man of the Great Zhou Xian Palace also opened. At this moment they will pull the Nine Palaces Tianbao In the same camp, this is undoubtedly the most beneficial to them.

"I object!" At this time, Lin Feng said a faint opening, and suddenly many people looked over. Although Lin Feng was not a martial artist, his status was not ordinary. He represented the demon-like night. Demon Island, of course, has the right to express opinions.

Lin Feng looked at everyone's eyes and said calmly: "The four pieces of Promise copper are the most suitable for me."

"By his control!" The crowd looked condensed, it seems that this Lin Feng is not a good thing, this kind of words can be said to come out.

"Lin Feng, let you take charge, you have to give you a reason to be convinced!" Someone said coldly.

"I just temporarily replaced the ones in charge. After I got the copper piece, I will settle in Qitianbao. I will never take this Qitianbao resident half-step. You can monitor me, and my strength is low, I want to bring It is undoubtedly impossible to leave the copper sheet, so in my life, it is much safer than the Castle of the Nine Palaces."

Lin Feng said faintly, everyone could not help but have a heart, indeed, if they fell in the hands of the Nine Palaces, they could not control it, but in the hands of Lin Feng, Lin Feng could not take it.

"In addition, because my identity is special, if I am in charge, the Nine Great Palace Tianbao must be completely responsible for my safety. If I am assassinated as I am tonight, the Nine Great Palaces have a share, and you can testify for me. In this way, the Nine Palaces can protect me and monitor me. The copper piece is undoubtedly safer. During this period, anyone who gets the fifth piece of copper can ask me to release the four pieces. Copper, open the complete map of the imperial palace, so that is not perfect."

I have to say that Lin Feng’s simple words made the people quite shaken. This seems to be a good choice.

"If the Nine Palaces Tianbao does not agree, it is to want to take a picture of the Imperial Palace." Lin Feng's eyes are cold-eyed. Wang Xiangong wants to speak the white-shoulders, and the scorpion shows a sneer, then he looks at Qin Zheng and Xuan. A few people said, "After today, Qinling Xiangong, Shinto Palace, Qingdi Mountain and Demon Night Island will come. I promise that I will re-enter the four pieces of copper when the four forces are strong. Hand over, and let my demon night island predecessors tell everyone about the general area recorded in this imperial palace, so that even if the fifth piece of copper does not appear, you will at least know what you are!"

"Why are you in charge, not my Qingdi Mountain asks the proud wind to take charge, or Qin Zheng and Xuan Zang." Qi Yunxiao said indifferently.

"Since you have to say that, you will not give in, then each of me will be in charge of an hour, so you are satisfied?" Lin Feng sneered.

"No, Lin brother said that the words are reasonable, so Lin brother is in charge, I will inform the Master, wait for the four major forces such as Qingdi Mountain to come to make decisions." Asking the proud wind knows that there is no need to care who is in charge, Lin Feng does not matter, it is the same.

"I have no opinion." Qin Zheng and Xuanzang also said that there is no need to care too much about who is in charge, Lin Feng can not run.

"If this is the case, then I will trouble the Lin brothers." At this time, everyone finally began to loosen up and let Lin Feng temporarily take charge. It is indeed a better choice. Although there are still many people who are not happy, everyone has already decided this. They are also helpless.

Lin Feng’s eyes were deep and squatting, and she glanced forward and glanced at the people of the Nine Great Palaces. The faint road said: “Today I encountered the Central Emperor’s assassination. Perhaps you think that I am in the Qitianbao Mansion. So killing me can kill Qitianbao, but I have to remind you that once I am in charge of four pieces of copper, if it is still in danger, then it is not the Qitianbao family, the nine major palace days. Fortress has a share, and anyone can participate."

Lin Feng’s words are indeed facts. The nine great palaces and the Tianbao are inseparable from each other. They are secretly intriguing. If there is a chance to use his life to frame Qitianbao, any force is suspect. As for the forces and his Lin Feng, there is no hatred. This is not important, maybe there is, maybe not at all!

"I also hope that there will be no more situations tonight. Therefore, the Nine Palaces of Tiangong Palace still send some strong people to settle here, and guard Lin Feng is safe." Qi Yunxiao said indifferently, these people are all understanding people, who It’s not a fool, you can let others play with the applause.

"You will wait for yourself to discuss this matter!" Lin Feng stretched out his hand and immediately collected all the four pieces of copper. The face was quiet, I am afraid that those people could not guess, and left the Nine Palaces more than a year ago. In the Tianbao area, he has already got a Promise copper piece!

With five pieces of Promise copper in his hand, he was able to spy on the complete Emperor's Palace map under the Promise Palace.

The light in the void was dimmed. Lin Feng took out a mark, and the palm of his hand was fiercely gripped. A virtual shadow appeared in front of him, and it was the imprint of Shen Yuwu’s remaining on him.

"Lin Feng!" Shen Yu Wu Huang saw Lin Feng shouted.

"Yu Shu, the Promise Palace has been shown, but I was assassinated by the Central Emperor, Yu Shu, if I have something here, the Nine Palaces Tianbao, are guilty." Lin Feng said to the **** of the Emperor Wu.

Shen Yu Wu Huang smashed a sharp edge, nodded and said: "You wait for me, if you have an accident, you will be the demon queen, you will visit the Nine Palaces and kill the innocent!"

"Take me to say hello to the demon uncle!" Lin Feng said with a smile, then the shadow of the goddess Wuhuang gradually disappeared and disappeared, but the crowd saw this scene but the Lin Feng was so good, so that the nine celestial I am afraid that the people of Gongtianbao will have to supply him. I did not expect that Lin Feng and many of the demon emperors of the demon night island have a relationship, directly calling the demon, Lin Feng, not easy to provoke!

The strongest people in the Nine Palaces Tianbao have their own thoughts. Whoever wants to assassinate Lin Feng, only they have their own minds, but Lin Feng deliberately summoned the goddess Wu Ying virtual shadow in front of them, they have no chance to kill Lin Feng. It is.

"Jin Chenjun, take me to live in a place!" Lin Feng opened the door to Jin Chenjun.

Jin Chenjun looked at Qi Yunzhen, and saw Qi Yunxiao nodded slightly, then Jin Chenjun looked at Lin Fengdao: "Lin Feng, you come with me!"

After the two left, Qi Yunzhen also made a look at the many strong people beside him. Many people immediately followed Lin Feng’s body, which made people feel that Lin Feng had become a VIP of Qitianbao!

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