Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1567: Promise

After Lin Feng returned to the room, he began to close his eyes and raise his eyes. The Promise copper piece had already arrived. How other people, he was too lazy to pay attention to it, and learned the lesson that was just assassinated. Now he summons the goddess Emperor Wu in front of everyone. He said that if he had an accident, the Nine Great Palaces had a share. He did not believe that there were still people who dared to do it.

Even if there are some people who are speculative and want to shoot him, I believe that the Nine Palaces Tianbao can be solved very well.

The outside world gradually calmed down. Lin Feng unwittingly released the celestial martial arts and threw all the five pieces of copper into the martial arts magical land, and then he took the celestial soul into the body, his martial arts. It is the best storage ring, placed on the martial arts, no one will ever know.

At the moment, on the martial arts magic land, Shen Nian Lin Feng appeared here, looking at the five copper pieces gradually began to gather, condensed into the Palace of the Promise, and under the Imperial Palace, the emperor's palace figure loomed, began to piece together a complete The map of the imperial palace, without any shortcomings, is completely connected.

"A magical piece of land, I don't know where this is." Lin Feng has only been to a few places in the big world. Of course, it is impossible to know the location on the map, but he can feel the land. It’s magical, it seems to be filled with a sense of wonder, standing in four directions, it seems to be divided into four pieces, but it seems to be one. In addition, one place in the map is shining brightly, there is a piece of Nothing, no seeing, nothing is marked.

Lin Feng imprinted it with God. He didn't know where it was, but he could definitely know it. Now he can wait.

"Boom!" At this moment, the shadow of the imperial palace in the void suddenly disappeared, and a light and shadow was revealed. It was the figure of an old man.

This sudden scene made Lin Feng's eyes slightly stiff and shadowed. This is the real meaning of the five pieces of Promise copper pieces. It turned out to be a figure.

This ancient and rare old man’s eyes were so beautiful that his eyes were fluctuating, as if he was looking at Lin Feng.

"Is it the Promise of the Promise of Heaven?" Lin Feng looked a stiff, whispered a question, this ancient and rare old man's figure clearly has a breath of breath, this is the power of the gods left by the other party, saved in the copper film, has never been Scattered.

When I heard Lin Feng’s words, the old man nodded slightly and said, “What do you mean?”

"Lin Feng Lin!" Lin Feng slightly squatted, did not expect to really see the power of the gods of the Promise Emperor.

"I ask you, into the Wuji Emperor Palace, nine deaths, no matter how strong your strength, no luck, still die, you can go." Wuji Tiandi asked faintly.

This makes Lin Feng's brow slightly wrinkled, and nine lives, just by luck!

"Predecessors, the probability of death is too big." Lin Feng asked.

"Hundreds of people go in, only one person can live!" The old man said faintly, the voice is still calm, there is no sway.

"That's the case, I give up, the seniors choose another person." Lin Feng will not deliver his life in the hands of destiny, luck, one hundred people live, this luck, he does not touch.

"Alive people can get my life heritage, don't you go?" The old man said.

"Don't go!" Lin Feng refused again. Even if there is no Promise Temple, he still has the opportunity to achieve the road to the peerless power. There is no need to block his life on it.

"Well, I wish you good luck." The old man faintly nodded, and immediately turned into a light and shadow, and went directly to Lin Feng's head, and did not enter it.

Lin Feng's look was slightly condensed, and then there were some memories in his mind. He peeked at the memories. Lin Feng's eyes suddenly became stiff, and then a bitter smile appeared. The Promise Emperor seemed to be a wonderful person.

"Before the death of the Emperor, the gods were sealed in many pieces of copper, and each piece of copper was torn into five pieces of copper. It was distributed in the vast and endless area. The five pieces of copper were combined to transform the picture of the Promise. And let the power of the Emperor God reunite and reappear in the world. It turns out that the copper piece does not only exist in the Tianbao area of ​​the Nine Palaces!"

Lin Feng whispered, in this vast and innocent continent, many places, there are copper pieces similar to the nine castles in the Tiangong area, as long as the five pieces of copper are collected in those places, the same can be seen in the emperor's palace, find the Promise Emperor Palace, of course, it is not enough to find the Promise Palace. This is the key to the Emperor's Palace.

Is this the Promise of the Emperor of Heaven to find a descendant of death? If it is, many people have the opportunity to inherit the Palace of the Promise. Lin Feng is just one of them. Those people may even have arrived at the place where the Promise Palace is located. Of course, it is also possible that the copper pieces of other regions have not come together. The appearance of the emperor's palace.

In many cases, it is possible to happen.

"Copper!" Lin Feng looked at the front, the pupil narrowed down slightly, and then began to smile. At this moment, five pieces of copper lie quietly there, without any fluctuations, just five ordinary copper pieces. There will be no more images of the Promise Palace and the Emperor Palace.

"How should I explain this?" Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. If he handed over the copper piece, those people would necessarily say that he had lost the copper piece and could not explain it.

Didn’t think too much, Lin Feng once again began to sink into the dream and practice. Since he got the mind, then the Promise Palace is afraid to take a trip. Otherwise, this **** is not wasted, stepping on. Before the Promise Palace, try to make yourself stronger.

In the night of the dream, the second day, the Qingdi Mountain came against the dust, and Lin Feng was called to wake up and summoned.

Here is the site of Qingdi Mountain. It is the first to come first against the dusty Emperor, and since the coming of the Emperor Wu, it is possible to not look at the Imperial Palace.

In a clean courtyard in the Qitianbao station, there are already many figures at the moment. These people didn’t leave at night last night. They always remembered the Wuji Emperor’s Palace. Going to see the dusty Emperor, as if to fear the dusty Emperor alone and Lin Feng get along.

Lin Feng stepped into the courtyard slowly. This is the second time he saw the anti-dust emperor. It is still a temperament a year and a half ago. The change is very small. When he reaches this strength, there will be no big one in a hundred years. Change, unless the strength is stronger, perhaps the temperament will change.

"Lin Feng has seen the predecessors of the dusty Emperor Wu." Standing there, Lin Feng calmly looked at the dusty Emperor, said politely, but never stood.

When he asked him in the past, he hoped to give his controlled brothers a chance, but the refusal of the Emperor to refuse to him, it was equal to breaking the hope. After that, the Emperor Wu and Yu Shu set the agreement. Therefore, Lin Feng believes that he only needs to have a minimum respect for the anti-dust emperor, and he does not have to be too respectful to him.

Of course, the Emperor Wu also noticed this detail, but his look was not fluctuating. He just looked at the youth in front of him calmly. The young man he refused in the past, nowadays, his cultivation has reached the peak of Zunwu, one year. It’s more important to go from Zunwu to the present, but I don’t know how his combat power is.

It is naturally impossible for Qi Yunqi and others to deliberately fight against the dust of Emperor Wu Ming and Lin Feng. The Emperor Wu will not deliberately ask them, so he is not clear.

"The Promise copper piece is in your hand!" A faint voice asked.

"Yes!" Lin Feng nodded.

"Well, show me!" The dusty Emperor calmed down. The slight voice revealed a natural meaning. He came, and the Emperor Palace in the Promise copper film, of course, he had to look.

"Lin Feng thought that the people who waited for the demon night island, the Qinling fairy palace and the Shinto palace all arrived, let's talk about it." Lin Feng knew that he had handed over the copper piece at the moment, and he could not explain clearly that there was nothing inside.

When the dusty Emperor heard Lin Feng’s words, the micro-microwaves finally moved. The brows picked up and the voice improved slightly. “What do you say?”

"Lin Feng thought that the four forces of the demon night island, the Qinling fairy palace and the Shinto palace gathered together, and then look." Lin Feng repeated, suddenly, the space became very quiet, everyone was silent, look at it blankly Lin Feng, this guy, a big courage, against the dust Wuhuang is not the people of the Nine Great Palace, he is the real strong man of the Qingdi Mountain, Lin Feng dare to talk to him like this!

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