Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1565: Imperial palace

"He already has such terrible strength!" Qi Huang felt the trepidation in his heart, and the power of thousands of times, Lin Feng has been in control, which means that the pressure of the Emperor of Wu Emperor is ineffective against Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's speed is as fast as the wind. Lin Feng's attack can break the simple law force.

Qi Huang stared at Lin Feng, who overlooked him. His eyes were very cold, but his heart was shaking. He looked down at the blood marks of his palm. Lin Feng, can already hurt the Emperor!

Although Lin Feng’s strength is just a distance away from defeating a Wu Emperor, after all, when the Emperor Wu’s full attack, it will be terrible, but is Lin Feng’s strength just emerging, is his absolute strength? Lin Feng’s ultimate fighting power is strong, Qi Huang does not know.

Those who watched around didn't know, but they saw that Lin Feng had injured a strong emperor, even though Qi Huang was only a weak emperor, but even if it was weak, it was a rule of law. The strong presence of the throne, the so-called empire under the Emperor Wu, but Lin Feng, but dare to overlook Qi Huang.

"No wonder he dares to be so arrogant, depending on Zhou Tian if the invincible Lord is like nothing, the Emperor Wu can hurt, Zhou Tianru may not have the qualification to be an enemy with him." The crowd thought, Lin Feng’s eyes were from Qi Huang’s The body was removed and looked at the house that was a battlefield.

The battle is still going on. Lin Feng discovered at this moment that not only two pieces of copper appeared, but also a virtual shadow of the Promise Palace appeared in the void, and at this time, the shadow of the three Promise Palaces was in the air. Converging to one, blending into one, turned into an imperial palace, and, under the imperial palace, even a golden map was laid.

The appearance of this map has caused many people who have fought to stop. They have not deliberately won the copper film when the two emperors’ palaces merged. The three meet and they know what might happen. Then there was a scene in front of me.

"The Promise of the Emperor's Palace!" Many people trembled in their hearts. Since this map is suspended below the Imperial Palace, it is very likely that it is the seat of the Empire. Almost everyone's eyes are cast toward the Emperor's Palace, even with Qitian. The people who fought in the battle stopped at this moment because of this unexpected scene.

"This is an accident!" Lin Feng said with a secret voice. This is definitely an accident. Maybe the owner of the copper film did not expect to meet the emperor's palace. The third owner must have seen the two former imperial palaces. At the intersection, the third piece of copper will be taken out to make it meet.

Moreover, even the emperor's palace that is now converging is still incomplete, lacking a corner and a piece in the middle, clearly distinguishing two pieces of copper.

"You, who has the fourth and the fifth piece of copper, I hope to take it out." Someone said with aloud, these three pictures meet together, can't see the whole picture, can't be sure where the prepared area is. .

"I didn't expect the copper piece that I bought inadvertently, and it really was related to the Promise Palace." Lin Feng said in the heart, I am afraid that the old man could not think of it himself, otherwise he would not be so priced on the transaction.

At this time, Lin Feng was considering whether his copper piece should be handed over and let him meet as a complete emperor.

"The fourth piece of copper is in my hand." At this moment, a voice came out, and Qi Yun, who was amazed by Qi Tianbao, said that the eyes of the crowd were all concentrated on Qi Yun's body.

"Since you have a fourth piece of copper, please take it out," someone said.

"Yes, maybe the fourth piece of copper appears, you can find the position of the empire."

Qi Yunzhen heard the words of the crowd, but the scorpion was cold and faint: "Some people have troubled me Qitianbao, but also deliberately slandered me Qitianbao to deal with me, in addition, using means to kill Lin Feng, this situation Under the circumstances, if I take out the fourth piece of copper, who knows what will happen."

"What do you want?" someone asked coldly.

"Everyone gave me back to 10,000 meters. Only people who stayed at Qitianbao here will release the fourth piece of copper. If someone changes, I will immediately put it away." Coldly speaking, many people looked blind.

"Qi Yunzhen, you want to be alone in the palace!"

"If you put it away after reading it, what should you do?"

A voice of the same question asked Qi Yunzhen, without exception, all are dissatisfied, how can they miss the opportunity to see the emperor's map.

"Since you don't trust me, you can have a second method. The masters of the copper pieces will put their respective pieces of copper together. Let us agree on a time to get together. In this way, the chaos will not happen to my Qitianbao. I will not be blamed for the Qitianbao."

Qi Yunying glanced at the crowd and said coldly, the emperor's palace map is already in sight. He may find the position of the Promise Emperor Palace as long as he takes it out, but he can still hold back at this time, but consider the interests of Qitianbao. It shows how calm this person is.


"If Qitianbao doesn't take out the copper piece... Hey!"

A cold sound rang in the night, how could the crowd let go of Qi Yunzhen.

"Oh!" However, at this time, a horrible whistling sound came out, and someone rushed out to one of the pieces of copper.

"You dare!" The crowd saw this scene suddenly, all of them rushed toward the copper. At this time, they had already forgotten to let the emperor show the whole picture. Some people are taking copper pieces. They don't do it. It was late, and at the moment they had only one idea and got the copper.

Qi Yunzhen saw a sneer in the eyes of this scene. He said in the sentence just now that as long as the minds can understand what it means, if you get the copper piece, you can gather together the masters of several pieces of copper to open the emperor. Palace map, why share it with others, but when he said that sentence, many people did not respond, until someone shot them, I am afraid to find out.

Lin Feng looked at Qi Yun's eyes. This guy is very calm and insidious. Now everyone is going to win the copper film, and he has one in his hand. He doesn't need to take it. Someone will find him.

At this time, a vast expanse of gas suddenly came, Lin Feng turned around, and saw the shadows around him have a group of people walking around the empty space, one by one, the vastness and prosperity.

“Hmmm?” Lin Feng glanced at these people and they all arrived. It seems that they were all watching the movie in secret. At this time, they finally couldn’t help but come out. It seems that Qi Yun’s wishful thinking is going to fall.

It turns out that the descendants of this are the strongest of the nine great palaces, and they have come from behind the scenes.

"All stop, get the copper piece and you can't take it away!" asked the Emperor of the Fortress of Tianbao to say something, trembled in the eardrum of the crowd, and sure enough, his voice was very useful, and the people who competed for the copper piece Suddenly it stopped and left a lot of dead bodies on the ground. They didn't argue because they knew that even if they got it, it would be useless and they couldn't get away.

"If you get the copper piece, you will sacrifice the copper piece again, or let everyone see the location of the Promise Palace." The Emperor of the Great Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty also said, two of them have been They got their hands, but at this time they cooperated to throw the copper pieces out again. When they got to their position, they naturally understood when to do what they were going to do. They wouldn’t be in a hurry. In terms of the current situation, they took it out. Undoubtedly the best choice.

Three pieces of copper re-converge, and those people's eyes are cast on Qi Yunzhen, saying: "Qi brother, your copper piece, you take it out!"

"Since everyone is here, this is natural!" Qi Yun said with a smile, very interesting to go forward, throwing out the copper piece, and sure enough, the fourth speed of light began to bloom, another emperor palace fusion, under the Imperial Palace The other corner of the map is also pieced together.

The eyes of the crowd are staring tightly at the map that appears, and the middle is still broken, but still can see the approximate location.

"Impossible!" Suddenly, Bai Shouwu’s mouth spit out a voice, his face was slightly pale, how could it be like this.

The other strong man's look is also a stiff, gazing at the general area, the brows are wrinkled tightly, and their hearts are also playing drums, why is this!

Ps: Found a law, broke out to the back, everyone has no enthusiasm, in fact, to the tenth, there are not many brothers still top, last Friday broke out sixteen, this time fourteen, two days A total of 30, if placed in ten days, can be divided into three more, equivalent to the number of six more than ten consecutive days, how much do not have to say it myself, go to sleep, the brothers have a good rest after reading!

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