Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1454: Real assassination

When Lin Feng stepped on the giant sword, he suddenly felt a glimpse of killing. Huoran turned around. Lin Feng’s eyes seemed to have an accidental accident. The pupil was cold, and that was a slap in the face. Lin Feng ignored it. He did not disperse. Go, but to kill Lin Feng.

"Destroy!" Lin Feng spit out a word, killing the sword outside, but that a strange killing **** thoughts were actually broken into a glimmer of light, directly attached to Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng frowned and glanced at the killing god, which was destroyed, and disappeared directly, as if it had been incorporated into his clothes.

"What kind of means is this?" Lin Feng murmured, which turned into a vanishing point of things that had no lethality, and he could not feel any breath.


Lin Feng’s heart is so speculative that perhaps it may be a kind of tracking technique. Lin Feng didn’t think much about it. When he thought about it, suddenly the giant sword broke through again, and the whistling sound rolled like a thunder and went straight to the direction of the sword city.

When Lin Feng descended to the sword city, he slightly reduced some of his body shape. At this moment, the virtual air seemed to have a wonderful sound, rolling into his eardrum, as if it was a killing sound, and it seemed to be in his life. This inexplicable sound is very wonderful, and Lin Feng feels a little upset.

Standing on the top of the giant sword, Lin Feng clung to the mind, his eyes were calm, his robe fluttered, and he was ready to fight as if he had read it out. It seems that as he had guessed, he was traced, and the people of the Emperor League. It seems to lock him up.

The sound of the killing of the slain continued to float into the ear, and it was getting louder and louder. It seemed that the whole world was playing the sound of killing, and Lin Feng stood under the clear sky and bathed in the light of the sun, but with a slap in the face, He actually felt the bitter cold, as if he was killing the land in the depths, as cold as nine.

"Awesome sound wave technique, is this to be with the heavens and the earth?" Lin Feng’s heart secretly said that this sound wave followed him, as if he was coming from the rolling air, playing in the heavens and the earth, it seems to be faint The world is playing together, and the sound of resonance.

Calm eyes looked down, I saw the crowd still moving, walking in the avenue, enjoying the warmth of the sun, this killing sound, and the world resonate, but it seems only for him alone.

The heart gradually breeds a killing, as if the cold is killing the hell, the sound of the sound is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems to kill his will. The meaning of killing is raging in his body, rampaging, as if it is real. Killing power.

Lin Feng sits cross-legged, the white robe flutters still, the mouth spits out a wonderful sound, suddenly the power of the natural curse, shrouded his own body, purifying the sound to expel the sound of killing, turning into a wonderful curse, invading himself In the body, expelling the heart of the killing, as if to make everything calm.

The power of the curse is profound and profound. It is not only a curse that contains attack and killing. It also has the power to purify the curse and other curses. It can be added to itself, the spirit of the four meetings, the sound of the eight meetings, the chapter of nature, and the infinite use. Practice to the extreme, you can even sit on the ground, the dead body is reborn, and the reborn is still alive.

At this moment, Lin Feng uses a purifying spell to make the soul quiet and curse the power of all evils.

The spirit is tight, the Lingtai is clear, and Lin Feng seems to have pure white light. The outside world can't penetrate into his eardrum, and it can't be ravaged in him.

The heavens and the earth seem to be quiet, the sun is warm again, quiet and peaceful, but at this time, the giant sword of Lin Feng’s driver has stopped, and it is set in the void, and the rolling tidal wave is fierce, just like real scary. The fierce monster, rolling from the eight sides to Lin Feng, this terrible murderous, is even more terrible than Lin Feng’s questioning outside.

Since the Emperor League has locked Lin Feng and is ready to assassinate him, then obviously, he has some understanding of Lin Feng’s strength. If it is not those who are really powerful and terrible killers want to kill Lin Feng, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream.

"Oh..." On the top of the sky, a fascinating light suddenly appeared, and the murderous murderousness swept down. A sword awn was so dazzling. When Lin Feng looked up, he saw a round of sun shining in his eyes. The other side uses the light of the sun to block his vision, and the sword of the kill is lightning fast, and only one breathing time can kill him.

"Kill!" Lin Feng spit out a word, the power of the death curse was fiercely saved, and there was a magical weapon in the sky. At the same time, the sword whispered in the air, and Lin Feng turned into a sharp sword, and the whole body was smashed. The eye-catching swordsman, the sword of the sky, broke into the air, and assassinated toward the other's sword, it was almost unbelievable.

"Hey, hey!" Behind him, the terrible murderousness suddenly came. This time, Lin Feng’s body seemed to be locked by a horrible chilly air, very cold, as if to freeze his body, contrary to the smell of the killer in the sky. One is as bright as the scorching sun, and the other is as cold as frost.

There was another humming sound. There were countless swordsmen in front of them, and they shot at Lin Feng. A white figure danced in the void. It was like an extremely beautiful woman dancing like a sword. It was intoxicating and unable to extricate themselves. This is the sword of magic. The power of a illusion is faster than the sword, and it is assassinated by Lin Feng.

This time the killer, Lin Feng killed two people too much, each one is a real elite killer, Lin Feng only feels that every place on the body seems to be locked, any of his subtle movements will affect each other The angle of the sword changes.

"Let's be the end of the world!" Lin Feng spit out a voice, suddenly appeared in the void of the road, the three killed to Lin Feng, but found himself as if he could never touch Lin Feng's body.

"Hey!" A figure took the lead from the end of the world, is the killer who is good at illusion of power, a woman, with a charming smile in the eyebrows, screaming and screaming, Lin Feng seems to have an illusion, a beautiful woman is dancing sword, Slowly faded off his clothes.

However, at this time, in Lin Zhu's dark pupil, there was a cold smile. This level of magical technique is far worse than the charm of Iraqi tears.

"Kill!" Lin Feng's magic eyes suddenly shot a magic light, so that the woman's look trembled, the pair of glamorous eyes suddenly did not have the look of the moment, the gas of death continued to penetrate through her pupils, Lin Feng’s sword smashed out and suddenly the blood bloomed. The woman was directly smashed her head.

"Hey!" A terrible sword of killing appeared again. After the woman died, there was another woman in the same white who seemed to be separated and assassinated Lin Feng. At this moment, the two men were close at hand, and the horrible swordsman stabbed Lin Feng’s throat. It’s too late to dodge.

"Amazing means!" Lin Feng, he can be sure that he has already married the man, but this person seems to lean over the woman just now, killing him.

"Hey!" The screaming voice of Haotian trembled in the heavens and the earth, and a horrible mad tyrant's illusion appeared in Lin Feng.

In the midst of this situation, Lin Feng didn't even dare to use the power of space robes to break into the void. He was afraid of this kind of cofferdam situation. Once he appeared from the void, he would be killed by these killings. .

"Boom!" The world trembled, Lin Feng’s palm went toward killing the sword, and the palm seemed to be not his palm, but the savage demon’s big-handed man, bigger than the other’s body, able to kill the killer directly. Compressed and died. The horrible sword stabbed into the palm of the madman, but it was not able to destroy it.

"嗡, 嗡, 嗡!" In the void, there are four killers in succession, directly spurting Lin Feng from four different directions. At this moment, Lin Feng is particularly small and small, and all sides are enemies. They are all powerful killers. From them to Lin Feng The assassination that was launched seems to be able to infer how terrible the true strength of the Emperor League.

All the killing forces that destroyed everything went to Lin Feng, and there was no solution at all. Under this situation, he could not even take advantage of the space robes to take away. The means was not a real teleport, but directly borrowed from the powerful space. Force makes the position move in a moment that is short to negligible, but at this moment, the killing of the eight sides, an invisible killing storm will cover the void and cannot be removed.

Ps: Today is a one-man double commander, thank you!

Thanks for the wind and the reward of the works 300,000 by the wave of coins; Le Duoduo rewards the works 50000 by the wave of money; 15601875556 rewards the works of 50000 by the wave of money; love for the no regrets reward works 100 by the wave; 464361581 reward works 100 by wave Currency; evil spirits (rain marks) reward works 1888 by wave of money; wuwg6388 rewards works 100 by wave of money; Li Yuyu rewards works 100 by wave of money; 15235179427 rewards works 588 by wave of coins, thank you

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