Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1455: Rhythm matchup

The seven killers will be surrounded by eight sides, and the endless killing will be converged into a terrible net of killing, and Lin Feng will be torn apart. This horrible assassination will be such a strong force that Lin Feng will not have a little life.

"Void emptiness." Lin Feng whispered in the heart, the whole person with the power of the emptiness robes, broke into the void space, as if disappearing out of thin air.

The seven killers saw that this face had never changed. The sword curtain was compiled into a net of loneliness, humming in the void, as long as Lin Feng appeared, instantly tearing and killing.

When Lin Feng appeared, the horrible exquisite sacred spirit of the body was madly provoked. When the sword was shrouded and the life was to be captured, Lin Feng’s mouth spit out a cold voice: “Netherness, how to do it!”

At this moment, Lin Feng’s body seemed to sag into the void space. The void was all in disorder. The curtain of the horrible tearing sword came, and the void was torn and destroyed, but it did not hurt Lin Feng. Lin Feng still There, but as if it is no longer in the same space as the people, it seems to apply the power of the void to the extreme, as the ultimate meaning, to avoid entering the void space.

The look of the seven killers has finally changed slightly. Just now, Lin Feng’s emptiness is based on the holy device, but this time, it is the real power of magical power. This is the ultimate strength of the righteousness.

Of course, Lin Feng is unlikely to have the ultimate meaning, but he combines the power of the exquisite sacred spirit with the power of the emptiness of the emptiness, urging the world in the strongest form, making himself truly enter the illusory space of the world, and the other seven swords have been stabbed. In the middle of him, but as far away as the end of the world, no longer on the same void level.

This moment of intrusion into the void will not kill Lin Feng, the horrible void storm suddenly gathered together, Lin Feng with the twisted space skyrocketing, a dazzling light suddenly blooms, is such a dazzling But it is filled with the true meaning of death.

A figure was directly opened, and it was the figure above Lin Feng. It was smashed by Lin Feng’s sword, and Lin Feng’s deity rushed to the sky, highlighting the encirclement, standing on the void, overlooking the killer figure under the sky. The eyes are cold to the extreme.

The six killers under the air looked cold, looked up at the empty figure, and the scorpion was covered with cold, so that he would be killed by a blow.

"Hey!" The six people's bodies retreated at the same time, and their figures gradually became illusory, as if they were to blend with the air and disappear completely.

"Awesome means!" Lin Feng looks a stiff, this means seems to be the means jointly owned by the Emperor and the Allies, hidden, the occult ability of horror, all the breath disappeared, as if there is no one at all, or integrated into the space .

"I shoot, you kill!" At this time, Lin Feng's ear came a figure, let Lin Feng's eyes slightly stiff, then he found that there was a person beside him, the robes shrouded the whole body, with a fight, look Unclear his face, in his hands, has a striking bow and arrow.

"Good!" Lin Feng nodded slightly, but also the watchman, but not the one just now, but they are too similar, the dress is exactly the same, the voice is hoarse, the only thing that makes Lin Feng know that this is another watchman, they The height of the watchman seems to be slightly shorter.

The watcher Zhang bowed, the arrow went empty, and shot in a large direction of the void. Almost at the moment when the arrow broke, Lin Feng’s body also moved, like the wind, the whole person seemed to be like Turn into illusion.

"Hey, hey!" In the void of space, a dazzling sword stabbed the arrow, but there was a more awkward sword that almost bursted out with his sword. The sword shot from this sword instantly swallowed ten. The distance between the feet and the destruction of everything, the appearance of the appearance was pale, and then the sword was born and died.

The wind passed, and the figure of the watchman came to Lin Feng. Another arrow was broken. In front of him, there was a rolling air that rolled toward him.

Lin Feng snorted and slammed a sword in the same place. The sword went with the arrow, and it was almost unbelievable. The dead air and the void were to be cut off. Although these killers were assassinated, the band was exposed to face-to-face. Fighting with Lin Feng is not a level at all. The watchman guides Lin Feng with arrows and Lin Feng kills the sword of death. The blood splashes in the void, and one person dies.

"They are at large!" The scorpion behind the veil of the watchman seems to have a golden awn, seeing all the illusions, the eyes of the squadron of the squadron, in front of their eyes, the killer of the squadron If you want to get into the void, you have nothing to lose.

This time, there were three arrows on the bow of the watchman, and at the same time, they went to the three major directions and it was almost unbelievable.

Lin Feng’s body shape just had to step out, at this time, the horrible sound of Xiao Xiao’s screaming through the eardrum, and pouring into his body with the void, the horrible feeling of killing fell again, not only him, the watchman It was also eroded by the sound of killing, and the bows and arrows in the hands were slightly stiffened, and then the bows in the hands slowly fell down, watching the air flowing in front of them.

"Seven kills are coming!" The hoarse voice of the watchman sounded, and then at the end of the rolling airflow, there was a figure appearing. The figure was wearing a green robes and his hands were holding Xiao, and the sound of the killing was from that snoring. Passed out in the middle.

"Good flowing figure!" Lin Feng said in the heart, the opposite person seems to come by the wind, stop at the distance of his kilometer, still help and play, no one, no one, Tsing Yi robes move with the wind.

Lin Feng has seen several people who have killed seven people. They are not the same as ordinary killers. They are very strong. They really have strong tyrannical strength and talents. For example, the white autumn fall of the West Wilderness Pavilion seems to be one of the seven kills. His Power and talent are beyond doubt.

Seven kills should be the seven killers that the Emperor of the Emperor League has cultivated. They have already died a few people, and they have been so many years since they first appeared. Lin Feng has become stronger, and the strength of the seven kills is unknown. It is also stronger.

Several other killers appeared again, did not continue to hide, appeared in the side of the seven kills, staring coldly at Lin Feng and the watchmen, so they failed to kill Lin Feng, or have to kill seven shots.

"Lin Feng!" The sound of the seven kills rolled out and poured into the body of Lin Feng with the murderousness. Lin Feng’s eyes were calm and the dark and cool pupils seemed to have a spring and nine secluded from the dark area, the sound of the spring water flowing. Infiltrating, gradually turning into the meaning of nine secluded, an invisible wave runs through the other's body and penetrates into the other's body.

The same is the phonology, the other is the seven killing, Lin Feng is the nine secluded, the whole piece of the void, as if there are two kinds of invisible sound waves rolling in the air, colliding in the void.

If it is a simple essay, the seven killing songs can of course not be compared with Lin Feng’s nine secluded magical songs. It’s just that Lin Feng’s understanding of the nine secluded magical songs and comprehension is still relatively weak. Moreover, his sound waves are arrogant and not strong, so instead There is a situation of being suppressed, but even if it is suppressed, the nine secluded songs seem to be getting stronger and stronger, extremely overbearing, and the magical songs also contain the power of the devil. The magic book is mad, ignoring everything, the more the war, the more brave, to the back, seven When the songs and the nine secluded magical songs simultaneously ignited the emptiness of the emptiness, it seems that there are two invisible terrorist forces covering the whole world of the void. In the middle of the space between Lin Feng and the other party, there seems to be a sinister rhythm fluctuation. If someone walks in at the moment, they may even be killed by the temperament.

The figure of the Seven Kills moved, and Lin Feng stepped out and helped the shackles. When he stepped out, it seemed as if the whole temperament of the heavens and the earth was rolling forward, and he moved with him.

"The use of the world is terrible!" Lin Feng was shocked, his pupils were cold, and he looked directly at the other side. The double magic shadow appeared at the same time, and his roar continued. His footsteps also stepped forward and wrapped up the power of the general trend. The whole piece of temperament space is also pressed forward, and the more horrible, as if to burst open.

"Kill!" Seven kills screamed, suddenly will be picked up, the body step by step forward, suddenly the whole piece of void into a huge force, crazy pressure Lin Feng, the ruined temperament storm seems to burst.

"Retired!" Lin Feng said to the watchman, the seven kills do not know that it is the first kill, repaired as a terrible, respectful martial arts, and the control of the world's general trend is a curse, if it is converted into actual If I attack multiples, I am afraid that there are 20 times more terrible attacks. At this moment, he wrapped up the whole trend and stepped toward himself. How confident is it, step by step, like Lin Feng, mortal.

Strong, not ordinary, such a person can definitely kill the ordinary Zunwu Jiuzhong people. It is no wonder that all the way, he can feel that the slashing law continues to penetrate his body into his body, even in Did not show up before, until the eight killer assassination failed, he personally came out to kill Lin Feng.

The forces of the horror of the Emperor Huang’s alliance have really not wanted to keep him in this world.

The horror of the horror is attached to Lin Feng. Lin Feng’s body seems to have swelled up, and the mad roar screams. At this moment, Lin Feng, the incarnation of a demon king, continues to step out.

"It's going to burst!" The killers of the watchmen and the Emperor's League all retreat, and the space has to burst, as if it has reached a tipping point.

A whistling whistle came out, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be turned into silence at this moment. The whole piece of emptiness finally burst, and the terrible killing temperament and the nine secluded sounds penetrated Lin Feng and the body of the seven slays, and the sound of the bang burst, Lin Feng The shadow behind him was broken, and the screaming madmen were all gone, and Lin Feng’s body was smashed through the slashing laws. He snorted and spilled a blood in his mouth. At this moment, he had a feeling of dying. It was killed by the invisible killing of the living rhythm.

The body of the Seven Kills has a magical moment at the moment, and there is a magic light in the scorpion, which is the product of the birth of the melody of the Nine Monsters.

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