Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1453: Anti-kill

"I haven't seen the watcher's figure for a long time!" Lin Feng murmured. At the moment of the millennium, he asked Tiange to be assassinated by two people. It is very likely that he will die. The watchman even shot the arrow of the watch, breaking the void. Penetrate the other's body and kill the nail.

"This should be the watcher of the day song!" Lin Feng is more and more curious about the watchman. He has always been guarding the side of the song, and has not been discovered, and he seems to have a watcher himself. Well, have you always followed the left and right, just hiding behind you?

If this is the case, then the stealth ability of the watchman is too horrible.

"Not only the watchmen, but also the killers. I have been waiting outside the door of the house. This is how arrogant the assassination!" Lin Feng’s heart was stunned, the wind whistling in the distance, the sound of the air was rolling, and it’s awesome. It was the asking of the old man and some of the strong inquiries, and the sight of the killed killer was cold, and there was a smothering of the killing.

"It’s so rampant!" Asked the old lady to scream and dance long. Here is his question, the royal family, some people waiting for the assassination at the door, to kill him and ask the outstanding descendants, this is how arrogant, It’s a shameful humiliation. I’m almost assassinated and asked Tiange, and I will ask Tiange to kill it.

Asked Tiange that there is a cold sweat, the strength of the other party is not strong, but the one that will kill is too beautiful.

"Look there!" At this time, ask a strong man to point to the scorpio, only to see above the void, the sly golden characters flashing, and it is a huge killing, and this huge killing There is also a strong scent of killing, printed on the void, and countless people around this moment are looking up and looking at it, in the heart of the stunned, the emperor alliance, so mad, to ask the family door to release the word kill.

Asked the old man to wave long sleeves, suddenly the horrible killing of the Olympics turned into a dazzling sword of killing, blasting on the killing word, murderous burst, suddenly broken words, slowly dissipated in the air, but let the people who ask The heart is covered with a haze, and his face is ugly. After asking Tiange and asking Ao Xue, he may often encounter such a terrorist attack.

"Old Master, these three killers come here, there is no plan to live, there are dead thoughts." At this time, one person whispered to the old lady who asked the old man, the old man looked through the cold, there is no such old state The closeness of the person, but the awe-inspiring atmosphere of the superior, is very strong, and the breath is vast, just like a beast, the temperament of life.

"Indeed, they are assassinating outside the house, and they are destined to die!" Lin Feng also understood that when the killer appeared, their fate was actually doomed, and they must die, so their only purpose was to assassinate themselves. The life is irrelevant.

"Thank you for helping me, and thank me for the father of watch!" Asked the old man to nod to the watchman.

"Should!" The watchman's voice was low and hoarse, and the fight was tilted forward. It was a beheading of the old lady. Then he left and disappeared. It didn't take long for him to disappear. Lin Feng looked at his back and revealed a sense of doubt. He really left. ?

"Father of watch!" Lin Feng whispered in the heart, is there such a person?

What kind of existence is the watchman, and who is the father of watch, another martial artist in the eight wilderness? Hidden behind the curtain, no one knows?

"Old man, who is the father of watch?" Lin Feng asked the old man, and did not know if the old man knew.

"I don't know who the guardian is!" Asking the old man to look at Lin Feng's eyes, there is no such thing as icy cold, but with a faint smile: "However, the father of watchman cultivated The watchman, but specializes in enemies with the Emperor of the Emperor, and passed down from generation to generation. Perhaps the father of the watch is passed down from generation to generation, and perhaps only one person from the beginning to the end!"

"It's very mysterious." Lin Feng heard the old man's words and laughed. No one knows who the guardian is, maybe it has always been a person, or perhaps a generation passed down.

"Yes, it is mysterious. Perhaps the father of watch is a hidden martial artist in the eight wilderness. Or maybe he is one of the eight kings of the wild, belonging to a certain imperial power, but no one knows, everything is possible. "Ask the old man to speak again, he knows more than the average person knows."

In the eight wilderness, the legends of the watchmen have always been circulated. Their guardians are qualified to become the martial arts people, and may even prove their sins with them. There are also rumors that they are all natural enemies with the Emperor and the Emperor, but they really know I don't think there is much truth, and asking the old man's mouth to speak is naturally more convincing than the saying of the eight wilderness.

In short, more and more confusing, for most people, they will never be able to reach the real answer, they can only circulate all kinds of rumors, even if they ask the old man, they can not know the insider, visible His mysterious degree.

Lin Feng nodded, no longer asked more questions, and asked the old man again to ask: "Old lady, Lin Feng said goodbye!"

"Lin Feng, the beginning of the killing of the Emperor's League, it is better to ask the family to live some time." Asked the old man to say, Lin Feng is definitely the killing target of the Emperor League, just the other two killed and asked Tiange to kill Lin Feng, because After they shot, they judged that it was easier to get a killing of Tiange, so the person in the sky decided to give up Lin Feng and ask Ao Xue, killing Tiange, but there is no doubt that all three of them are the Emperor League. The goal, they have stepped out of the ancient battlefield.

"I will face it sooner or later, there is nothing to avoid." Lin Feng said with a smile: "Old man, you, leave!"

Lin Feng said, turned and sneaked away, asked the old man to look at Lin Feng's back, the scorpion still with a smile, said: "Lin Feng he is very confident!"

"He does have the qualification of self-confidence. When he is inside, the golden-winged Dapeng wearing the imperial wing is chased by him. He can't help him." Asking Tiange whispers, the golden-winged Dapeng bird is draped in the imperial device. When the wings were too terrible, speed, attack, and defense were all powerful, but they were suppressed by Lin Feng’s curse. They were almost killed by Lin Feng and Hou Qinglin. When they came out of the ancient battlefield, they were dying. Erosion is great.

After Lin Feng left the house, he sacrificed a giant sword. He did not go in the direction of the eight wilderness. This time, the target is another city in the middle of the four ancient cities, Jiancheng.

Lin Feng plans to go to the sword city to see the old man of the sword. When the sword is gone, I don’t know if I have returned to the sword.

In the sky, the sword swells, the sword is still accompanied by the sound of the wind and thunder, quite harsh, the speed is too fast, piercing the air, the birth of the thunder.

At this time, the speed of the rolling clouds around is terrible, as if following Lin Feng’s movement, or even faintly into a human form. This scene makes Lin Feng’s brow slightly wrinkled, and then the scorpion is covered with cold light, and it’s still killing people. It seems that they When the assassination asked the Tiange, it was already a lot of eyeliner in the ancient city of Tianxu. This alliance seems to be a terrible organization.

"Can catch up with it!" Lin Feng sneered, driving the giant sword crazy, using the fastest speed, the rolling humanoid cloud was left behind, and was quickly thrown away by Lin Feng.

Immediately, two humanoid clouds were turned into human figures, and they clearly appeared in the void, and the eyes stared coldly at the disappearing giant sword, which was lost.

"Who!" At this time, one of them only felt that the hair was erected, and the body suddenly wanted to escape from the place, but saw a squeaking sound coming out. A sharp sword directly broke one of the heads. , crucified him alive.

The other person saw that the scene was stiff, and the body suddenly pushed away toward dodge, staring at the sharp sword that broke out of the throat, and saw that the sword was radiant, dazzling, and faintly ambiguous. Power is flowing from it.

"Who is it!" Another killer sneaked coldly, and his body was filled with madness.

"You are not a killer, how can you be hunted and not even know where anyone is!" A cold cold sound rang from the ear of the man, causing his heart to tremble suddenly, wanting to escape, but see a pair The horror of the magic road is lightning fast, and instantly grabs his throat and puts him in the void.

"Lin Feng!" The man was pale and stared at the suddenly appearing figure. It turned out that they were tracking Lin Feng. The giant sword clearly went away, but he appeared silently here.

"It seems that in addition to killing people, other aspects are really not very good, and they are easily hunted." Lin Feng sneered: "Tell me, what kind of organization is the Emperor League?"

Lin Feng’s voice fell, and the pupil suddenly became dark and pierced into the pupil of the other side. It was terrible and seemed to destroy the will of the other party.

"Boom!" Lin Feng only felt a pain in his eyes, as if the will to penetrate the pupil of the other side was strongly attacked, which made his dark scorpion more cold, staring at each other, in the other's mind. There is a glimpse of power in the minds of others.

"Haha, I am not very good, but I am just an ordinary killer. Seven kills, there are stronger people, they will kill you, Lin Feng, you will die!" The man laughed and then slammed a slight The sound of the sound came out, and his thoughts seemed to be broken, and he was directly erased and died.

"It turns out that if these people fail, even if they don't want to die, there is a killing **** that has always existed in their minds!" Lin Feng's eyes were cold, and the body in his hand was taken out, and the giant sword returned. Lin Feng set foot on the giant sword and continued on!

Ps: I want to lie to both flowers so hard, I commit suicide! !

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