Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1452: Assassination and watch

Asked the old man to hear Lin Feng's questioning a slight stagnation, the scorpion seems to have a deep meaning, seeing this look, Lin Feng's heart fretting, it seems that the old lady is aware.

"What do you think?" asked the old lady, laughing.

Lin Feng looked at the old man's deep smile and took a deep breath. He already had an answer in his mind.

"The Holy City, Zhongzhou!" Lin Feng mouth spit out a few words, in fact, his heart has been somewhat unsolved, why the ancient battlefield is the snow moon projection, why the snow moon country appeared in the tomb of the emperor and the demon emperor trace, the home of the demon emperor It is the snow moon, why is it, he entered the temple, except for a few people, where other people come from, all kinds of problems, and sometimes will linger in Lin Feng’s mind.

"Since there is an answer in my heart, why do I need to ask more." Asking the old lady to sleep with a drink, said with a smile, no doubt admitted Lin Feng's guess.

In the summer, it is from the people of the holy city. He challenges many forces, one does not let go, but no one hinders him. Is there any secret behind this?

"People in the holy city can easily set foot on my eight-year-old, and the eight-day-old people need to exchange their life for the key to the state of the holy city?" Lin Feng asked again, but he asked the old lady to smile and shook his head. "It's not as simple as you think. The Central City of the Holy City will only be in this year's time, and many people will enter the eight wilderness!"

"From the end of the ancient battlefield in the wilderness to the year when we stepped into the middle of the holy city!" Lin Feng looked a little stagnation and asked the old man to talk in his words. In fact, he has been quite confused, why is there a buffer time of this year? Is it not the same to get the qualifications directly to the state of the holy city? This year will certainly not be a private matter for them!

"Yes." Asked the old man to smile and nodded.

"So, not only is there a single person in the summer?" Lin Feng shot a sharp man in the eyelids and asked the old man that he had just said that there would be many people in the eight.

"Nature is not limited. Just as you walked, there have been many people who have made a name for themselves, and they have made a name for themselves!" asked the old man with a smile.

Lin Feng was quite surprised. He only walked for only seven or eight days. Someone started to make a name for himself. It is obviously a very powerful person. Otherwise, it is not enough to attract the attention of the eight wilderness.

"Of course, they will disappear into our sights after one year. Therefore, they are only passing passengers for the Eighths!" Ask the old man to say with a smile, Lin Feng understands the other party's meaning, if not he is now Standing at this height, I am afraid that the old man will not talk to him about this matter. There is everything about the state of the Holy City. These big powers seem to have some taboos and rarely mention them.

"Is the old man going to the holy city of Zhongzhou?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"I have been there, but I am back?" The old man smiled casually, and the smile was worth pondering.

"Why?" Lin Feng asked in confusion.

"When I am older, that place is not suitable for me!" asked the old man to say lazily. The scorpion seems to have a self-deprecating smile. This expression makes Lin Feng quite confused, but asks the old man not to say anything more. Lin Feng naturally will not ask.

"I hope that you and Tiange and Aoxue will be able to pass, but there may be some resistance, but I believe it will be overcome." Asking the old man seems to be a bit drunk, the tone seems to be more and more casual. It makes people feel very kind, like Lin Feng sees his younger generation, invisibly close the distance.

This kind of character is easy to get drunk. I have to say that I ask the old lady, the old monster of more than four hundred years old, to be very savvy, and inadvertently become more intimate with Lin Feng, and draw a young man with unlimited potential. Obviously there is only good benefit and no harm.

God and Lin Feng chatted a few topics, the cloud light wind and light will not appear dull, always let Lin Feng feel the other party's goodwill, not much, but fine, so that Lin Feng feels at home.

Feeling almost, Lin Feng also proposed to leave, asked the old man not to say more, just ask Tiange and ask Ao Xue to send, smiled and said: "All young people, you can walk closer and close."

"Old Grandpa, Lin Feng said goodbye." In the slightest hand of the old man, Lin Feng immediately went away, asked Tiange and asked Ao Xue to be with him, flicking away from the direction of asking the home.

Although the house of the house is very vast, but still less than a moment, Lin Feng three people have already come to the outside of the house, Lin Feng turned back to ask Ao Xue and asked Tiange a smile, said: "Send a thousand miles, the end must Don't, please come back!"

"Well, Lin brother take care!" asked Tiange to nod to Lin Feng, and asked Ao Xue to smile.

At this time, there is a faint voice that screams into the ears of Lin Feng and others, as if coming from the void, a horrible horror suddenly bursts out, Lin Feng only feels like being locked by the terrible fierceness. The next moment, the killing of Haotian is like the same tide of the Tianhe River. It is necessary to tear the body of Lin Feng into a crush. This killing is terrible, and Lin Feng’s three lives.

"Hey!" Over the sky, a dazzling light suddenly burst out, it is Jianguang, this fierce sword will cover all three, as if in the void, the strange arc, suddenly the whole space seems to be Turned into a terrible killing whirlpool, and Lin Feng three, all in this whirlpool, as long as the sword, all three will die, a sword to three people.

This sword is too sudden, and the speed is too fast. It is too late to attack. Lin Feng, the three of them are like a flaming mountain. In an instant, the fierce eruption, Lin Feng’s sword is raging, the magic cloud is rolling, and the sky song and question are asked. On the body of Ao Xue, it is the temperament of killing life.

"Be careful behind!" Lin Feng's eyes suddenly swept to ask Tiange and ask Ao Xue, behind him, a dazzling killing swordsman appeared from nothingness, to the point of incredible, this sword did not kill Ao Xue Instead, it directly stabs to ask Tiange, the goal is very clear, only one person, ask Tiange.

"Back!" Almost at the same moment, asked Ao Xue also shouted at Lin Feng, of course, do not need to ask Ao Xue to shout out Lin Feng also felt, there is also a terrible fierce murderous behind him, three , constitutes the perfect lore, no doubt, this is the killer, the real killer, hidden so terrible, and with such perfect.

The man above is covered with three swords, but in fact this sword can't kill people. The real killer only kills one sword, but the sword has already given the three people too strong threat, so that the two behind them The sword is even more terrible and more deadly.

Lin Feng’s face was slightly pale in the blink of an eye. In his mind, there were countless thoughts flashing in a flash. He could hide this sword because he had space robes and could break into the void in an instant, but asked the Tiange not the same. The speed of a sword is too fast, and the timing of the sword is too terrible. Lin Feng does not deny the power of Tiange, but if you are strong, there is still one that can still kill you, the killer, the real assassin killer!

And the killing in front of you is undoubtedly such a superior killer!

"Hey!" Although Lin Feng and Tiange’s distance are very short, he can’t help each other at this moment. Everything can only be answered by Tiange himself. His mind is moving, his body sinks into nothingness, as if suddenly It disappeared, almost at the moment he disappeared, the sword stabbed on his body, but there was no one who stabbed him.

When Lin Feng disappeared, he asked the murderous meaning of the murder of Tiange, and the horrible power of the emptiness made his body seem to be distorted, and the space was confused.

"Oh..." The sword pierced into the chaotic space and was unable to extricate itself. At almost the same moment, the sword of the man above was also decisively stabbed in the sky, asking Tiange that it had all the power. Used to avoid the attack just now.

"Hey!" A dazzling golden glare came, it was a light of arrows, a dazzling killing arrow. This arrow shot directly on the sword on the top of the song, the power of horror The sword tilted and leaned toward the front of the head of the Tiange. The killer's face remained unchanged. It seems that there is nothing that can kill him and ask the heart of the song to fluctuate. His sword turns slightly and wants to kill the song again. But ask Ao Xue's sword of killing has also been stabbed, the sword is screaming, the sword of killing and the sword of the other side are together, the tip of the sword is facing the tip of the sword.

"Breaking!" asked Ao Xue to scream, the horrible killing of the righteous force of madness was released, the other's swords were folded, and then a sound came out, the killer's body suddenly flew out, an arrow wearing The throat passed and took his life.

"Kill!" At this moment, Lin Feng also screamed, and the horrible killing of the magic boxing directly smashed the figure around him, the other side is a pure killer, the most fierce blow is the shot of the shot, This blow did not succeed, and was immediately killed by Lin Feng.

At the same time, Tiange also killed another killer. Although it was not solved in an instant, but the moment of killing the sword, the whole piece of void is a sword field. Finally, his sword will kill the other side, but kill The death party’s questioning Tiange did not mean any joy. Although he took the initiative to kill each other sooner or later, the other party let him kill.

If the assassination fails, he will die. This killer is terrible.

Lin Feng’s gaze looked toward the distant one. The man with the arrow in his hand, the black robes shrouded his body, with a brawl and a veil, covering his face, and he was a watchman.

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