Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1441: New sea of ​​clouds

Today's Yunhaizong can be called Xinyun Haizong. There are not many old people. Only Lin Feng has saved some of it from the old imperial city. Some of them are good people in the Red Blood Legion. These are the core strengths of Yunhaizong. The elders of this hole and the elders of Lin later joined Yunhaizong and became the elders of the outer door.

When they saw the extraordinary temperament of the two young people, they first looked at each other. The two young people in front of them just looked at them casually and could feel their unusualness. Perhaps their age is not necessarily better than in the Fengyun Canyon. The experienced disciples are big, but the clouds are light and windy. The clear sea scorpion seems to have experienced a lot, especially the clean youth sitting there, although not as beautiful as the people behind him, but More out of a bit of meaning.

Lin Feng looked up and looked at the two people. The two elders are high-ranking basaltic, quite good. If it was in the past, this level of power is already the peak force of Yunhaizong.

The two elders saw Lin Feng’s gaze. They only felt that they were all seen through, as if they were completely naked/exposed in front of each other. There was no secret. This feeling made their hearts beat and horrible. Young strong.

"He is..." Confucius suddenly thought of the statue he had seen outside Yangzhou City. He couldn't help but shrink his body. The body trembled a little and whispered and asked: "You are, Lin... Maple! ”

"Lin Feng!" Another elder heard the words and felt only a slight tremor. The eyes stared at the young man in front of him. This is a character who can easily kill the legendary sage.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded. The two elders trembled in their hearts, and the breath seemed to be a little short. Such a legendary figure stood in front of them. It is impossible to say that it is not nervous, although Lin Feng is younger than them. A lot, but the heights of the two sides are completely different. In Xueyueguo, Lin Feng is a legend.

"Lin Feng Zongzhu!" The two men are deeply confronted with Lin Feng to show respect. Although the current Yunhai Zongzong is not Lin Feng, Lin Feng used to be the lord when he rebuilt Yun Haizong. They called this lord, no one would say them. .

"Children, Lin Fengzong came back to see you coming!" Kong Elder turned and raised his arms, shouting at the Fengyun Canyon, as if Lin Feng came to see them, it was a supreme glory.

Lin Feng saw that the elders of the hole had squatted down, but even though they were relieved, they smiled calmly. He did not feel anything when he stood here, but in the eyes of the other party, it was completely different, just like when he saw a respect in his basaltic and spiritual martial arts. It is definitely a legendary figure, and it is high above. Moreover, his significance to Yun Haizong and Xueyueguo is far from being comparable to ordinary Sayādaw.

"Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng Zongzhu!"

In the middle of the Fengyun Canyon, there was a sudden silence. The young people who were running or fighting, at the same time, calmed down and looked at Lin Feng’s position, watching the sitting in the Fengyun Canyon. The handsome young man on the top edge of the land, that is... Lin Fengzong!

"I heard that Lin Fengzong is a character who can easily kill the Sayādaw!"

"And, Lin Fengzong has a terrible army, and it is invincible. Even if it is a top-ranking strong sage, it must be surrendered in front of Lin Fengzong."

"The rumor that Lin Fengzong had a sword, the battle is invincible, and the invincible."

In this moment, everyone has seen countless thoughts. Those are the legends of Lin Feng. After the last snowy moon, the people of Xueyueguo are not so ignorant. They know many things that they didn’t know before. Say, above the Supreme, there are high-ranking emperors, above the Emperor Wu, there is a great emperor.

In Xueyueguo, there are too many legends about Lin Feng. At the age of fifteen, he went to the Yunhai Zongmen. He used three years to name the world, destroying the former Xueyue royal family, and in the snowy month, he changed from this snowy month. For Lin surname, many young people once thought that Lin Feng was a strong sturdy squad, but at the moment he saw the ethereal figure, only the excitement and fanaticism in his eyes.

"Lin Feng Zongzhu!" I don't know who was the first to shout, and then the figure rolled out and echoed in the canyon. At the end, Lin Feng's four characters turned into a terrible sound storm, sweeping the clouds, countless retreats and The people who experienced the nearby mountains heard the name screaming, quietly listening to the horrible blood of the tearing, and then they flashed and madly came to this side, as if they realized something.

They are calling the lord Lin Feng, such a magnificent voice sounds all over the world, covering the entire Yunhai Mountains and the surrounding area, there is only one possibility, Lin Fengzhuzhu, may come back!

"Good solemn voice!" Asking Ao Xue quietly standing behind Lin Feng, the calm heart actually has a feeling of blood, perhaps infected by the crowd, watching the Zhang is still quite tender face Exciting blood, his beautiful eyes showed a smile, looked at Lin Feng in front of him, perhaps he never thought that his appearance would make these people so crazy.

Lin Feng did not think that would be the case. At first glance, all the young people in the Fengyun Canyon were fanatical and passionate. The young and tender faces seemed to let him see his former self and sounded the old days. The young man draws a sword, blood-stained robes, and opens the sky that blocks the field of vision.

The figure slowly stood up, and Lin Feng’s calm eyes showed a smile. The white robe moved with the wind, and the long hair danced with the wind. Many young female disciples even showed obsessive intentions. This is Xueyue. The legendary figure of the country, Lin Feng, is so handsome.

"Maple!" At this moment, a sound came in, like a cymbal, with a loud voice and an excitement.

Lin Feng's gaze turned, his eyes were first stagnation, and then his clean eyes revealed a smile.

"Maple brother, really is Maple!" The two figures trembled slightly and stepped toward Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s footsteps suddenly slammed, holding the two figures and punching them on their backs: “Han Man, broken army, you two guys, finally willing to come back!”

"When we came back, I heard that you just left. Uncle Lin asked me to rebuild the Yunhai Mountain. Of course, I did my best. I worked hard with the old Yunhaizong Department that you recruited, and spent three years with Yunhaizong!" The masks on the face of Han Man and the broken army are gone, and the slave prints have been removed. Now there are many honors in the royal family. This is naturally not difficult.

"It's a good job!" Lin Feng gave the two men a punch. After he left, Han Man and the broken army returned, rebuilding the Yunhai Mountains, and now they have the grand scene. It is a wish.

At this time, there was a dense figure around the Yunhai Mountains. I heard the magnificent sounds coming immediately. Even after seeing Lin Feng’s figure, the excited look in the voice was really the return of Lin Feng’s lord.

"Han Manzong, the destructive army elders and Lin Fengzong are brothers, they all call Lin Fengzong, the main Feng Ge, very respectful of Lin Fengzong!" The smiles of the people in the eyes reveal the feelings of the three people, they also gave birth Kindly, after many years, whether they can become the peerless strong with the Lin Feng lord, and the former companions can shout a brother.

"It's all right. Uncle Lin told me that you have left a huge fortune and hope to rebuild the sea of ​​clouds. Since I am back, of course, I have to complete the dream of you and us!" Han Man grinned and then faced the canyon. Everyone, Lang said: "Feng Ge, you look, today's Yunhai Erlang, whether it is full of vigor!"

"Yeah!" Lin Feng looked at the face full of vigor, nodded and smiled.

"Yun Haizong's children, tell Lin Feng, Lord, where are you!" Han Man snarled.

"Yun Haizong!" The horror sound waves tearing the sky, and the mountains and monsters in the distance are turbulent. The people are screaming, even if it is just ordinary martial arts, but the sounds come together, still like the mountains and rivers screaming, shocking People's heart.

"Maple brother, since I came back, I will leave a little commemoration to Yunhaizong. This is your Yunhaizong!" Han Fan looked hot and looked at Lin Feng.

"Memorial?" Lin Feng smiled and whispered.

"You can ask a few words." The army warned.

"Good!" Lin Feng nodded, then stepped on the footsteps and descended into the valley of the storm, facing the side of the canyon where he was.

The crowd looked at Lin Feng's figure and showed his expectation.

"Oh..." The crowd saw Lin Feng's fingers in the void. Suddenly, the void seemed to be cut off, and there was a cross, so it was in the void, like the sword of the same ruthless world, full of terrible breath.

A stroke, the void lettering!

The crowd is trembled in the heart, what is the realm and strength.

Another broken sword is filled with bloom, and there is a cross in the emptiness. The sword of the sky makes many swords and sorrows tremble. Even if Lin Feng’s lord only leaves a few words, for them, it is supreme. baby.

"Lin Feng Zongzhu, he is lettering, cloud word!"

The crowd stared at the void, the sword rushed into the sky, filled the world, a cloud word across the void, will not disperse.

The second word is naturally the sea. When the third sect is formed, the three characters of Yunhaizong float on the Scorpio, as if they were forever in the past, revealing the spirit of the peerless spirit, and the sword will cover the sky.

"Go!" Lin Feng snorted, suddenly Yunhaizong three words fluttering, directly printed in the face of the canyon stone wall, engraved inside, these three words, as if moving, there are sorrowful swords, horrible space fluctuations Power, there is an immortal mood.

"Cloud...sea...Zong!" The crowd murmured. From then on, the mountain wall of this Fengyun Canyon will become a symbolic place of Yunhaizong. Here, it will also become a holy place for pilgrimage!

Thanks to Zhang Ping _52401 for rewarding works 1888 by wave of money; 15089453181 to reward works 100 for wave of coins

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