Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1442: No injury

After the inscription, Lin Feng's figure flashed back to the canyon, and everyone's eyes were immersed in the three large characters carved on the mountain wall, Yun Haizong, the unyielding sword meaning, revealing the immortal mood, this The meaning of the sword will always exist here, so that many people will have an impulse, a sword, and a sword.

Lin Fengzong, his martial arts is not a sword martial arts, but now a stroke is a sword, once, when he rose from the snowy month, it is also a sword.

"There is a stone wall. From then on, my sword will be able to go further. These three words are worth more than the powerful swordsmanship. They are the holy places of sword repair." Many people who cultivate swords are excited, and the swords are not scattered. Meaning, will last forever.

Lin Feng looked at the enthusiasm of the younger generations of Yunhaizong's younger generation, and sighed in his heart. Unfortunately, the old and old Nangong lords couldn't see today's Yunhaizong Shengjing, otherwise they would be very pleased.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng said to Han Man and others, and then the body was like the same gust, with Han Man and the broken army suddenly disappeared in the same place. When the crowd reacted, they only saw a distant place. Light and shadow, the figure of Lin Fengzong’s lord has disappeared.

"Hurry, this is the real speed. Those who are introduced by the martial arts and other martial arts are so powerful that they can’t be called the body in front of Lin Feng’s lord. This is too horrible!” everyone saw Lin Feng’s disappearing figure sighing in his heart. There is a sense of loss, Lin Feng, that is the legend of their Yunhaizong, Xueyue legend.

"Lin Feng Zongzhu will definitely come back to see us!" Some girls are low-minded and somewhat sad. They never dreamed that the legend of Xueyue was so young, so chic and handsome, as if it was a prince, and a dream. The same character, especially when he is lettering, the temperament, can not be lawless, the sword is in hand, the sky can be broken, this is the real hero man!

At this time, Lin Feng had already arrived on the vast land. Looking at the small world surrounded by the formation, Lin Feng showed a smile. The strength of this guy in Yandi need not be said, it is terrible.

"Han Man, I don't know which entrance to enter, you take me!" Lin Feng laughed at Han Man's voice next to him. He hadn't returned for more than three years. He didn't know how his father handled this big battle.

"Well, according to your point of view, Lin Shu will use the Yangzhou City as the entrance to the edge of the law. On the surface, Lin Shu is still living in Yangzhou City, but in fact Yangzhou City is connected with the small world. In one piece, Lin Shu can come and go freely, but only the most acquainted people can step in.” Han Man said with a voice, the same is the voice, said that he could not help but look at the arrogant snow.

After all, this small world was originally occupied by Emperor Yan, and only the most acquainted people of Lin’s family knew that his belonging was the Xueyueguo royal family.

"Lin Feng, I want to go to the Imperial City in the past, and I asked the family's formation to be there, just at Tianyi College. After you have finished the matter, I will come to Tianyi College to come to me, we will work together. Back to eight wasteland." Asked Ao Xue said to Lin Feng, Lin Feng nodded slightly, said: "Ao Xue, trouble!"

"You don't want to be too rusty for me, right, let me say hello to Xinye!" Asking Ao Xue turned and waved, it was extraordinarily chic.

Lin Fengmu sent a question to Ao Xue to leave, and then sacrificed a giant sword. The three men screamed toward Yangzhou City. The speed was so incredible. It didn't take long for Lin Feng to come to Yangzhou City. Today, Yangzhou City was wrapped by the array. Among them, but one of them is a grand scene, the shadows are vast, and stronger than the past.

"Feng Ge, I used to think that Yangzhou City would be so prosperous!" Han Man grinned. After so many years, he and the broken army have all entered the Tianwu situation, but in Yangzhou City, Tianwu is not a very rare one. It is often rare to see the people of Tianwu.

"Now the strength of the snowy country is far superior to the lower empire. If it is the top strength, it is already the best in the snowy region. Even if the average strength is in a few years, it is enough to dominate the snow!" The army said softly, Yangzhou City is a rock. There are a lot of strong people at the level of the Sayādaw. This is what he knows. The Sayādaw, who goes to any place in the snow, is the person standing at the top.

"On the single Yangzhou City, the average strength has surpassed any city in the snowy area!" Lin Feng's thoughts filled the atmosphere, feeling the prosperous atmosphere, and I was very pleased. Now in this Yangzhou city, Xuanwu can be seen everywhere. Tianwu also encountered from time to time. In such a place as the snowy area, it is already very strong. Yangzhou City is strong and he is naturally happy.

Not long after, Lin Feng three people came to the palace, stepping out, Lin Feng's figure disappeared directly, flickering into the palace, did not cause too much sensation, this time, Lin Feng wanted to be quiet, after all, He will soon leave again and see his loved ones.

In a quiet and elegant courtyard in the palace, a loft pavilion, Yue Menghe has been over forty years old, but because of its strength, it does not appear to have a little aging, the charm of the first beauty still exists. But with a dignified and elegant meaning, at the moment she is lying there, her face is full of the brilliance of the mother, not far from the front of Moondream, a two-year-old child is playing there.

"No injury, come here." Lin Hai stood at the other end, smiling at the little boy.

The little boy's face was fat and grinning, grinning, looking at the moon dream, and looking at Lin Hai, it was extraordinarily cute.

"Mother!" The boy finally walked in the direction of Yuemenghe, letting Lin Hai suffer a bitter face, and the smile on the face of Yue Menghe was even more intense, and the little boy was hugged.

"No scars, when you grow up, you will become a hero like your brother!" Yue Menghe squeezed the little boy's nose and smiled softly.

"Brother, why don't your brother come back and see no harm!" The little boy said with a cleverness that the people of the martial arts world were smarter when they swallowed the heavens and the earth. Lin has no injuries and now has two years old and has begun to the outside world. Something is ignorant.

"Hey!" There was a gust of wind between the heavens and the earth, and then the moonlight trembled, and by his side, suddenly there was a figure, suddenly coming, when she saw the figure, her eyes The cockroach instantly condensed, and the lines on the face became softer.

Lin Feng looked at the little boy in front of him, the little boy also looked at him, the two eyes wide open eyes.

"Brother... brother!" The little boy whispered, seemingly talking to himself, and then his eyes went toward the moon dream, seemingly asking.

"No injury is really smart!" Yue Menghe saw the little boy shouting out his brother, and his eyes were slightly reddish, and there seemed to be an inexplicable touch.

"Brother hug!" Lin Feng heard the little boy shouting out two words, and his heart felt as if it had been touched, flowing through the warmth.

Yue Meng He Lin handed Lin Feng to Lin Feng, and saw that the two brothers met for the first time, only to feel the eyes getting moist.

"No injury!" Lin Feng took advantage of the boy's head. I didn't expect to return more than three years. I have a younger brother. This is really an inexplicable surprise, but it is also good. I have not been with my parents for a long time. In this way, you can accompany your parents. Perhaps this is the reason why your parents are born without harm. Otherwise, if the martial arts people do not want to have children, it is too easy.

"Brother!" Lin did not hurt and shouted, but this time the voice was a little bigger, it seems more natural, and he said that he still grinned at the crack and looked even more lovely.

"Hey, my Lin Feng has a younger brother Luo!" Lin Feng smiled cheerfully, then looked at his parents: "Father, mother, thank you!"

"Stupid child, what do you thank us for!" Yue Menghe wiped his tears clean and whitened Lin Feng.

"Thank you for giving me such a sly brother!" Lin Feng said with a smile, his hands will support Lin without injury, loudly: "My brother, Lin is not hurt, will definitely become a top-ranking person in the future."

"Giggle!" Lin did not hurt and smiled, and remembered in his ignorant head, his brother wanted him to become a top-ranking figure.

"There is no injury, you are two years old and your brother will come back to see you, my brother said sorry to you, my brother will give you a meeting!" Lin Feng was very happy, seeing his look like Moonshine Hehe Lin Hai is all face to face, this guy is a bit abnormal, but their hearts are very warm.

Lin Feng put Lin without injury on the ground, and then took a storage ring from his body, and thought of a move, suddenly appeared some special things on the ground, just in an instant, a beam of light directly rushed to the sky Above the Scorpio, the power of the horrible law spread out, letting the moon dreams and Lin Hai beside them have a feeling of suffocation. What kind of treasure is so terrible!

Above the ground, there are nine fate. He has won five of them, killed some people, and won four fate, a total of nine.

Above the scorpio, there was a vast loess land, green trees appeared, and there was a blazing flame, and the nine beams were too beautiful. At this moment, everyone in the snowy country looked up and looked at the snowy moon, and the heart was shocked. Very incomparable.

"Lin Feng!" Yue Menghe saw the vision above the Scorpio and knew that it was a treasure of terror. He could not help but scream.

However, Lin Feng pulled Lin without injury into his arms and smiled and said: "No injury, look at it, by feeling, which stone do you want, my brother gave it to you!"

No injury or ignorance of the times, Lin Feng let him choose, according to his own feelings, this may be the most suitable for him, with a life in the side, no harm, no longer feel the power of the law, so that his future cultivation will be There are great benefits.

"Brother, I want that!" Lin did not hurt to point to one of the two life-like ones, that is the earth's fate!

"Okay, then send this one to no harm!" Lin Feng smiled and collected the other life, and put the earth's life on the small hand.

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