Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1440: Look at the scenery

"Great, the ancient scriptures he cultivated are extraordinary!" Lin Feng saw the power of the summer when he saw the killing. In the summer, there are terrible ancient scriptures, and the ancient scriptures of this intensity, for now, he I only know that he has cultivated, and he has not seen other people practicing such a powerful method.

The martial arts practice method is strong and weak, and those with pungent eyes can use the magical powers bombarded by the other party to infer the practice of the other side’s cultivation. The same lever, the artistic conception of the people practicing different exercises is completely different. Therefore, when Lin Feng was fighting in the Battle of the Emperor, the Emperor obviously knew that his practice was very powerful, and he proposed that after he became the emperor, he would use the ancient scriptures to give the Emperor the Emperor, and the other party immediately agreed with him. Formed an alliance.

At this moment, in the summer, when the double fists are broken, the powerful artistic conception can even be clearly felt by him, not to mention the direct response to the summer songs.

Asking Tiange’s killing power is extremely fierce, and its own killing power has already entered the eight-fold. In the summer, the same is true for killing, but like the breath of the emperor’s life, Tianwei oppression, the mountain is shaking, the flood beast will ask the day. The attack of the song was swallowed up, and the sound of the explosion banged out, asking Tiange to fly back a few kilometers away to stabilize the figure.

"Wow..." A mouthful of blood spit out and asked Tiange to look pale. At this moment, it seems that there is a feeling of lingering in the heart. It seems that there is a terrible emperor's murderous anger in the body, doing whatever he wants.

Stopped in the void for a full time, asked Tiange to move, look at the summer, but there is no decadent in the eyes, very calm, there are people outside, there are days outside, ask Tiange never think His own peers are invincible, and there are many people better than him. Lin Feng is one. He is not as good as himself. Now, he has met another one. In summer, this name will be kept in mind.

"Thank you!" asked Tian Ge's mouth to quietly spit out two words, so many people have stunned, thank you? Ask Tiange to say thank you to the summer!

"Beyond the last one!" In the summer, the innocent said, the black robe fluttered, and then went away, came and went freely, and asked the family to stop, if the day song was challenged and beaten to ask the parents to come out, then ask the family It seems too unrequited.

"This guy's next stop will be Sikong, Sikong Xiao!" Many people guessed, muttering to himself, in the summer of the challenge of the route, the next stop is really the same ten enchanting The character is empty.

"I didn't expect that people who are so strong in Tiange were defeated by a boxing, and they vomited blood. The summer is terrible. In the last ten generations of the enchanting, I am afraid that only the Peng Mo, the empty faint can compete with him, and there is another Lin Feng." Everyone thought in their minds, and they didn't know how strong those people who had been missing for more than three years had come back. Maybe they would let them see them in the summer.

Have watched the end of this battle, everyone with a tremor of the heart gradually dispersed, asked the Tiange also stepped into the insider, asked Ao Xue is also, facing the Tiange slightly nodded.

"Ask your brother!" At this moment, a voice floated into the sky and asked the ear of Ao Xue, the two turned back, and even saw Lin Feng figure.

"Lin Feng!" Seeing Lin Feng asked Ao Xue's white face with a smile on his face, which is particularly ‘beautiful.’ Seeing his smile, Lin Feng seems to remember the previous snowy scene.

"Let the Lin brother laugh." Asking Tiange seems to have a hint of self-deprecation, but Lin Feng did not take it seriously. He asked Tiange that his mood was very extraordinary. He remembered this defeat in his heart, but it did not affect his. The heart of martial arts, some people will be decadent, and some people's minds will be more frustrated and more courageous, asking Tiange is obviously the latter.

"Why ask the brothers to be humble, the martial arts people, who can live forever, the ever-increasing martial arts road, do not know how many opponents will be encountered, defeat is also a common thing." Lin Feng said with politeness.

"But since Lin's rise to eight years ago, I have not seen Lin brother's defeat!" asked Tiange with a smile.

"I have been exiled by Qi Qianxing and almost died." Lin Feng shook his head.

"This is naturally not countable." Asked Tiange to laugh, but then reached out and said: "Lin brother rarely came to me to ask the family, go, this time we must sit down, we take the wind for Lin brother!"

For example, Taiwan and the House of Representatives are still half-alliance relations, and they have asked Tiange Brothers and Lin Feng that they have never had any festivals. They even asked Ao Xue and Lin Feng and the brothers and sisters. Lin Feng’s friend, naturally, is willing to make friends. Lin Feng’s identity has long since fallen behind in the past eight years. Even a Yang family is unwilling to accept it. Now, no force will refuse to become a friend with Lin Feng.

"It doesn't matter, I came here, I really have something to do."

"But it's fine!"

"I want to use the ancient squad to go to the snow moon." Lin Feng did not cover anything, he believes that the family will not refuse his request, even if it may cost some.

"This little thing, naturally no problem!" asked Tiange very happy to agree: "But brother can have a face to ask the family to sit down."

"No, I am in a hurry, come to Japan, if I have the chance, I will come to visit!"

Asked Tiange to sink, want to speak, but listened to Ao Xuedao: "Lin Feng, you want to go home and see, I will accompany you to go, I asked the family to have a transmission array in Xueyuebu, Reverse to the Eighths, so you will be more convenient once and for all, without crossing this distant road."

Lin Feng originally wanted to refuse, but I heard that Ao Xue’s second sentence was dispelled by this thought. I was surprised to see Ao Xue’s eyes. I didn’t expect to ask the family to make a reverse transmission in the snowy month. The preparations for the snowy days were very good, but unfortunately there was no wall that was not airtight. After all, it was known by the Eight Deads. Of course, if the matter was not transmitted, they could not open the seal set by the Emperor.

"I have been planning this matter with the family for so many years in the snow month. Now that I have already done things, I want to go back to Xueyue to see it. After all, I have lived for many years. I want to go to Tianyi College." Laughter, Lin Feng nodded slightly, did not say anything, asked Tiange and asked Ao Xue to take him to the place where the ancient dynasty is located, is asking the family a very secret place.

Above the quaint transmission altar, it is full of incomparably complicated lines, filled with strong vanity power. This day, the ancient array has long been positioned as a snowy moon, asking Tiange and Asking Aoxue to be activated, and guarding the ancient array. I wouldn’t say anything, open the celestial world, and a horrible void beam rushed to the sky, while Lin Feng and asked the figure of Ao Xue suddenly disappeared into the ancient array.

When Lin Feng and asked Ao Xue once again appeared, it was already in the land of the vast mountains.

"Cloud sea mountains!" Positioning transmission array is impossible to completely set the position to death, there will be some deviations in each transmission, but the ancient array of ancient arrays, the deviation will not be very large, at this time, Lin Feng and asked The snow appeared in the position of the Yunhai Mountains. Moreover, Lin Feng even squatted when he overlooked the lower part. The flattened Yunhai Mountain Range once again stood on the vast land and was spectacular.

What is even more shocking is that this mountain does not seem to be a naturally formed mountain range. It is made up of pieces of boulder, but it is so perfect. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t even separate it, and the old clouds. The mountains are almost exactly the same.

"Good." Lin Feng couldn't help but spit out a good word. There was a warmth in the eyes. The figure below floated. A disciple of Yunhaizong was practicing. There are still wind and canyons, there are life and death, everything. Everything is so familiar and intimate. For Yun Haizong, Lin Feng’s heart is hard to live. Without Yun Haizong, there is no Lin Feng, he is already dead.

"Who are you, come to Yunhai Zong Hegan!" At this time, a young figure was vacated, and his body was dragged by his real strength to Lin Feng. His eyes were alert and the two seemed to be arrogant. Above, even without the power of the real yuan, this is a symbol of Tianwu.

"I just walked away!" Lin Feng smiled at the young man, this person is not old, and it is quite basalistic. It is quite good.

Stepping down, Lin Feng came to the top of Fengyunxia, ​​watching the people below cultivating in the canyon, and many people fighting on the platform of life and death. The atmosphere of the martial arts is very strong, and, compared with his generation, Today, Yunhaizong is much stronger. After all, Yunhaizong is now the extraordinary force of Xueyueguo. It is supported by the Xueyueguo royal family. There is a legend of Xueyueguo, Lin Feng, standing behind.

Every year, countless young people come to want to enter Yunhaizong, become a member of a foreign disciple, and even have a distant country to come, because there are rumors that Lin Feng has left a horrible wealth for the snowy country. The Snow Moon royal family used part of it to rebuild the Yunhaizong. Yunhai Zong has many terrible exercises and martial arts, and even many saints.

The young man did not dare to block Lin Feng and went to inform the elders of Zongmen. It is very dangerous for these two characters to come.

Lin Feng is sitting on the edge of the sky above the canyon, pointing at the life and death platform and laughing: "In the past, I also had a duel with people."

"Now return to the head and look at the scenery once again, have a taste!" asked Ao Xue standing behind Lin Feng, whispering.

"It is indeed a unique taste!" Lin Feng calmly said, recalling the original variety, whether it is happy or not, now it has become a warm memory.

Asking Ao Xue has always stood so far. Today, Lin Feng is already standing at an absolute height for this Yunhaizong. Someone stood on the top to see Lin Feng. Today, Lin Feng is watching the younger generations.

"The elders of Kong and the elders of Lin." At this time, the crowds in the Fengyun Canyon saw a few people floating in the void, and could not help but reveal a strange look. Then they saw two elders heading towards the edge of the canyon. And when they went, they only noticed the two young people. The young people sitting there were very clean, but their eyes were deep and sorrowful, as if they experienced a lot of experience, while another person, white clothes like snow, turned out to be a very beautiful the man!

Thanks to the blood tyrants to enjoy the works 100 by the wave of coins; the blue wind of the magic to reward works 100 by the wave, thank you

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