Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 809: In the world of Wuhun, invincible!


"The evil tomb, I am here."

Lin Feng sneered out, and the ghost appeared in the sky above the height of the Wuhun world. The black robes were added, and the long hair was flowing with the wind. The face showed a pale but very fortitude.

The evil tomb saw Lin Feng, suddenly his eyes became blood red, clenched his fists, roared and snarled the whole person to jump into the sky, rushing to Lin Feng, the energy of the legendary world came out, Lin Feng still felt huge in his own world. pressure.

Above the world of Wuhun, he is a real master. However, when a strong person comes here, he may not have to provoke his own strength. What Lin Feng can do is to suppress the opponent's strength to the maximum extent.

What Lin Feng is going to do now is to suppress the strength of the evil tomb.

"Strength, suppress!". Lin Feng screamed, his hands were ten, and a golden light flashed out. Then the energy above the entire world of the martial arts seemed to be solidified. The evil tomb found that his strength was weakened by 5%. Thirty.

If he used to be a legendary place, then he is not a semi-legendary at the moment. The evil tomb is not stupid, but it is very clever and even treacherous. He can feel the simplicity of the world of martial arts.

"Hey, suppress my strength, then how, in the face of absolute strength, even if you play tricks, it is futile, just because Laozi lacks his own world, take your world to the top, take your world, see What are you, my name?" The indifferent face of the evil tomb instantly became bright, and the depths of the eyes revealed a strange light.

Lin Feng's face is slightly changed, but it is not tense. The other party wants to deprive himself of the world of martial arts. Even if it has this strength, it may not have this ability to install this martial arts world, and this martial arts world is with its own martial arts. Connection, a person without a martial arts, how to take over your own world?

"Take it on your fists." Lin Feng sneered again and again, followed by a punch, the power of hegemony fists burst out, the air of the Wuhun world has been a vacuum by this boxing, here, Lin Feng is God, the absolute master.

"I am afraid that you will not be?" The face of the evil tomb is full of sarcasm, even if he is suppressed, but it is also a semi-legendary, Lin Feng, this little **** statue wants to kill himself? It’s just crazy to say a dream.

The evil tomb roared out, and one palm shot out, turning out the ray of light. Every light was a powerful one. Lin Feng felt the pressure multiply, but Lin Feng was not afraid. Lin Feng’s hands were ten, and the golden emperor’s knot Out, the breathing room has already banged out, and the golden emperor of Baizhang greets the Wandao boxing.

The horrible energy bursts out, the two powerful energy collide with each other, and the resulting aftershocks oscillate in all directions. Lin Feng jumps with him and flies into the higher altitude again, raises his foot and runs toward the evil tomb. Kicked down, like a meteorite landing quickly.

The face of the evil tomb changed slightly, and he stepped back half a step, clenching his hands, and a defensive hood appeared on his chest, with a **** evil spirit.

Lin Feng screamed out, kicking on the hood, and instantly flashing the flint, the horrible energy rushed out, and the two men were almost flew out at the same time. Lin Feng coughed and steadily fell at high altitude.

But the evil tomb is not so lucky. Lin Feng’s powerful foot makes him step back hundreds of steps before he barely stands, and his face is nothing but horror.

How can it be? The other party is only a small superior god, no matter whether he is a high-ranking or a peak, it belongs to the scope of the gods. The strength of his semi-legendary world will be repelled by Lin Feng.

Some of the evil tombs are hard to believe in their own eyes and the scene that happened to them. They suddenly roared like a crazy dragon. They ran rampant and ran into Lin Feng. ,

Lin Feng reacted very quickly. He punched out and went straight to the door of the evil tomb. The powerful energy passed through the whole sky. It seemed that the world of Wuhun was destroyed. Lin Feng, the **** of dominance, has unprecedented The energy, this feeling makes Lin Feng very happy.

Who can think of it, this **** deity actually fights with the patriarchs of the ancient evils, but also suppresses the other side, which is simply unimaginable, but it really happened.

"The evil tomb, give up, in my world, as long as you are suppressed by me, then no matter how strong your strength is, I will never defeat me, and I will only kill you!"

Lin Feng’s words are very indifferent, without a little emotional color. When I hear this, the heart of the evil tomb is even more angry.

"Less nonsense, Laozi has not yet reached the point where you bully, Lin Feng, how much waste can you lose this chaotic body? Look at the move."

The evil tomb was angry. He turned all the anger into a move and continued to run Lin Feng. His energy with horror was like lightning, but with a strong blood smell, Lin Feng was somewhat disgusted.

"I am not very good at it, you will know." Lin Feng’s mouth was a little curved, and his face was full of a bright smile. His left hand waved and the sword of his ancestors was in his hand.

"The sword of the ancestors, let you fight with me today." Lin Feng’s hearty laughter and his face have unprecedented confidence. This self-confidence is not from strength, but from the safety of Lin Feng brought to Lin Feng.

"Weapons? Is it only you?" The evil tomb saw Lin Feng holding the sword of his ancestors, and the corner of his mouth was a taunting color. Then he also took out his weapon. This is a bone, or exactly a piece. There is a white bone scepter with more than two meters. The top of the bone is a jewel, some like a magical scepter.

But he was only a weapon, following the weapons of the cemetery for more than ten thousand years, the soul bone scepter.

"Let you taste the taste of the soul of the old man, drink." The evil tomb took the lead in attacking, holding the scepter in his hand, slamming, and slashing down Lin Feng’s waist.

Lin Feng's face was dull, but his eyes were a little more cold. The sword of the ancestors flew out of Lin Feng's hand. In an instant, the speed didn't know how many times faster. The evil tomb could only feel the golden light shining in front of him.

The face of the evil tomb changed greatly, and there was no sufficient time to prepare. It was only able to evade the sudden attack of the sword of the ancestral sword. The entire body of the evil tomb leaned back, and the sword of the ancestral sword was on his nose. Flying over, a thorn, the evil tomb touched the nose, and there was already red blood in his hand.

His nose was almost split in half by the sword of his ancestors, and the evil tomb stunned a cold sweat. As long as he was one step later, he had a life worry.

Lin Feng did not intend to wait for the evil tomb to stand up. Lin Feng took advantage of the evil tomb. At this time, the whole person stepped out again and went all the way to the front of the evil tomb. The left hand waved to the sky, and the sword of the ancestors I flew back to Lin Feng’s hand.

The robe was swaying and the long hair was dancing. Lin Feng looked at the evil tomb underneath with ridicule and pity, full of ridicule.

"Goodbye, the chief of the ancient evil family, the predecessor of the evil tomb." Lin Feng sneered, and the sword of the ancestors resolutely stabbed.

With a bang, blood spilled, Lin Feng did not sneak, or it was already blood, which is not a good sign.

The sword of the ancestors was inserted into the chest of the evil tomb. The evil tomb was wide-eyed, with a strong unwillingness in the eyes, and countless panic, fear of the future.

No, the patriarch of his ancient sects is killed like this, no, no.

The face of the evil tomb was full of anger and unwillingness. He tried to struggle to get up, but he did not have any strength. He could only watch Lin Feng’s foot on his head, and the humiliation spread throughout the body.

Lin Feng sneered at the evil tomb at his feet and smiled ridiculously: "How is the predecessor of the evil tomb being trampled under the feet?"

"You, you, cough...". The evil tomb was burned in anger, his face was stunned and accompanied by sinister poison, but he did not have any strength to resist, only to watch Lin Feng’s intentions.

"I? What happened to me? I am fine." Lin Feng’s mouth swelled in a slap in the face and looked at the evil tomb.

A month ago, he was still a small person who was stripped of the chaos in the hands of the evil tomb. It was not worth mentioning. However, after a month, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

I used to look at my evil tomb with contempt, but now I am stepping on my feet. Lin Feng sometimes has to feel that life is changing too fast. No one can predict what will happen in the next second. The evil tomb must be in this life. I would not have expected that he would end this life in such a humiliating way.

"Haha, hahaha, Lin, Lin Feng, do you think you succeeded?"

Suddenly, the face of the evil tomb was covered with sputum and sinister poison. The depth of his eyes was more distorted. The madness of the sky was full of laughter. Lin Feng was shocked by this sudden laughter, looking at the evil tomb .

"How? Can you still live without it?" Lin Feng's face was a little disdainful, and the strength under his feet was three cents. Suddenly, the evil tomb coughed out, and every time he coughed, he would spurt a blood and his face became more and more The miserable.

"You, cough, don't be proud, haha, the ancient evils have talented people, no evil graves, no evil halls, there will be more evil tombs and evil temples."

"And, do you really think that you can kill me? Haha, you are too naive. I don't deny that your world is very overbearing and can suppress the strength of everyone except you. However, the legendary world is always the legendary realm. ".

"It seems that you are still too tender, do not know the story of the realm of things, I will tell you, the legendary situation is not easy to die, you naive thought that the heart is the most important part? Haha ~ www.novelmtl .com~ You are very wrong."

"As long as Laozi's soul is not broken, even if you kill me now, Laozi will not appear in the mainland for another half a year. Your martial arts world can kill the present Laozi, but Laozi will still go to you. What about the second time?"

"Haha, Lin Feng, wait, wait for Laozi to come back to the eternal kingdom again, kill all the people you care about, haha."

The evil tomb screamed loudly, and his face was covered with unscrupulous laughter. Suddenly, the face of the evil tomb became pale, and the whole body was stretched and expanded a little.

Lin Feng saw it here, his face changed dramatically.

"not good".

Self-explosive, the evil tomb actually chose to blew the way to end the present life.

Lin Feng desperately retreats, the speed is very fast, but the speed of self-explosion is faster.

Finally, the entire Wuhun world can only see the white light like a hot sun exploding, the whole martial arts world has become a vacuum, no sound.

Lin Feng clenched his fists, biting his teeth and looking at the evil tomb that had already blew himself. His face was gloomy to the extreme, and there was no happiness for the winner.

Because, the world of his own martial arts, a thousand miles, almost destroyed into a desert, within a hundred years, the grass is not born, a dead.

"The evil tomb, you dare to hang on Laozi, half a year, after half a year, I will kill you like Lin Feng!".

Lin Feng clenched her fists, her eyes were gloomy and complaining. After a long time, Lin Feng’s anger was gradually eliminated.

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