Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 808: I dare not kill?

The evil tomb has realized that it is not right. How can this evil be completely ignored by the attack of the evil temple? And it is completely ignored, even if the evil temple uses more energy, it has no effect.

The body of chaos, can this evil be avoided? Or he is not afraid of the body of chaos.

When I think of it, the evil hall screams in my heart. I only feel a huge scourge, and my face suddenly becomes pale. I stand up and face Lin Feng on the field. I screamed coldly: "Who are you?"

Lin Feng raised her brow and looked at the evil tomb with her neck. Finally, a slapstick smile appeared on her face. Lin Feng extended her left hand and slowly raised her left hand to her head, ready to uncover the mask.

At this time, everyone held their breath, for fear of destroying this tense atmosphere. Everyone looked at the mask with a little bit of sin, even if it was already known that there was no trace of sinister identity. Hold your breath.

Lin Feng unveiled the demon iron mask, revealing his true face.

"Lin Feng!"

The face of the evil tomb was smashed to the extreme, and the gaze was even more bleed. He clenched his fist and felt that it was the biggest mistake not to kill Lin Feng.

He regrets it.

"Lin Feng? He is Lin Feng?" When Jia Lulu saw Lin Feng's true face is so handsome, his face also showed a hint of curiosity and surprise, she did not think, this evil is actually the famous Lin Feng.

However, before the game, did not say that Lin Feng had been killed by the ancient evils, then Lin Feng is in front of him...

Gaillou put his gaze on the face of the evil tomb. When he saw the evil tomb, he was shocked, panicked and angry. He seemed to think about what happened.

"It turned out that he was Lin Feng, the younger brother..." Dao Ling also stunned. He did not think that this evil was actually Lin Feng, so that between himself and Lin Feng...

"Lin Feng". Qingxin Yue looked at this familiar face, and her heart was extremely excited, but the heart that was excited again could not affect her performance. She still sat in a chair like a fairy.

"Lin Feng, you, you are not dead?" The evil hall lies in the deep pit, and Lin Feng is stepping under his feet, and his heart feels humiliated, and there are countless unwillingness.

He is even more difficult to understand, and it has clearly blended the body of chaos, but why is there no threat to Lin Feng, or does he have no fusion of chaos?

The evil hall is really not reconciled. He is not willing to use his high respect for the superiority of God. He is defeated by Lin Feng and is a humiliating defeat.

Lin Feng’s gaze looked at everyone, and finally bowed his head and smiled at the mouth of the mouth, watching the evil hall that was stepped on his feet.

"The ancient evil family Tianjiao? Want to win the championship? Ha ha." Lin Feng’s mouth is full of curvature, and the sarcasm on his face is getting more and more.

The evil hall listened to Lin Feng’s words, like a piece of stone licking his heart, let his heart break a little bit, and finally disappeared.

The evil hall felt great humiliation. In an instant, his heart died, and he was defeated by the waste he always thought. He was defeated by Li Linfeng, who had once deprived him of chaos. The evil hall was even more humiliating.

"Are you not crazy? You give me another madness, huh?" Lin Feng’s face was slowly disappearing, and his eyes were only chilly and bitter.

"Deprive me of the chaos? Can you become a peerless arrogant?"

“Do you really think that the body that merges with chaos will become yours?”

"Oh, the evil hall, who is the courage to give you?"

"And you, the old tomb of the evil tomb."

Lin Feng sneered, and finally put his gaze on the body of the evil tomb, the expression on his face was even more angry.

Hearing Lin Feng called his old man, the smile on the face of the evil tomb was even more angry, and looked at Lin Feng with his fist.

"You, the old man, actually deprived me of the chaos, and lied that the body of chaos has always been the evil temple. It is the arrogance of your family. How can your skin be so thick?"

"I really have never seen anyone like you, do not say that the other people's physique does not say, but also constantly degrade me, in order to improve the status of the evil hall, huh, huh, your arrogance? Peerless arrogance?"

Lin Feng smiled coldly, and the strength under his feet was a little heavier. He stepped on the head of the evil hall, and suddenly the sound of the screaming in the evil hall scared everyone, except the leaders of the various clan. No one does not change color.

"Lin Feng, you dare to move the evil hall a point, the old man will kill you." The evil tomb roared, and the cold eyes appeared in the eyes.

"How? Do you think I dare not kill him?" Lin Feng looked at the evil tomb, and his face became extraordinarily savage. The strength of his feet was three points. The evil hall screamed, only the mind was bursting. general.

"Lin, Lin Feng, you killed me, killed me, don't humiliate me!". The evil hall roared, he would rather die, and Lin Feng would not humiliate him, which made him die.

"Haha, don't you humiliate you?" Lin Feng's face was exceptionally brilliant. As a winner, Lin Feng had the right to control the life and death of the evil hall. Even Lin Feng was able to kill the evil temple before the evil tomb.

"Lin Feng, have something to say, don't kill." Lenbi sighed in deep breath, and he knew that if he didn't stop now, then this contest is likely to change because of Lin Feng.

It’s just his words, not necessarily good.

"Predecessors, you still take a break, this is something I have with the ancient evils, you better not to intervene." Lin Fengmei looks at the Lenbi Holy Day with no expression. Don't think that he doesn't know what the old boy is deliberately arranging himself to fight against the evil hall.

Lin Feng called a predecessor, but just did not want to continue to enemies, but it does not mean that he really respects the lord of the Lambian Empire.

"you…". Lenbi saw the forest in the holy day, Lin Feng turned out to be this attitude, suddenly angry, just about to get angry, the bones next to the body Jinze shook his head and stopped the Lunbi Holy Day.

Lenbi looked at the eye of Kanazawa, and he sat slowly in the chair.

"Don't offend a future peak powerhouse." Bone Jinze is talking to the sacred sacred voice, and the latter’s face has changed slightly. After looking at the squinting look of Kanazawa, he no longer speaks.

In the field, Lin Feng's anger is hard to disappear, and the anger of the evil tomb is constantly soaring. The two people are facing each other. Lin Feng does not feel the fear of color because the evil tomb is the strongman of the legendary world.

Today, even if the king of Laos appears, it can't stop his revenge. The ancient evil spirits, the evil tomb and the evil temple can do such a thing, then it must pay a painful price.

And this bitter price is the life of the evil temple!

"Old man, your ancient evils will not have a champion in this life, I want to take this opportunity to rise, I Lin Feng can only tell you a sentence."


Lin Feng said, his eyes became extremely chilly, and he looked down at the evil tomb with his head down. The corner of his mouth was a little curved, and his left hand waved, and the sword of his ancestors appeared again.

"You dare, Lin Feng!" The evil tomb roared out, the momentum of the legendary world bursts, the energy of horror almost turned the golden dragonfly to the sky, and Lun than the holy day timely shot to protect everyone in the entire mountain.

Jia Luluo and other people were full of horror on their faces. Looking at Lin Feng and the evil tomb, they only felt that things had changed too quickly, and everything was too late to react.

"I don't dare? Then you will look good." Lin Feng's face squinted at the evil tomb, and then he slashed his head against the evil temple.



The sound of the sword into the flesh sounded, and a burst of blood spattered, and the head of the evil temple was separated from the body. The big eyes of the evil temple were not seen, and they rolled to the foot of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s cold smile, kicked out, kicked the head of the evil hall directly and kicked it to the foot of the evil tomb.

"Ah!! Look for death!". The evil tomb suddenly collapsed, only the whole ancient evil family's future collapsed. Looking at the head of the **** evil hall, the evil tomb was smashed, and it was impossible to describe the mood of the evil tomb at this moment with anger.

There is only one thought in the evil tomb, tearing up Lin Feng and paying for his son's evil hall.

"You dare to kill me, Lao Tzu kills you, ah!!" The evil tomb screamed, the whole person is like a Warcraft, running along with Lin Feng, and the horror strength of the legendary land is strong, Lin Feng face The time became pale, and I only felt that the chest was crushed with hundreds of millions of pounds of stone.

When other people listened to the evil tomb, they changed their faces. The evil hall turned out to be the son of the evil tomb.

No wonder to help the evil hall, to remove the chaotic body of Lin Feng, all let the evil halls merge, everything is because of his son.

Although Lin Feng was shocked, but it was not a surprise at this time, Lin Feng felt the pressure doubled, and the breath of death was getting closer and closer to himself.

"Lin Feng, you are not the master of your own world, bring him in, and then kill him."

At this moment, Lin Feng heard the voice of the old ancestors, Lin Feng heard this point, suddenly his face was overjoyed, right, he is the master of the world of martial arts What is his outside? The strongest in the legendary world, in the world of their own martial arts, are just ants.

Although this trick is somewhat risky, once the legendary realm finds his own world of martial arts, it is very likely that when he did not enter, he smashed the world of Wuhun, so Lin Feng has been afraid to use this trick.

However, the evil tomb at this moment has already fallen into madness. He wants to kill himself and consider other things.

Therefore, this will enable Lin Feng to make good use of the world of Wuhun and kill the evil tomb.

Lin Feng continued to retreat, the speed is very fast, but the speed of the evil tomb is faster, almost came to Lin Feng's body in an instant, a punch, the explosive energy can be a shot of Lin Feng into a slag.

But that's it!

Lin Feng suddenly sneered out, and then his face showed a conspiracy smile, a wave of left hand, a blue light spread out, and instantly wrapped the evil tomb.

The next moment, the two people disappeared together in Huangpi Mountain, which was completely disappeared without leaving a trace of breath.

Everyone was panicked, I don’t know where Lin Feng and the evil tomb went.

In the world of Wuhun, it is far from tens of millions of miles away from Lin Feng’s home. This is the floodplain of the Wuhun world.

"Where is this? How can I be here, Lin Feng, where are you, Lin Feng!".

In the world of Wuhun, the thunder sounds spread all over the sky, and the world of Warcraft that scared the soul of the soul was all on the ground.

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