Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 810: Soul beads!


"The soul beads, is the secret that makes the legendary world not easy to die?" Lin Feng fell on the land of the Wuhun world, recalling the words of the Fang Cai evil tomb, dubious.

"Maybe, it's just that we haven't reached the legendary realm, and we don't know. If you have a chance, you can ask the strong man of the legendary world." The figure of the old ancestors floated on the sword of the ancestral temple, and his face was extremely gloomy.

Originally thought that this terrible enemy of the evil tomb was easily killed in this way, and it is the battlefield of the Wu Hun world. However, whether it is Lin Feng or the ancestors, it is too simple.

How can the strong people in the legendary world be easily killed, and similar to the big man, there are usually many secrets, and it is not easy to kill.

However, at least half a year, Lin Feng does not need to worry about the emergence of the evil tomb. The evil tomb said that it will reappear after half a year. Perhaps at that time, Lin Feng is already a stronger level and can qualify for confrontation with the evil tomb.

"Lin Feng, don't think about it first, he didn't say it, it will appear after half a year, maybe at that time, you are already stronger." The old ancestors made a sound and comforted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was originally convinced to kill the evil tomb, but now it is only a life to kill the evil tomb, Lin Feng naturally unwilling, and paid a painful price, that is, let the evil tomb know the world of Wuhun.

Once the evil tomb is resurrected, it will inevitably strengthen the prevention. If you want to attract him to the world of martial arts again, the probability is almost zero, and if this matter is known to others, Lin Feng’s situation will definitely be more difficult.

This martial arts world is tens of times more precious than the chaos, and this martial art is a unique feature of Lin Feng, which is not available to all the eternal kingdoms.

Lin Feng listened to the comfort of the old ancestors, but his face shook his head and shook his head. He said: "Predecessors, do you believe in the evil tomb?"

"Well? What do you mean?" The old man's face changed slightly, and some looked at Lin Feng strangely, I don't know why.

"Predecessors, he said that he will be resurrected after half a year. It is just to confuse me. Since he has a soul bead, you think that it will be resurrected in half a year. Is this possible?" Lin Feng’s face was extremely gloomy and his heart was even more There is a strong feeling of badness.

When the old ancestors heard this, their faces changed suddenly, as if they had thought of something bad.

"Lin Feng, are you saying?"

"Yes, if I guessed it well, the evil tomb died in his own world of martial arts, but the soul beads will resurrect him, and the time will not be too long, maybe only three months, or two months, in short, it will not It is half a year."

"How can a treacherous person like a cemetery tell me his secrets easily? Let me know that he is half a year old?"

"He did this only to confuse himself, so in the next few months, I can only work harder and train people who are related to me."

"Lin Feng, you think well, you are so an analysis, I was really shocked by a cold sweat." Listening to Lin Feng's words, the ancestors of the ancestors suddenly burst into a cold sweat, and the analysis was simply too accurate. The evil tomb would certainly do so.

"What is the use of good analysis, what is the soul beads, I don't know." Lin Feng looks a little melancholy, soul beads, this is the treasure of the legendary realm, then it will be very powerful.

The evil tomb has such a thing, even if he can kill him for the second time, but as long as the soul beads have always existed, then he will always resurrect and interfere with himself, this is a very disgusting place.

"Lin Feng, now, maybe, I should tell you a secret." The old ancestors listened to Lin Feng’s worries, and his face suddenly became dignified. His look had never been so serious, and Lin Feng’s look could not help but change.

"Predecessors, what happened?"

"Lin Feng, the general outline of the Dafa, you still haven't cracked it until now?" The old man of the ancestors looked at Lin Feng solemnly and asked quietly.

Lin Feng is a little surprised. I don’t know why the old man mentioned the general outline of Dao, but he still shook his head. This time, he has neglected the general outline of the Dao, not only the general outline of the Dafa has not been cracked, even the bones of the Song family’s nine statues are not Absorbed.

Seeing that Lin Feng shook his head, the look of the old ancestors was even more severe. After that, he threw out a terrifying remark and made Lin Feng somewhat blind.

"Lin Feng, dissatisfaction is not just a median god, this is the biggest lie, many people do not know, but only I know."

"You, seniors, don't tell me, dissatisfaction is also the realm of legend." Lin Feng was also shocked by the words of the old ancestors.

"Well, yes, disrespect is indeed the realm of legend. I am not his only weapon. I am only his early weapon. It is also him, which has made my soul of the sword ancestor."

"But when he broke through the legendary world, it was also the day when he went into flames. At that time, his strength plummeted to the middle god, and then he was murdered by the same door, and he was seriously injured and died."

"But although he was enchanted, he did not even experience the thrill of a day of legend, but at the same time he broke through, he has recorded all the minds and the description of the legendary world on the general outline of the Tao."

"Lin Feng, you have time to crack the general outline of this Dafa, perhaps there is an answer you know." The old ancestors said, but he was not sure, and he could only recall it according to the original fragments.

Lin Feng thought carefully and finally believed that the dissatisfaction is not the fact of the median god. If according to common sense, the median gods will rule the entire eternal kingdom. This is a joke, and if it is a legendary If you are strong, there are a lot more possibilities.

Don't forget these more than 200,000 years, but there have always been ancient clan, but they are not born, but it does not mean that these clan do not pay attention to things on the mainland, so if the divine possesses the legendary situation, it is somewhat feasible. Sex.

"This **** country is getting more and more mysterious." Lin Feng’s heartfelt feelings, the situation here is far more complicated than the Shenlu. Until now, Lin Feng has not understood all the situations above the Kingdom of God. Is there any more powerful force or strong on the ancient clan? Is the legendary realm really the pinnacle of the practitioners?

Lin Feng can't understand, can only slowly understand, there are still some unknown crises in this continent.

"Okay, it's time to go out." Lin Feng has already dealt with the matter, no matter whether the evil tomb is dead or not, at least there is no need to worry about the harassment of the ancient evils.

The old ancestors disappeared into the sword, and Lin Feng continued to include the ancestral sword in the space ring instead of being exposed to the outside. Otherwise, it is very likely that some people will recognize themselves with the sword of the ancestral sword, causing unnecessary trouble.

Lin Feng walked out of the world of Wuhun and returned to the real world.

At the same time, in the underground palace in a certain position of the scattered city, above a bone tower with weak water and bones, a **** soul bead is faint, and even the soul beads are covered with cracks. It only broke, but this situation did not last much.

The soul beads emit a little bit of **** luster, and gradually an evil smell oozes from the inside out. The bones in the weak water begin to move, and gradually the long bones of the dead bones, the original blurred face Gradually clear.

The flesh and blood are a little full, and a white face is gradually appearing. This is a lifelike jade face, but it has not grown hair, and it is terrible.

This jade face has been soaking in the weak water, his face is getting whiter and white, extremely scary.

The soul beads became smashed with the appearance of the jade face, but the cracks still did not disappear, but they have regained their luster.

"Lin Feng, waiting for Laozi, you dare to kill my children, and kill Laozi, this account, Laozi will ask you to come back a little bit!".


The empty and horrible sound of the underground palace is like the scream of ghosts, and the roar of Warcraft, which is extremely scary.


Above Huangpi Mountain, because Lin Feng and the evil tomb suddenly disappeared, the whole contest was suspended immediately, and the patriarch of the ancient evil family disappeared. This is a big event. Almost all the disciples of the ancient evil spirits are all looking for evil. The figure of the tomb.

The evil gods, as well as the evil sacred and the sacred priests, all of them searched. The mountains and the mountains were all searched for millions of miles, but there is still no evil tomb.

At first, everyone thought that it was the evil tomb that took Lin Feng away. Maybe Lin Feng has already been killed. Maybe.

However, everyone’s thoughts are all wrong. It’s not that the evil tomb took away Lin Feng, but Lin Feng took away the evil tomb and killed the evil tomb, but this kind of thing would never be said.

Lin Feng's figure appeared in the place five hundred miles away from Huangpi Mountain. Lin Feng was ready to leave, not participating in the following competition. The evil hall was killed by himself, and the evil tomb was killed. This goal has been completed in half.

As for the scattered city, Lin Feng will not recover it in the short term. Lin Feng naturally knows that the evil tomb is inevitably in a weak period at the moment, but what is the use of a scattered city where a time bomb is buried? Add your own troubles.

Therefore, Lin Feng only waited for an opportunity to return to the city when he was stronger, and completely destroyed the ancient evils.

Now Lin Feng, just want to leave the Lenbi Empire, go to the French Blue Empire, Lin Feng decided to save the snow.

However, Jiang Xuan is still behind the net, Lin Feng is not worried about Jiang Xuan, and the evil city can not go back, so Lin Feng decided, if possible, will send Jiang Xuan into his own world of Wuhun, both able to practice Safety.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng flew to Huangshan Mountain.

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