Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 807: Abuse of the evil temple!


Lunbi’s face showed a smug smile. The original Lin Feng was against the demon son. The evil hall was against the ghost son. But if you want to change the order of the battle, isn’t it a thing for him? After all, the empire is empire. It is the host country, then the order of this battle is determined by him.

The Lenbi Empire is not convenient to shoot, but it does not mean that other people can't shoot. Lenbi now just wants to use the hand of the evil temple to give a good lesson to this evil.

"Okay, let's get started." Lenbi sipped a sigh of relief, then sat back in the chair. In the moment he sat in the chair, the momentum above the Huangshan Mountain began to be cold and full of **** taste.

"Oh, I am evil, I warned you last night, it seems that I am going to pack you up today." There was a bright smile on the face of the evil hall. The smile was full of sarcasm. In his eyes, even if Lin Feng could catch him two or three palms, he could not have the qualification to compete with him.

His evil hall, but the character who wants to win the championship of this competition, how could he be defeated by a small scattered character, this is simply a joke in his eyes, something that cannot happen.

Lin Feng looked at the evil hall calmly with a mask, but her heart was already angry to the extreme. At the same time, Lin Feng’s own heart was already very excited. Revenge was about to be done. Lin Feng began to think about how to solve this evil temple. In the end, it was to kill the evil hall. Still abolished all his strength and became a solid waste?

"Well? Don't talk, huh, huh, that's good, then see everything on the palm, look at the move." The eyes of the evil hall suddenly became cold, and at the same time the murderousness was filled over the entire mountain in an instant. The power of chaos above the palms was extremely scary, and Lin Feng rushed over.

All of this is in the eyes, shocked in my heart, especially other arrogance, such as Jia Louluo and Bone Tian Ao, all of them are surprised to see the evil hall, the strength of the shot is so terrible, it seems that this People are really a rival.

These people all put their pity on Lin Feng, and in their eyes, as long as Lin Feng can not lose the game too early, it is already the best result, let alone defeat the evil hall, which is simply impossible. thing.

"Yes, that's it. Use your body of chaos to crush everyone and prove that you are the strongest arrogance." The tomb of the ancestor of the ancient evil spirits was full of smirk, and the eyes were bloody. The fists had been smashed, and the nails had been buckled into the meat, but they did not know it at all.

His heart is only excited, only self-confidence, and feels confident for the strength of the evil temple. He tried his best to dig up the body of Lin Feng’s chaos, which is for the evil temple. Now the evil hall absorbs all the chaos, and the strength is Stronger than Lin Feng, this is the self-confidence of the evil tomb.

Lin Feng can do, the evil hall, the same can be, the ancient evils will be changed because of the evil temple, the ancient evil family will become stronger because of the evil temple, surpass any ancient nationality, and finally reach the peak of the historical period.

At that time, the evil people were the most powerful ancients. There was no one. The evil tombs dreamed that the ancient evils would return to the peak period, and the evil temples were the future of the ancient evils.

With the evil hall, everything is no longer a dream.

The evil tomb thinks this way, and the evil temple itself thinks the same way. In his eyes, the ancient evil spirits are all prepared for him. All the resources within the ancient evil family are also his evil temples, and even the present is not The body of his own chaos was also robbed by himself.

Therefore, the evil hall thought that he is the strongest arrogance. Since it is the strongest arrogance, now the self, it is necessary to let the ignorant people think that the dark horse is defeated step by step, and finally the strong bombardment. of.

The battle has begun, the evil hall is the first to move, the palms with the fierce energy, shot against Lin Feng's chest, full of strength.

Lin Feng’s eyes were as calm as ever, staring at the evil hall, and the palms ran straight to his chest, but Lin Feng was not prepared to fight back. In this way, let the evil palms of the evil temples be photographed, and everyone’s eyes Next, Lin Feng is so 'daring' with his palms.

"What? Is he crazy?" When Jessan saw it, he suddenly became nervous, his face was full of incredulous looks, and his eyes were more angry.

Net Xuan holding Jiang Xuan tightly, the little guy struggling to rush to the stage, but was hugged by the net without a trace, the net no trace of Lin Feng, this crazy practice, cold sweats have flowed down.

This guy, don't you want to die?

"Is he ready to admit defeat? Or gambling on the evil temple will not die?" Dao Ling stood on the sidelines and looked at him, he couldn't help but sigh.

The atmosphere in the field solidified to the extreme, as if the air was suffocating. There was only the energy of the palms of the evil hall. In the end, under the watchful eyes of everyone, there was no accident. These palms were printed on the chest of Lin Feng. .

Many people, including the leaders of the ancient clan, all hide their faces. They dare not look at this **** scene, and the tragedy that will happen. Only the heart of the month, the eyes are very plain looking at the battle between the two people, even now.

There was a cold anger on the face of the evil hall. The other party did not react to his own tricks. This is simply the biggest humiliation for him. He ridiculed that the evil temple itself absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen, so the two palms are blasted out. Above it is full of the power of chaos, beyond the full force of the shot.

However, people feel that **** scenes have not happened, even Lin Feng did not scream, there is no injury, the palms are just shot on the front of Lin Feng, if not the energy in front is too horrible I only think that the evil temple is putting my hands on the chest of Lin Feng.

"How can this be?"

Gaillou stood on the side to see this scene, scared his eyes almost fell, his face was unbelievable, he could not have imagined that this would happen.

The power of the horrible chaos did not even cause Lin Feng to suffer a slight injury. Lin Feng did not have any uncomfortable reaction. It was such a calm look at the evil hall.

"Impossible, impossible, how is it possible, you will be fine?" The evil hall looked at Lin Feng, and completely stunned. He used all the energy. How could there be no threat to this evil?

This, but Lin Feng's chaotic body, Lin Feng used to be able to prestige, can he, he can not?

The evil hall thought of it here, and there was more anger in his face. He screamed and screamed out. The energy of hegemony made Huang Qishan start to shake. Don’t forget that this is the peak of 100,000 meters. The swaying of such a mountain peak is so powerful that the power of chaos caused by the evil temple is so powerful.

There was a bang, three loud noises, and the aftershocks swayed out. The slamming sound was fierce. The enchantment defenses placed here were fragile and fragile. After a light blue light broke, the people standing in the mountains suddenly felt the pressure. Dozens of times multiplied, some unbearable emperors have to leave.

Jiang Xuan is not in the slightest discomfort, he is just a realm of the Emperor, but in this environment, he is somewhat excited, just like something in the body is linked to the power of chaos.

After the three punches, Lin Feng still stood still in the plain, no movement, no injury.

The evil hall was scared. He stepped back and forth a few steps. He looked at Lin Feng with his eyes. He had never seen such a situation. Isn’t the metal made of metal, but even if it is made of metal, the power of chaos is enough. The metal is shattered.

However, Lin Feng still has no reaction, which is hard to understand. What is going on?

A little bit of time passed, Lin Feng's breathing was very uniform, his body moved slightly, looking directly at the evil hall.

The spiritual power of the evil hall collapsed. Whenever the eyes of the evil spirits stared at themselves, he felt humiliated, and it was a heavy insult, which made him lose face.

"I don't believe in Laozi, you didn't respond, ah ah!!". The evil hall couldn't help but panic and anger, and the roaring sound shook for nine days. After that, clenching the fists and hitting Lin Feng's chest desperately, the punch was more than a punch, and almost every punch used killing. the power of.

However, Lin Feng stood here, did not step back, and would not be injured. Instead, he enjoyed the open arms and seemed to tell the evil hall how many punches you like to play.

Ten minutes passed quickly. Everyone saw some visual fatigue. The evil hall didn't know how many fists he had blasted. He gasped heavily, and the power of chaos in the body seemed to be exhausted. Deep tiredness.

Lin Feng saw here I know that it is almost the same, let the evil hall fight for so long, now it is your turn.


A very loud bang was spread throughout the Huangpi Mountain. Everyone widened their eyes and looked at the evil temple. They were kicked out by Lin Feng. They flew directly for a few kilometers and fell into the foothills. They just fell on the mountain. On the ground, the figure of the ghost of Lin Feng appeared again beside the evil hall, and a punch hit.

A loud bang, the evil hall was bombarded and thrown high above the sky.

"drink". Lin Feng stepped out in one step. The whole person bounced like a spring to the sky. He kicked out, and the evil hall screamed like a pig-like voice. A bright red blood spit out from the mouth of the evil temple. Lin Feng jumped into the sky. Appeared on the top of the evil hall, a heavy step, Lin Feng's foot kicked on the top of the evil hall, and then pressed down heavily.

In the moment, the evil hall only felt the powerful energy running through the whole body. The chaotic body inside the body seemed to be evacuated. The evil hall without a little strength suddenly fell to the ground.


At the time of the electric light and flint, Lin Feng had already landed on the ground, and the evil temple stepped under his feet had already been heavily blasted into the deep pit.

Silent, dead silence.

There has never been such a quiet time above Huangpi Mountain, but at this moment, because Lin Feng, all closed their mouths, including the ancestral graves of the ancient evils, the evil tomb was frightened by the sudden changes.

In his eyes, the most perfect arrogance, even the dog that is beaten by evil is not as good as this...

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