Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 961 Appetizers

In this way, according to Ye Lin's plan, a total of 180 billion demons were divided into nine waves, and they attacked the Demon City from the core area of ​​the Demon Sea every few days, and then they were ambushed by the formation and disappeared silently in the Demon Sea.

The demons were born extremely cunning, and their wisdom was no less than any adult cultivators, but they came to the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations in complete darkness, and had no knowledge of the outside world. In addition, the two great perfections of the God Transformation and many generals in the God Transformation stage were controlled, so even if they wanted to go out to get intelligence, it was impossible.

Some demons also questioned the plan of the Five-Colored Demon Lady and the Demon Snake True Lord to attack separately, and even many demons noticed something unusual and wanted to escape, but they were all killed by the well-prepared God Transformation stage demons.

Half a month later, the Demon-Slaying Coalition wiped out 180 billion demons, and the casualties of the Demon-Slaying Coalition were only 15 million.

A few days ago, the Blood-Food Gate in the core area of ​​the Sea of ​​Demons shrank to the size of a needle tip again. No demons passed through the Blood-Food Gate anymore. The Blood-Food Gate was temporarily closed, and the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations won a phased victory against the Great Tribulation of Demons.

The coalition forces won countless spoils from the demons. It is said that the spoils alone could be piled up into a mountain.

In addition, 180 billion demons became demon spirits. Most of the spoils were collected and distributed in the alliance warehouse, and a small part of the spoils belonged to the soldiers.

The poor demons were very excited when they came. They thought they could harvest the souls of living beings and devour endless negative emotions to enhance their strength. They could not have expected that before they broke away from the Blood-Food Gate, the two main coaches and a group of demon generals had become puppets of the enemy, and all they did was betray their teammates.

Although the Great Tribulation of Demons won a phased victory, Ye Lin did not feel the pressure reduced, but doubled. He ordered Xiaoqiang to take a short break for ten days and then started a new round of training.

The reason why the first wave of the Great Tribulation of Heavenly Demons was so easy was mainly because of the Five Colors Demon Lady, a teammate who was a deadly pitfall. Ye Lin believed that this kind of Heavenly Demon was not the majority. The second wave, the third wave... The Great Tribulation of Heavenly Demons would surely make the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations, including himself, pay a heavy price!

The Continent of Ten Thousand Nations won a precious breathing opportunity of sixty years through the first comprehensive victory.

In a meeting hall, Ye Lin sat on a large and gorgeous jade seat. The jade seat was a top-grade Taoist instrument. The jade seat was carved with dragons and phoenixes, which were lifelike. The surrounding aura lingered. If you approached it within five steps, you would feel refreshed and your mind would be agile.

Under the jade seat, two people were kneeling. One of them had a graceful figure, a light veil on her body, and long hair like a waterfall, scattered on the ground. Her charm was charming, and the cultivators with insufficient concentration would be fascinated at a glance.

The other person was a middle-aged Taoist, surrounded by demonic aura.

It was the Five-Colored Demon Lady and the Demon Snake Lord who had gloriously completed the mission. Even in the Great Desire Heaven, these two people were noble beings second only to the Heavenly Demons in the Return to Void Stage, but now they were trembling in front of Ye Lin, and their faces were pale.

The reason was simple.

The threat of the Heavenly Demon had been lifted, and it was time to kill the donkey after it had done its job.

If they surrendered sincerely and had no second thoughts, they would still have a chance to survive, but they surrendered before to murder Ye Lin. As long as they were normal people, they would not let two Heavenly Demons of Great Perfection of Transformation follow them for a long time, even if Ye Lin had planted hundreds of marks, they would not be at ease.

The Five-Colored Demon Lady and the Demon Snake Lord were not stupid. They knew that the deadline was approaching, so they took the initiative to come and beg Ye Lin for forgiveness.

Ye Lin did not directly state whether he wanted to let these two people live or die, but asked for more information about the Three-Headed Saint Lord.

Ye Lin said: "I have read your memories and learned that the Three-Headed Saint has mastered three blood-eating gates, and has hundreds of millions of demons under his command, and even has subordinates in the Return to Void stage, and dozens of subordinates in the Great Perfection of Transformation."

"How many people do you think the Three-Headed Saint will send to this world to harvest when the blood-eating gate opens for the second time?"

The voice of the Five-Colored Demon Princess was tender and pitiful.

"Reporting to the master, according to the opening rules of the Blood Food Gate, the second opening of the Blood Food Gate is the time for the first batch of demons who went to the other world to return to Taiyu Heaven. After returning to the Blood Food Gate, the demon generals guarding the Blood Food Gate can see the demon shadows on the Blood Food Gate, and the number of demon shadows can roughly predict the number of demons returning."

"And the number of demons returning can also indirectly judge the strength of the world. If there are many demons returning, it means that the harvest has been successful or is coming to an end. If there are fewer demons returning, it means that the harvest mission is very difficult to perform and the enemy's resistance is very strong."

"The generals guarding the Blood Food Gate can decide the strength and number of demons to be sent this time according to the actual situation. Master... The master has killed more than 100 billion demons and completely controlled all the demons in the God Transformation Stage. Therefore, it is impossible for any demon to return from the Blood Food Gate, so the generals guarding the Blood Food Gate will most likely send a large number of strong men through the Blood Food Gate to... the master's world."

Ye Lin heard this and his heart sank.

"Doesn't that mean that the Blood Food Gate will open like this in the future? If they see no demons returning, the Three-Headed Saint will continue to increase the number of demons?"

The Demon Snake Lord smiled a little reluctantly, and said very flatteringly.

"That's true, my Lord is wise. I believe that no matter how many generals and demons the Three-Headed Saint Lord sends, the Lord's army of spirit insects and the demon-slaying coalition of this world can easily defeat them."

Ye Lin kicked the Demon Snake Lord mercilessly and sent him flying.

"What I want is for you to make inferences based on the actual situation, not to flatter and curry favor. Don't forget that your life and death are still in the hands of Ye."

The Five-Colored Demon Girl on the side was so scared that her body trembled slightly. Among the demon clan, only a few demons have the character of a strong man. Most demons are like them, and would rather be humiliated than try every means to survive.

The Demon Snake Master who was kicked away did not dare to show any dissatisfaction. He rolled and crawled back to Ye Lin and continued to crawl on the ground respectfully.

"Your Majesty is right. According to my speculation, if the demon does not return after the third or fourth Blood-Food Gate, it will definitely alarm the Three-Headed Saint who is still in retreat, because the Five-Colored Demon is the Three-Headed Saint's beloved wife and is also granted the Phoenix Blessing. After the Three-Headed Saint wakes up, he will sense that the Phoenix Blessing has completely cut off contact with him and will definitely try every means to get it back."

"In other words, the most dangerous is the third opening of the Blood-Food Gate. The later it is, the more dangerous it will be, and the more difficult it will be for us to deal with it. If the last opening of the Blood-Food Gate still fails to get the Phoenix Blessing back, I guess the Three-Headed Saint will definitely send a Great Perfection Avatar of the Incarnation God to come."

Ye Lin heard this and his heart became heavier.

"In this case, the opening of the Blood-Food Gate this time can only be regarded as an appetizer."

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