Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 960: Defeat Them One by One

Ye Lin is not concerned about whether this Phoenix Blessing has growth potential. What he wants to know most now is whether it can be repaired. Ye Lin's mind moved, and Xiaoqi's figure appeared in front of him.

Xiaoqi saw the Phoenix Blessing in Ye Lin's hand at a glance, and his eyes lit up immediately, like a lecher seeing a beautiful fairy. Xiaoqi is extremely tall, with bulging muscles all over his body, dark skin, and no hair on his forehead. It's a bit funny to make such an expression.

"Is this the top-grade Taoist weapon?" Xiaoqi's breathing was a little rapid.

Counting the sixty years since entering the Star River Secret Realm, Ye Lin has been practicing for more than a hundred years, and Xiaoqi has been with Ye Lin for more than a hundred years. However, in this hundred years, Ye Lin and everyone around him have never seen a top-grade Taoist weapon.

Although Xiaoqi got the Refining Treasure Book, which made his refining attainments advance by leaps and bounds, he still had no confidence in refining top-grade Taoist weapons. The Refining Treasure Book recorded the refining methods of three top-grade Taoist weapons, and Xiaoqi's comprehension progress was slower than expected.

The fundamental reason for all this is that Xiaoqi has never seen a top-grade Taoist weapon, nor has he studied it.

Ye Lin handed the Phoenix Divine Blessing to Xiaoqi.

"Take it and study it to see if there is any possibility of repairing it."

Xiaoqi was overjoyed.

"I understand."

After saying that, he turned into a ray of spiritual light and flew into the ancient ring.


Outside the demon city, on the sea of ​​demons, on the first frozen wall, the soldiers all looked excited.

"As long as Lord Ye is here, why should we worry about not being able to survive the great calamity of the demons? Lord Ye easily resolved most of the first wave of this great calamity of the demons."

"Will we sweep away the demons in the future? All the demons will become our wealth-giving boys."

Because Ye Lin defeated two great perfect demons of the incarnation stage, killed and captured hundreds of demon generals in the incarnation stage, the demon-slaying coalition was excited, and many soldiers praised Ye Lin and sang his achievements.

Just when most soldiers were relaxed, Xiaoqiang appeared on the city wall. He shouted angrily, and his voice reached all the soldiers.

"The enemy is at hand, and the great catastrophe of the demons has just begun. The master has also made a good start for everyone, but it is still a long way from the real victory. Everyone must not slack off. In three days, prepare to face the demon army head-on."

The soldiers' faces became very serious when they heard this.

"Yes, sir!"

Xiaoqiang is the first instructor who trains the demon-killing coalition. He has a very high prestige in the demon-killing coalition. Naturally, the soldiers obey his orders.

After Xiaoqiang finished speaking seriously, the serious expression on his face disappeared, and he smiled.

"The master also said that the battle will start in three days. You don't need to stay on the city wall. Organize yourselves to return to the camp one after another and have a good rest for three days. After three days, the coalition forces will be dispatched to clean up the hundreds of billions of demons."

"Yes, sir!"

After Xiaoqiang gave the order to return to the camp, the soldiers were all overjoyed. Under the organization of the officers, they returned to the barracks to rest for three days. After three days, their combat effectiveness and fighting will will only be stronger.

Xiaoqiang led the army, and he was relaxed and tense. When he should be serious, he must be serious. When he should be relaxed, he would even tell some jokes, making the soldiers laugh until their stomachs hurt.

Now, Ye Lin has subdued the Five-Colored Fairy and the Demon Snake True Lord. After they return to the core area of ​​the Demon Sea, they must wait for Ye Lin's order, and the Demon City will no longer be in danger.

Three days later, demon clouds rolled over the sea of ​​demons, and 20 billion demons turned into demon tornadoes, rolling up strong winds and huge waves and rushing towards the direction of Demon Lin City. However, the demons were ambushed by the Demon-Slaying Coalition halfway. The 20 billion demons were trapped in various large formations, unable to take care of each other. At this time, tens of billions of Demon-Slaying Coalition rushed out of the large formation.

The Demon-Slaying Coalition had strict military discipline, neat formations, and tacit cooperation. The 20 billion demons ambushed in the large formation were slaughtered like chickens and dogs. They were all killed.

The battle ended in just half a day, and the demon army was completely killed, while the Demon-Slaying Coalition paid only a very small price.

Ye Lin's plan was very simple. He let hundreds of billions of demons break up into small pieces and act in batches, and set up ambushes in advance on the march, so that they could be easily defeated one by one.

And it could also achieve the purpose of training soldiers and prepare for the second and third waves of demon catastrophes.

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