Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 962: The World of Spirit Insects

Ye Lin's face changed slightly when he heard this.

These three-headed saint kings are not ordinary powerful people in the return to void stage, but are demons in the late stage of returning to void stage. There are other heavenly demons in the return to void stage who serve as subordinates. If all the three-headed saint kings send their clones to come, the other heavenly demons in the return to void stage will definitely A clone will also be sent to follow, and even Ye Lin cannot predict how strong the enemy is.

Although the Gate of Blood Food can only pass through the God-Transformation Dzogchen monks, the general God-Transformation Dzogchen monks and the Void-returning stage avatar Dzogchen monks are two different concepts. There should be little difference in the magic power between the two, but the practice The Taoist tools mastered by the techniques are very different.

Ye Lin pondered for a moment, and there was silence in the hall.

The Five Color Enchantress and the Demonic Snake Lord looked at each other with uneasiness and fear in their eyes. They really couldn't predict how Ye Lin would deal with them.

If Ye Lin's personal strength is weak, they may be left by Ye Lin to deal with other demons, but after such a long period of analysis, they have not been able to analyze how strong Ye Lin is.

After a moment, Ye Lin came back to his senses. He glanced at the two of them, and their bodies trembled, knowing that the time to decide whether they lived or died had finally arrived.

Ye Lin said lightly.

"The demon clan is the public enemy of all races. They are cunning and changeable by nature. If they stay around, they are a huge danger. You should have been killed, but because you still obeyed the orders and completed the tasks assigned by Ye Mou brilliantly, I will leave you with a chance of survival, and then your soul will be made into a god puppet, and part of your consciousness will be retained during the production process."

The Five Color Enchantress and Demonic Snake Lord were both happy and desperate after hearing this. They were happy that they were not destroyed by Ye Lin physically and mentally. However, they were desperate because once they were refined into the core of a puppet, they would lose the innate magical power of the demon. , no longer able to seize others, and there is a high probability that they will lose their freedom forever.

After becoming the puppet core, they are no longer demons.

The two of them had no choice but to thank Ye Lin for not killing them. Both of their souls returned to the God Beads, and were thrown into the warehouse by Ye Lin in the ancient ring space where the God Beads were placed. As for the other subordinates of the Heavenly Demon in the Transformation Stage, they were dealt with in the same way. .

In fact, Ye Lin can not retain the consciousness of the demon at all. After all, the demon is cunning by nature. Even if it is refined into a puppet, it is difficult to guarantee 100% safety. However, according to what the little puppet learned after obtaining the "Treasure Scroll of the Heavenly Puppet", he can retain part of his consciousness. The puppets have a certain degree of growth, and some of them can even practice puppet techniques, which greatly enhances their combat capabilities.

Ye Lin's consciousness moved and he came to the ancient ring space.

I saw an immeasurable giant tree standing in the center of the ancient ring space. The roots of the giant tree are intertwined. Each root can form a mountain range that spreads hundreds of millions of miles. The mountains are lush and green, with countless towering ancient trees growing. Around the mountains, five-color clouds linger. These five-color clouds are formed by the gathering of pure five elements essence and spiritual energy.

At the foot of the mountains, there are towns and villages. There are spiritual insects flying around, and there are also spiritual insects that have transformed into people talking to each other, and there is endless laughter and laughter.

Factories are dotted around the town, and schools are dotted around the center of the town.

Today's Ancient Ring Space is completely different from the Ancient Ring Space of the past. In the past, it could only be regarded as a small space, but now it is a large world, a world exclusively for spirit insects.

Of course, in addition to spiritual insects, Ye Lin also collected many creatures to live in the mountains, rivers and rivers, giving them the opportunity to practice and increase the diversity of creatures in the ancient ring space.

Seeing Ye Lin's arrival, the spirit insects all saluted respectfully. Without waiting for Ye Lin to ask them to excuse themselves, all kinds of spirit insects swarmed over and rubbed their little heads against Ye Lin's body affectionately. Although the insects respect Ye Lin, they are not afraid of him, but treat him as kindly as a family member.

Ye Lin laughed loudly and touched the heads of the spiritual insects.

"Okay, okay, we have successfully crushed the first wave of demon invasion. Today, everyone is celebrating. All spiritual insects can enjoy my blood."

Some spirit insects were so excited that they jumped around, and some danced gracefully.

Ye Lin's body flashed and he appeared in a retreat room in the largest weapon refining factory. He saw Xiaoqi sitting cross-legged with the jade pendant of Phoenix God's Blessing. His spiritual thoughts had long been completely immersed in the tiny structure of Phoenix God's Blessing.

After sensing Ye Lin's breath, Xiaoqi came back to his senses and bowed quickly.

"Meet the master."

Ye Lin asked.

"How's it going? Is there any possibility of Phoenix Divine Blessing repairing it?"

Xiaoqi scratched his reflective bald head and smiled sheepishly.

"It's all my fault. I was too obsessed with studying the best Taoist weapons and forgot to report to the master in time. The damage caused by Phoenix Divine Blessing was indirectly bombarded by the collapse fart. If it was directly bombarded, it would be annihilated. However, it can be repaired indirectly. , However, the structure of the top-quality Taoist artifacts is extremely complex and has not yet been fully understood. It is expected that the entire repair process will take twenty years. "

"Xiaoqi also just happened to accumulate experience in refining the best Taoist weapon in the process of repairing the Phoenix God's Blessing. After the repair is successful, it can be confirmed that we have started to forge our first top-quality Taoist weapon, the Haoyue Sword. Xiaoqi is currently unable to confirm whether it can Refined it successfully before the second Blood Food Gate opens."

This Bright Moon Sword is a top-quality Taoist weapon recorded in the "Treasure Book of Refining Weapons". Once it is refined, the sword energy is comparable to that of the bright moon, and its sharpness is unparalleled.

Ye Lin nodded.

"Refining a top-grade Dao weapon is no small matter. It takes at least a hundred years for a master of the spiritual world to refine one, and sometimes thousands of years. It is naturally not easy. You don't need to be too impatient. Sometimes being too impatient will make mistakes. With our current strength, it is not a big problem to resist the second wave of the Heavenly Demon Tribulation."

Xiaoqi nodded repeatedly.

"I understand."

"You continue to study, I'll go to Xiaodan's place."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Lin's figure disappeared completely, and Xiaoqi continued to study the basic structure of the top-grade Dao weapon with fascination.

In a huge alchemy room, the heat wave rolled and hit us.

A flaming scorpion was seen lurking at the bottom of the alchemy furnace, with its tail spewing blazing fire. The alchemy furnace was shining with golden light, and Xiaodan was slowly entering a series of magic formulas.

After about half an hour, the fragrance of the elixir filled the entire alchemy room, which made people feel refreshed.

Xiaoqi shouted softly.


The top cover of the huge furnace slowly flew up, and round pills shining with blood-red light flew out of the furnace one after another and were all collected in a gourd.

Xiaoqi then saluted Ye Lin.

"Hello, Master."

The Fiery Scorpion also crawled out from the bottom of the furnace, transformed into a monk in a fiery red Taoist robe and saluted Ye Lin. It was Xiaohong.

Ye Lin asked: "Is the pill just now the Heavenly Demon Blood Pill specially for the Earth Demon to swallow?"

Xiaodan nodded repeatedly.

"Reporting to the master, this is the third improved Heavenly Demon Blood Pill, and the efficacy has not been tested yet."

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