Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 944: Condensing the Ancestral Dragon

During the retreat, it seemed as if the whole world was at a standstill, and all the busyness was separated from Ye Lin.

Unknowingly, three months had passed.

The frequency of space vortexes on the Demon Sea became higher and higher, but the space vortex frenzy did not completely erupt, and the Demon Catastrophe did not officially descend on the Ten Thousand Nations Continent.

It seemed to be the last calm before the storm.

Billions of demon-slaying coalition forces have been stationed in the Demon City.

The coalition forces came from various major forces, and their appearances were also different. Every day, as long as you look up at the sky, you can see the dense coalition forces like locusts being transferred here and there, with neat military formations and great momentum.

The morale and fighting spirit of the army increased with time, and the majestic murderous aura made the area within a radius of thousands of miles of the Demon City silent. The monsters and fierce beasts in the wild fled, and even ordinary snakes, insects, rats and ants did not dare to make any sound.

During these three months, the Ten Thousand Races Conference was held twice, but Ye Lin did not directly participate in both times. The content of the conference was to allocate the resources of the major forces to strengthen the cooperation of the major forces, and it was presided over by the Demon King Situ Miao.

Although Situ Miao's cultivation was only the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body, it was reasonable that he was not qualified to be the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, let alone to preside over the Ten Thousand Races Conference. After all, the lowest qualification for the participants was the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body, and there were dozens of cultivators in the Spiritualization Stage.

However, Situ Miao was Ye Lin's father-in-law, and he could represent Ye Lin's will. As long as there was this relationship, no one dared to jump out and oppose.

In addition, Situ Miao also had a large amount of resources given by Ye Lin in his hands. Tens of thousands of Taoist instruments and countless elixirs were all controlled and dispatched by him. How could the major forces dare to offend him? Even the cultivators in the Spiritualization Stage had to flatter him with a smile.

Of course, Ye Lin was not nepotism.

The reason why Situ Miao was made the commander of the coalition forces and coordinated the overall situation was that he trusted his father-in-law. The Situ family had guarded the Demon City for tens of thousands of years and regarded resisting the demons as their family mission. Secondly, Situ Miao's abilities in all aspects were very balanced. His personal strength was not weak, and his command ability was not weak. Even if there were some shortcomings, Qin Ziyan, Qin Qing, Fang Qingya and the various professional spirit insects sent by Ye Lin could make up for them.

Both of the Ten Thousand Races Conferences ended successfully, and all major forces gained something.

As for Ye Lin, he was still in seclusion alone.

At this moment, Ye Lin's whole body exuded a faint golden glow, and the golden light flowed all over his body. The majestic mana overflowed and formed pieces of golden dragon scales covering Ye Lin's body. A pair of golden dragon horns also grew on his head.

Ye Lin pinched the magic formula with his hands and shouted softly.

"Nine dragons go out to sea!"

In an instant, Ye Lin was like a golden sun, and nine dragons emitting dazzling golden light surrounded Ye Lin and condensed.

It can be said that hard work pays off.

Ye Lin swallowed a total of 7749 perfect quality Nine Dragon Golden Pills, and finally cultivated the "Nine Dragons Mysterious Art" to the ninth level, condensing nine coiled dragons.

These 49 Nine Dragon Golden Pills were refined from the souls of four True Dragons in the God Transformation Stage, three of which were obtained from the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, one in the early stage of the incarnation, two in the middle stage of the incarnation, and the fourth True Dragon's soul was provided by the Demon Dragon Puppet of the Demon Dragon Master. Although the soul of the Demon Dragon was refined into the puppet core, Ye Lin had many talented people under him, and he forcibly separated the True Dragon's soul from the puppet core and refined it into the Nine Dragon Golden Pill.

To be precise, the souls of these four True Dragons were all provided by the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty. After all, the Demon Dragon Master also took over the body of an ancestor of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty to obtain his own True Dragon.

"Just one step away." Ye Lin murmured.

The so-called one step away means that Ye Lin's "Nine Dragons Mysterious Art" is only one step away from the Great Perfection.

There are nine levels of the Nine Dragons Mysterious Art, which can condense nine golden dragons. However, if you want to practice to the Great Perfection, you must return to the Nine Nines and use these nine golden dragons to condense a powerful and boundless ancestor dragon!

The Nine Dragons Mysterious Art is a mid-level heavenly-grade art. If you want to practice to the Great Perfection, it is far from enough to devour the souls of a few True Dragons in the Spiritual Transformation Stage. In the Spiritual Realm, many cultivators have practiced the Nine Dragons Mysterious Art and become the most hated objects of the Dragon Clan in the Spiritual Realm. There is no shortage of True Dragons in the Spiritual Realm.

Even so, cultivators who can practice the Nine Dragons Mysterious Art to the ninth level are still rare. If they knew that Ye Lin had only practiced the Nine Dragons Mysterious Art for a few decades and began to try to condense the Ancestral Dragon, they would probably be jealous and crazy.

Ye Lin has two major advantages over them.

First, Ye Lin has an alchemist who can be called a grandmaster, who can refine a perfect quality Nine Dragon Golden Pill for him. In the Spiritual Realm, how can ordinary God Transformation cultivators invite a grandmaster-level alchemist?

Secondly, Ye Lin possessed the supreme luck of the chosen son of heaven. The Panlong of the Nine Dragons Mysterious Art required the condensation of great mana and luck. Without luck, even if he swallowed more Nine Dragons Golden Pills, he could not condense nine golden Panlongs.

Ye Lin calmed down, followed the formula of the art, mobilized his mana, and shouted.

"Nine Nines Return to One, the Ancestral Dragon Appears!"

The nine golden Panlongs were like illusions, winding and circling, and their bodies grew wildly. In the blink of an eye, they penetrated Ye Lin's training room and appeared on the sky. For a while, the whole world was illuminated in gold.

Nine Panlongs formed a circle on the sky, connected head to tail, and it was difficult to distinguish one from another. The speed of the circle's rotation became faster and faster. Gradually, cracks appeared in the surrounding space. As time passed, the cracks expanded, and the colorful space turbulence was visible to the naked eye.

This strange phenomenon lasted for about three days.

Roar, roar, roar!

Suddenly, a terrifying dragon roared through the sky and the earth, and the whole Demon City trembled. A magnificent pressure broke out. All the dragon cultivators in Demon City, even the ancestors in the God Transformation Stage, trembled at this moment and could not help but crawl on the ground.

That was the breath of the Ancestral Dragon.

A golden dragon, with a body length of tens of thousands of feet and a head like a mountain, looked down at the world above the sky, and Ye Lin turned into a beam of light and appeared on the top of the golden Ancestral Dragon.

Ye Lin's face showed ecstasy.

"The Ancestral Dragon has finally condensed successfully. From now on, I am a dragon of the non-dragon clan. Although I am a human, I have the magical power of the Ancestral Dragon and the magnificent dragon energy."

The Ancestral Dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a golden dragon ball. There were thick lightning flashing and jumping on the golden dragon ball, which contained a terrifying breath.

"The next step is to smelt the dragon balls. The five dragon balls of gold, wood, water, fire and earth must all be integrated into one."

Ye Lin's mind moved, and five dragon balls appeared in front of him, including the Lihuo Dragon Ball, the Crazy Thunder Dragon Ball (thunder belongs to the wood element), the Guishui Dragon Ball, the Golden Glory Dragon Ball, and the Xuantu Dragon Ball.

Ye Lin had already collected a lot of Lihuo Dragon Ball and Crazy Thunder Dragon Ball, and asked Ao Lingshuang to obtain the Guishui Dragon Ball, the Golden Glory Dragon Ball, and the Xuantu Dragon Ball from the Dragon Clan's treasure house.

As for Ye Lin's Immortal Dragon Ball, he was reluctant to use it to smelt the Ancestral Dragon Ball, after all, it was too precious.

Ye Lin pinched the magic formula with his hands, and the five dragon balls gathered together and slowly merged into the Ancestral Dragon's golden dragon ball.

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