Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 943 Pre-war preparations

The Earth Demons are the descendants of the ancient demon gods. Their reproductive ability is the strongest among many races, and they are natural warriors. They have a strong desire to fight and devour, and they respect the strong. If it were not for their inferior intelligence compared to humans, , The understanding is too poor, the race that dominates each continent is most likely the earth demon race rather than the human race.

Therefore, the importance of the Earth Demon clan in fighting against the Heavenly Demon Tribulation is self-evident, and it is the focus of Ye Lin's attention.

Ye Lin said to the Earth Demon ancestor: "I still need a batch of Earth Demons for experiments. In the future, I will use the Demon Spiritual Body to develop new elixirs for the Earth Demon clan to devour. After devouring them, they will grow stronger than those who eat flesh and blood." faster."

Currently, the Heavenly Demon Pill made from the spiritual body of the Heavenly Demon can increase the cultivation level of human monks. Ye Lin wants to refer to the Heavenly Demon Pill, improve the recipe, and refine the Heavenly Demon Pill that can be eaten by the Earth Demon. During the Great Tribulation of the Heavenly Demon, the most indispensable thing in the world is the spiritual body of the Heavenly Demon. By then, Ye Lin will continue to spawn batches of powerful Earth Demon warriors.

For the Earth Demon Clan, what they desire in practice is not the so-called immortality, but simply a desire for power and becoming strong. Therefore, in order to gain power, they are willing to pay more than the human race.

Excessive use of Heavenly Demon Pills by human monks may lead to obsession and the emergence of inner demons, but most Earth Demons do not care about such side effects.

Currently, Xiao Dan is busy refining the Nine Dragons Golden Pill for Ye Lin. After the Nine Dragons Golden Pill is completely refined, he can start to develop the Heavenly Demon Pill specifically for earth demons. Ye Lin believes that Xiaodan’s alchemy skills and the brains of hundreds of millions of spiritual insects can be combined , it is not difficult to improve the formula of Heavenly Demon Pill.

The Old Demon Ancestor's eyes lit up when he heard this, and his breathing became a little rapid and he asked quickly.

"Is there really such a pill?"

Ye Lin just replied: "The world is infinite and has infinite possibilities."

In fact, there are not many elixirs suitable for the Earth Demon Clan. This is not because the Earth Demon Clan's elixirs are very difficult to refine, but because the Earth Demon Clan is least good at refining elixirs and weapons.

The human race is born extremely weak, and most human monks have to start their cultivation from the first level of Qi refining, while many demon cultivators are born with the cultivation level of the pill-forming stage, the Nascent Soul stage, or even the out-of-body stage.

Among the Earth Demon clan, the descendants of Shura are born with at least the foundation-building level, and their physical bodies are extremely powerful. But even so, it is still the human race that dominates countless worlds, not the demon clan, the Earth Demons, and even the endless Heavenly Demon clan cannot stop them. The destiny of the human race.

The fundamental reason is that the human race not only has extremely high understanding, but is also good at specializing in secondary professions, alchemy, weapon refining, formations, talismans... As for other races, there are very few people who specialize in this way.

Under Ye Lin's arrangement, the major forces began to discuss various strategic cooperation and cooperation issues. The entire Hall of Ten Thousand Races became very noisy again. With Ye Lin in charge, the discussions between the various forces went quite smoothly, and the major forces suffered a small loss. It is also acceptable, and some small forces with other agendas do not dare to go too far when they take advantage.

As for the content of the consultation, all the major forces had thought it over carefully before setting off to attend the meeting. The details of the meeting were also announced early, so that all parties knew it clearly.

About two hours later, the consultations between the various forces were basically completed, cooperation and cooperation were completed, and the general direction of the exchange of various resources was basically determined.

At this point, Ye Lin officially announced that the first meeting of all races to deal with the catastrophe of the demon was over. The meeting of all races, which attracted the attention of the entire world of immortal cultivation in the Ten Thousand Nations Continent, finally came to an end.

Under the leadership of Ye Lin, this meeting firmly bound the major races together. Because Ye Lin led by example, he also gave the major forces the confidence to survive the catastrophe of the devil.

There are billions of monks in the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, and only a billion can finally join the war immediately. These billion monks will largely determine the final fate of all living creatures in the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent!

After the meeting, the participants from many factions would not stay long. They bid farewell to Ye Lin respectfully and came to the Demon City teleportation array as quickly as possible to return to their respective factions.

Today, King Demon Lin has built thousands of large and small teleportation arrays. These teleportation arrays lead to everywhere and have become the largest transportation hub in the entire Wanguo Continent.

To be able to build so many teleportation arrays in such a short period of time was largely due to Ye Lin's array spirit insects.

Just two days later, soldiers from all major races were teleported from the teleportation array to Molin City, merged into the demon army, and began to receive special training as military spirit insects who were best at fighting in wars. The leader was Xiaoqiang.

Although Xiaoqiang's personal strength is not as exaggerated as Xiaobai's, Xiaoqiang has excellent military talents. All of Ye Lin's early spirit insect armies were trained by Xiaoqiang. During the battle of the spirit insect army, Xiaoqiang also served as the commander and commander many times. command.

Of course, since Xiaoqiang spends a lot of time practicing, Xiaoqiang's military ability has long been surpassed by some military squads who specialize in military battle formations. Xiaoqiang is now the leader of the military squad just because of his sufficient prestige.

When Ye Lin cultivates spirit insects, he does not blindly require all spirit insects to have strong frontal combat capabilities, but pursues the concept of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Thousands of various professional teams have been established among the hundreds of spirit insects, even for dance, music , opera, and games, seemingly useless professional abilities, have not been excluded.

Therefore, the life of the spirit insects in the ancient ring space can be said to be very rich. Ye Lin even observed that some spirit insects who are extremely good at dancing and music have become the existences that everyone loves in the ancient ring space. For this reason, the spirit insects also invented There is a word called star.

According to the military team's plan, since the great catastrophe of the demons is imminent, the training time is extremely limited. Therefore, the special training of the Demon-Slaying Coalition is not aimed at directly increasing the realm strength. After all, all the soldiers who come to participate in the war are at least at the Jindan stage. It is almost impossible to break through the realm in a short time.

The special training of the Demon-Slaying Coalition focuses on training the comprehensive combat quality of the soldiers, enhancing morale, consolidating the army's heart, and increasing the tacit understanding of the soldiers. Only in this way can the strength of the Demon-Slaying Coalition be improved by a large level within one or ten years.

According to the training plan of the military team, after only half a year, all soldiers can be fearless in the face of thousands of times the number of demons, and the overall strength of the Demon-Slaying Coalition will be doubled.

The monks who still live in the Demon City can hear the overwhelming shouts of the army every day, and can see the dense but neatly arranged army conducting uniform training in the sky, on the ground, and on the sea every day.

As for Ye Lin, after obtaining dozens of Nine Dragon Golden Pills, he entered a state of seclusion. The great catastrophe of the devil was imminent, and Ye Lin had to increase his strength as quickly as possible.

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