Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 945 Origin of the Demon

But it is said that Ye Lin devoured the Nine Dragons Golden Pill refined by four true dragon souls in the transformation stage, and finally practiced the "Nine Dragons Xuan Gong" to the ninth level, and the nine nines returned to one, and condensed the ancestral dragon.

It's just that the newly condensed Ancestral Dragon is just an appearance, and the Ancestral Dragon Balls spit out by the Ancestral Dragon are also empty shells. It needs to be fused with the five types of Dragon Balls of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth to turn the void into reality.

Ye Lin took out five Five Elements Dragon Balls. After two months of smelting, the Ancestral Dragon Clan finally transformed into a solid entity, blooming with dazzling five-color brilliance.

Ye Lin, who was standing on top of the golden ancestral dragon, also showed a look of ecstasy.

This retreat took him almost half a year, but it was all worth it. His "Nine Dragons Mysterious Technique" was finally completed before the catastrophe of the devil came.

Although Ye Lin's main combat power is millions of spirit insects, this does not mean that his personal strength is not important. On the contrary, in the war, Ye Lin's personal strength is also very important.

If his personal strength is insufficient, Ye Lin will become the target of the enemy's fire and become a breakthrough point. The spirit insects will have to spend a lot of energy to protect him, and it will be difficult for Ye Lin's overall strength to be used.

If Ye Lin's personal strength is extremely strong, he does not need the protection of the spirit insects. He can deal with all kinds of dangers alone, and only then can Ye Lin's fighting ability be fully utilized.

Ye Lin stopped his power, and the tens of thousands of ancestral dragons in the sky naturally dissipated, and his figure slowly fell to the ground.

"Congratulations to my husband (master) for your great achievement in Xuan Gong!"

Taoist companions Fairy Qingyao, Qin Jin'er, Situ Yu, and apprentices Tang Xiaodie and Jiang Waner congratulated each other. As for Ao Lingshuang, who was training the Shui Tribe army at this time, Feng Jiutian was busy mobilizing the combat readiness resources of the Fengming Immortal Dynasty. Qin Qing, Qin Zi Yan, Fang Qingya and others were so busy assisting King Demon Lin and his wife in handling various affairs that they had hardly slept a wink for half a year.

Ye Lin smiled and nodded.

At this time, the senior sister and others had already prepared a sumptuous meal for him, and he had been in seclusion for half a year. Even a non-greedy person like Ye Lin was extremely greedy. Of course, he mainly lived with the senior sister and maintained the habit of eating on weekdays. If For other monks who are in the out-of-body stage or the transformation stage, they may not be greedy even if they stay in seclusion for hundreds of years.

Ye Lin, who was very familiar to everyone and was in a good mood, was not polite. He grabbed a fragrant roast chicken leg and started tearing it apart. At the same time, he asked vaguely: "How is the situation over at Tianmohai recently?"

Ye Lin also knew very well that nothing particularly important should have happened during his period of seclusion, otherwise he would have been notified as soon as possible, but even so, Ye Lin had to grasp the specific situation there as soon as possible.

The senior sisters and others took their seats one after another, and Tang Xiaodie and Jiang Waner, who were the lowest in seniority, filled the table with fine wines for everyone.

Situ Yu said: "Currently, the space over the Demonic Sea is becoming more and more unstable. The frequency of space vortex outbreaks has been increasing, but the space vortex frenzy has not yet completely erupted. The general responsible for the investigation speculates that the specific outbreak time should be within a year."

Ye Lin nodded and asked: "How is the training situation of our demon army?"

At this moment, a white escaping light flashed through. Ao Lingshuang, who was wearing silver-white battle armor, with a slim figure and a heroic aura, appeared in front of Ye Lin. She obviously sensed that Ye Lin's retreat was over, so she came back to report the relevant situation. , As for Xiaoqiang, he is extremely busy now. Even if Ye Lin comes out of seclusion, it will be difficult for him to get away and come back.

Although Ye Lin's spiritual consciousness can cover thousands of miles, it stands to reason that he can grasp the training situation of the army at all times, but this is not the case. After all, his retreat requires full concentration, and he cannot expand his spiritual consciousness to understand the various situations around him.

Ao Lingshuang said quite seriously: "I would like to report to you, my lord, that the morale of our coalition forces is at a high level, the generals are brave and resourceful, the soldiers are not afraid of death, and they cooperate with each other very well. One of the 100 million troops participated three months ago." In the conquest of the Demon Sword Mountain, tens of billions of demons collapsed at the first sight. In three days, the Demon Sword Mountain was wiped out, and not a single demon was left alive. Our coalition has formed a powerful combat force. I am confident that even if we face one trillion demons, we will be able to defeat them. Even if we attack, we can win.”

After seriously reporting the military situation, Ao Lingshuang smiled, and the atmosphere became extremely relaxed.

It was impossible in the past for 100 million humans to easily defeat tens of billions of demons. After all, these 100 million warriors are not Ye Lin's spiritual insects. They are all mutants, powerful and well-trained. Now The fact that the coalition forces can do this is enough to show that the coalition's combat power has exceeded expectations.

Of course, among the tens of billions of demons, most of them are foundation-building demons. There are only a few hundred million demons above the alchemy phase. However, the coalition only has 100 million alchemy monks. It is very good to be able to sweep away enemies of the same level several times. .

Ye Lin nodded with satisfaction, took off a piece of chicken wing from a roast chicken and handed it to Ao Lingshuang.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Ao Lingshuang was not polite and ate her food.

Ye Lin wanted to eliminate the hidden danger of Tianmojian Mountain a long time ago, but he never took action personally. His purpose was to leave it for the coalition forces to test their combat power. Now it seems that it is very wise.

Although there are countless demons wandering in the demon sea, these demons are scattered everywhere. It is very difficult to find a group of hundreds of millions of demons. However, the demons on Tianjian Mountain are relatively concentrated and are most suitable for training troops.

Qin Jin'er said: "Husband, after the ancestor in the upper world knew that we were going to deal with the catastrophe of the demon, he consulted many ancient books in the spiritual world. During your period of retreat, he successively told us a lot about the catastrophe of the demon. Of course, whether we know this information or not has little bearing on victory or defeat, so we didn’t tell you immediately so as not to disturb your retreat.”

Ye Lin became interested after hearing this.

"What did the ancestor from the upper world say?"

The others also listened attentively.

Qin Jin'er said: "Most of the heavenly demons that usually emerge from the space vortex come from the endless extraterrestrial starry sky, but the heavenly demons in the great calamity of heavenly demons are not like this, but come from a world called Taiyutian that is opposed to the spiritual world. "

"Tai Yu Tian? Never heard of it at all." Ye Lin was a little confused.

The senior sister also chewed on the three words, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, as if she remembered something.

"I seem to have heard that this place seems to be a gathering place for the negative emotions of countless creatures. It is these negative emotions that condensed and gave birth to the demon clan, but I don't remember other information."

Qin Jin'er nodded and said: "As the senior sister said, because countless creatures will produce negative emotions all the time and endlessly, the demons are endless, and even the immortals cannot completely eliminate them. The demons carry the negative emotions of all our creatures, and they are Derived from the rules of heaven."

"The negative emotions of us mortal beings are expressed in the outer starry sky, so the outer starry sky will breed heavenly demons, and the negative emotions of countless living beings in the spiritual world will gather in the Taiyu Heaven."

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