Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 942: Demon-Slaying Coalition

Ye Lin said: "Next, we will discuss how many monks each force can send to participate in the war. You must know that the minimum cultivation level of the soldiers sent out is the Jindan stage. The supply of all soldiers needs to be delivered by their own forces. Of course, if there are special circumstances, they can also report to the commander of the coalition forces for temporary dispatch. In addition, all the monks participating in the war will be specially trained in the Demon City. At the same time, Ye will take out countless pills and magic weapons to enhance the strength of all participating monks."

"Therefore, although participating in the war is dangerous, it is also a great opportunity."

"As for how many treasures I can take out, I can only say that it is far beyond your imagination. Just for the top-grade Taoist tools, Ye can take out fifty pieces in a year. Any powerful ally and Taoist friends with outstanding military exploits can get them!"

When Ye Lin said this, all the cultivators in the Huashen stage lit up their eyes and showed excitement.

In the Wan Guo Continent, top-grade Dao weapons are extremely rare and the conditions for obtaining them are limited. Each one is a foundation weapon used by the top forces to suppress their luck. Even as powerful as the Wan Long Xian Dynasty, there are only three top-grade Dao weapons in total, and other forces have even fewer top-grade Dao weapons.

And the top-grade Dao weapons that Ye Lin took out at one time were more than all the forces in the entire Wan Guo Continent combined. How could they not be excited?

Daqin Miaofa Zhenren of the Daqin Xian Dynasty stood up first.

"We Daqin expects to send 50 million soldiers to join the Demon-Slaying Coalition, and we can fully cultivate 5 million fresh blood every year."

Ye Lin nodded.

Daqin Miaofa Zhenren took the lead in speaking not for these top-grade Dao weapons, but to cooperate with Ye Lin and drive the enthusiasm of other forces.

Huanlong Zhenren of the Wanlong Xian Dynasty also stood up after gritting his teeth.

"We Wanlong Xian Dynasty is willing to send 90 million soldiers to join the Demon-Slaying Coalition, and we can cultivate 10 million fresh blood every year and continue to deliver them to the coalition."

Ye Lin showed appreciation when he heard this and nodded slightly.

Seeing Ye Lin's admiration, Huanlong Zhenren breathed a sigh of relief. Although the comprehensive national strength of the Wanlong Xian Dynasty was much stronger than that of the Daqin Xian Dynasty, sending out 90 million soldiers to participate in the war was a huge investment. Training 10 million soldiers every year would drain the savings of the Wanlong Xian Dynasty for hundreds of thousands of years.

The reason why Huanlong Zhenren was so active was that he was the only one in the Wanlong Xian Dynasty who was in charge of the Wanlong Xian Dynasty. He even lost his natal dragon and was weak. If it had not happened to encounter the great catastrophe of the demons, the Wanlong Xian Dynasty would be a big piece of fat meat to be divided and eaten in the eyes of all major forces.

Now he is actively performing, firstly to please Ye Lin and eliminate the grievances between Ye Lin and the Wanlong Xian Dynasty.

Secondly, Ye Lin wanted to take out endless natural materials and treasures, which was a great opportunity for the Wanlong Xian Dynasty. As long as enough soldiers were sent, there would eventually be amazing talents. These people would soon break through the Shenhua stage and become the new pillars of the Wanlong Xian Dynasty with the training of battles and the treasures provided by Ye Lin.

Feng Jiutian also stood up.

"My Fengming Immortal Dynasty plans to send 60 million soldiers to participate in the war, and cultivate 6 million fresh blood every year."

Ye Lin also nodded when he heard this.

The comprehensive national strength of Fengming Immortal Dynasty is not much different from that of Daqin Immortal Dynasty. Sending 60 million should be almost the limit of Fengming Immortal Dynasty.

Dragon Clan Ao Lingshuang stood up.

"My Dragon Palace plans to send 150 million naval forces, and will use all national strength to cultivate 20 million soldiers every year!"

When Ao Lingshuang said this, everyone was surprised.

The Dragon Palace is worthy of being the Dragon Palace. In the Ten Thousand Countries Continent, in terms of the strength of a single force, the Dragon Palace should be unique. After all, most areas of the Ten Thousand Countries Continent are sea areas. As long as it is a sea area, it is under the command of the Dragon Palace. Every year, the sea monsters and water monsters that are naturally bred are countless.

Of course, Ye Lin wanted well-trained elite soldiers, and he couldn't just use shoddy soldiers to fill the numbers. If his soldiers were scared to death by the endless demons, no matter how many soldiers they had, they would not be enough for the demons to devour.

Ye Lin nodded to Ao Lingshuang after hearing this.

After Ao Lingshuang sat down, the Sanming ancestors of the Wild Demon Kingdom and the Underground Demon Kingdom looked at each other, and the beautiful woman of the Wild Demon Kingdom stood up first.

"My Wild Demon Kingdom is expected to send 80 million soldiers as pioneers, and train 8 million soldiers every year to send to the Demon-Slaying Coalition."

Ye Lin nodded again.

The comprehensive national strength of the Wild Demon Kingdom has never been weak, but it is still far inferior to that of the Dragon Palace. The 80 million elite soldiers are considered to be all-out efforts, not perfunctory.

The last big force to stand up was the ancestor of the Underground Demon Kingdom.

"My four demon countries can dispatch 120 million elite warriors. As long as there are enough resources every year, we can train at least 30 million warriors to participate in the war. Of course, if resources are insufficient, we can train up to 8 million. Fellow Taoists should understand what our underground Shura clan needs."

Everyone nodded slightly.

The underground Shura clan craves for blood and flesh food the most. Food can bring them rapid growth in strength and allow female Shuras to quickly give birth to new life. This is why the earth demons have always liked to hollow out the towns of humans and demons and devour their blood and flesh.

Ye Lin said: "In extraordinary times, extraordinary things should be done. The blood and flesh needed by your earth demon clan will be supplied by the Wild Demon Kingdom and the Wanhai Demon Kingdom. In the wild world and the ocean world, there are inexhaustible unintelligent beasts, which can be captured in batches to serve as food for the earth demon clan. Do you two countries have any objections?"

Ao Lingshuang and the beautiful woman of the Wild Demon Kingdom both nodded.

"No objection."

Ye Lin's request was not harsh. He only asked them to provide unintelligent monsters. Unintelligent monsters were not real monsters among the monsters. They were only fierce beasts. They had no status at all. Even the "Cooperation Pledge of the Allied Forces of All Races" did not provide protection for these unintelligent low-level fierce beasts.

In this way, the top forces of the entire Wan Guo Continent had already made plans, and it was the turn of the second-tier forces to plan.

The most active one was the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty among the seven super immortal dynasties of the human race. The Emperor Zhenhai stood up quickly.

"My Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty is willing to send 15 million soldiers to join the coalition..."

It's no wonder that the Emperor Zhenhai was so active. When Ye Lin was still weak, he had many grievances with the royal family of the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty. In addition, the actual controller of the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty should be King Mo Lin. His power has been mostly hollowed out. If he doesn't show more activeness, he is afraid that he will not end well.

Of course, he was still the emperor in name only, and the Demon King and his wife had no intention of taking away his throne. At this moment, he just wanted to survive the great catastrophe of the demons as soon as possible and then retreat to enjoy life behind the scenes...

Other forces also expressed their opinions.

"My Jiushan Immortal Dynasty plans to recruit 13 million soldiers to join the coalition forces..."

After about two or three hours, the ancestors of all forces finished their speeches. Ye Lin estimated that the total number of soldiers participating in the war was about 1 billion.

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