Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 884 Killing the Second Guard

The main reason why Ye Lin used the blood of the Insect King to feed the Nine-headed Demon King and establish a soul connection with him was that he felt that the will of the Insect King contained in ordinary blood was not strong enough.

This does not mean that ordinary blood cannot make the Nine-headed Demon King recognize the master, but it takes a long time to affect the will of the Nine-headed Demon King and leave a mark in his soul space.

Recalling that year, when Ye Lin first came into contact with the Mineral Mother, the Mineral Mother sucked Ye Lin's blood, but was not immediately affected and recognized Ye Lin as the master, but was forced to recognize the master after sleeping in the ancient ring space for decades.

This also proves that the will of the Insect King contained in Ye Lin's ordinary blood is extremely limited.

But the origin blood is different. A drop of origin blood requires a lot of ordinary blood to be smelted. The will of the Insect King contained in it is thousands of times that of ordinary blood, which can instantly force the Nine-headed Demon King to recognize the master.

What Ye Lin is guarding against is that the Nine-headed Demon King will play other tricks. Using the origin blood is to completely give him no chance to play tricks.

As expected, this drop of the blood of the Insect King was not wasted. Ye Lin took control of the consciousness of the Nine-headed Demon King in a breath.

After swallowing the blood of the Insect King, the skin of the Nine-headed Demon King shone brightly and emitted a faint blood light, which made it extremely excited.

"It turns out that the master is the legendary blood of the Insect King. If I had known this, I would have surrendered to the master long ago. After swallowing the blood of the master, I feel that the power of the blood in my body is ready to move, and the purity of the blood is constantly improving!"

Ye Chen was slightly stunned.

"You also know the secret of the blood of the Insect King?"

The Nine-headed Demon King shook his head repeatedly.

"I have never heard of this holy body in the spiritual world. The reason why I know the blood of the Insect King is only the information contained in the blood of the master. What exactly is this Insect King body, I still don't understand at all."

Ye Lin nodded and looked at the battlefield in the distance.

At this time, Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and the Undead True Dragon, hundreds of late-stage spiritual insect monks, and more than 30 Fiery Demon Scorpions were besieging the armored guards.

This armored guard is worthy of the strength of the late stage of transformation of spirit. His mana is long and seems endless. From the beginning of the battle to now, the armored guard has no signs of exhaustion of mana. It can even be said that the armored guard is still constantly learning the enemy's moves. Less than half an hour after the battle, he has begun to use Xiaobai's destructive sword energy.

It can be said that the more he fights, the stronger his strength becomes.

Fortunately, the armored guard has a body of cultivation, but he does not have the top-grade Taoist weapon to exert his cultivation, nor does he have such a terrible move as the sword energy of killing immortals. It is like a strong man with only strength. Facing a group of children holding various weapons and using various kung fu to besiege, even the strongest strong man can hardly resist.

At this time, the armored guard's whole body was ignited by the true fire of the soul, and the armor melted little by little in the true fire of the soul. If he could not dodge in time, the destructive sword energy that Xiaobai held the white tooth flying sword would leave a deep scratch on his armor.

At the same time, he had to face the siege of hundreds of spirit insects with various moves. He was completely suppressed and had no power to fight back.

Ye Chen said in a deep voice.

"We should attack together, so that the armor guards cannot learn too much."

"Yes, sir!" The Nine-headed Demon King responded respectfully.

In an instant, Ye Chen made a hand gesture, and two golden dragons condensed again, roaring and waving their dragon claws to slap the armor guards.

As for the Nine-headed Demon King, he smiled bitterly and controlled the nine high-grade Taoist tools that fell to the ground in a black state, and began to attack the armor guards with a roar.

These nine high-grade Taoist tools were almost completely burned by the Yuanshen True Fire. Now their power has dropped sharply, and they need to be repaired before they can restore their power.

Fortunately, the Nine-headed Demon King does not need to be the main attacker now, and the strength of the attack has little effect. The joint attack is just an attitude.

Now that he has just become a member of Ye Lin's spiritual insect, the most important thing is to show enough loyalty, so that he can get benefits in the future.

When the Nine-headed Demon King recognized his master, he was full of despair, thinking that he would never achieve great success in his life. After he successfully recognized his master, he found that the opposite was true.

If he could devour Ye Lin's blood every once in a while, making his blood purer and awakening the hidden ancient blood, his future would be bright.

After Ye Lin and the Nine-headed Demon King joined the battle, the armored guard completely lost the ability to resist. After dozens of breaths, a shattering sword energy passed by.

With a "bang", the armor of the armored guard was successfully broken, and the body of the armored guard exploded at the same time.

The second armored guard was finally killed.


The bronze door leading to the last layer of the outer periphery of the secret hall slowly opened, and the life and death barrier that enveloped the entire square dissipated.

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

He was not worried that this armored guard would defeat him after learning too much, which was almost impossible. What Ye Lin was worried about was that the three armored guards shared the same will.

In other words, if the second armored guard learns a new trick, it is equivalent to the third armored guard learning it.

The second armored guard is only at the late stage of the transformation of spirits, and the threat it poses to Ye Lin and the spirit insects is very limited, but the third armored guard is a real transformation of spirits, and his strength must be much stronger than the second one, and he has the ability to deal a fatal blow to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin said to the Nine-headed Demon King: "Take your nine high-quality Taoist weapons to the weapon refining factory for repair, and take a rest to restore your strength to deal with the next guard."

The Nine-headed Demon King was obviously very confused.

"Refinement factory? What is that..."

At this moment, a young male monk in a fiery red Taoist robe laughed and patted the Nine-headed Demon King on the shoulder.

"Do you think you have seen all the strength of the master? No, it's just the tip of the iceberg. Next, Nine-headed brother, just follow me!"

The one who said this was Xiaohong, the leader of the Fiery Scorpion.

If it were in the past, the Nine-headed Demon King, who was a cultivator in the Spiritualization Stage, would be furious and send the cultivator to the west if he was called a brother by a mere cultivator in the late Out-of-Body Stage and patted on the shoulder.

But the Nine-headed Demon King did not dare to be arrogant now. First, he had just recognized Ye Lin as his master and was not familiar with his spiritual insects. He didn't know which spiritual insects had status and which did not. Second, he had just suffered a lot at the hands of Xiaohong, and nine of his life-quality Taoist instruments were almost burned by Xiaohong's true fire.

The Nine-headed Demon King was very polite to Xiaohong.

"Then I'll trouble Brother Fiery Scorpion to lead the way."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Hong turned into a ray of spiritual light and sank into the ring between Ye Lin's fingers. The Nine-headed Demon King felt something in his heart, knowing that this ring had an unusual connection with him. He moved his body and turned into a ray of spiritual light and sank into the ancient ring.

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