Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 885 The Past of the Divine Sword Immortal

When the Nine-Headed Demon Lord opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in a vast world. He raised his head and saw floating clouds, some of which were actually colorful.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord originally thought that this was an ordinary Taoist space and didn't take it seriously. However, when his spiritual consciousness unfolded, his face suddenly changed drastically, his eyes widened and they almost jumped out of their sockets.

He pointed at the clouds in the sky with trembling fingers.

"How can the spiritual energy of this Taoist world be so rich? It is no worse than the imperial palace. Not only that, the rich and pure five elements of energy are also condensed into clouds here!"

"My God, what kind of world is this."

"Cultivation in this world cannot be achieved by leaps and bounds. It is better than the imperial palace, a blessed place that is hard to find in the world. No wonder the master can cultivate so many spiritual insects in the out-of-body stage."

Xiaohong seemed to have anticipated the expression of the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, and she took a few breaths very considerately. After the Nine-Headed Demon Lord calmed down a little, Xiaohong introduced the world of the Ancient Ring to the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

"Brother Jiutou, look, that high tower is the library. Now there are more than 10 million volumes of books, including various types. In the future, the collection of books will be more and more."

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord looked in the direction pointed by Xiao Hong.

I saw insects coming and going at the entrance of the towering library. There was a long queue at the entrance of the library. The spiritual insects in the queue were in the period of leaving the body and refining their energy. Many spiritual insects were lining up while holding books in their hands. , shaking his head.

This is a scene that the Nine-Headed Demon King could never imagine in his dreams.

A humble spiritual insect in the Qi refining stage can actually read and read like a human being here, and receive education from an early age like a human being.

Xiaohong continued to introduce the Nine-Headed Demon Lord.

"Over there, where there are huge alchemy furnaces, is the alchemy factory. Xiaodan is in charge of it. There are currently twenty-seven alchemy masters in the alchemy factory..."

"Here, you see, the knocking sound never stops. This is what the master calls the weapon refining factory. Xiaoqi is in charge. Let me tell you, Xiaoqi's whole body is made of muscles and he has a bad temper. Don't mess with him on weekdays. He, even if you are a monk who transforms into gods, cannot withstand much of his fists. Currently, our weapon refining factory has more than 30 weapon refining masters, and the assembly line has begun to produce high-grade Taoist tools. In a moment, you will have nine high-grade tools. The Taoist artifacts were sent over for repair..."

"Over there, you see, the talisman-making factory. Currently, the talisman-making factories mostly produce, research, and improve various disposable magic weapons. Xiao Fu is responsible for it. The immortal-killing beads used by the master are produced by Xiao Fu. of."

"This is the academy... All our spiritual insects must receive education. Even if they are not talented, as long as they achieve success in all aspects, they can become useful insects..."

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord just felt that his brain was a little exhausted, and he was dizzy...

After putting away the spirit insects sent out to fight, Ye Lin turned his attention to the sword immortal standing in the square, motionless, like a sculpture.

Just in case, the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal is still wearing the Ten Directions Ghost King Rosary on his body at this time to continue to bless the sealing power.

Since the Divine Eye Sword Immortal has surrendered, Ye Lin does not have to kill them all. He has already seen the strength of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal, and the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Qi still scares him.

If such a being can completely control its will, it can become a fierce general under Ye Lin. Now Ye Lin is in need of helpers.

Ye Lin came to the Divine Eye Sword Immortal and paced back and forth, seemingly deep in thought.

Both the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and the Divine-Eyed Sword Immortal surrendered, but there is an essential difference between the two. The Nine-Headed Demon Lord's body is a nine-headed worm, a worm, while the Divine-Eyed Sword Immortal is a human race.

Ye Lin's blood can easily control the Zerg, but it has no effect on the human race. It would be fine if the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal is a monk in the out-of-body stage. Ye Lin has many ways to control him, but he is a monk in the transformation stage.

Once you have a powerful soul, it is extremely difficult to completely enslave it. If there are loopholes in the control method, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal may escape from his control, and may even sneak attack him at a critical moment. This is Ye Lin will never allow hidden dangers to exist.

"That's all, it just takes a little time and uses stupid methods."

Ye Lin made a secret with one hand, pointed at the center of the eyebrows of the Divine Sword Immortal with the other hand, and then whispered.

"If you want to survive, your soul should not try to resist. Next, I will leave a seed imprint in your soul space!"

At this time, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal has been completely sealed and has lost all perception of the outside world. Ye Lin can only communicate with him through his soul. After getting the response from the Divine Eye Sword Immortal, Ye Lin entered him with a thought. in the soul space.

Ye Lin instantly felt the consciousness and emotions of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal, unwillingness, despair, and fear!

As a sword immortal, it is a shame for any sword immortal to want to be enslaved by the enemy first. It is thousands of times more uncomfortable than death. It is for this reason that most sword immortals encounter strong enemies. The enemy, even if he is defeated, is not willing to admit defeat, and must deliver the most powerful sword before death.

"It stands to reason that the Divine Eye Sword Immortal has a very high level of swordsmanship and cannot surrender easily, so there should be other reasons why he surrendered and wanted to survive."

Ye Lin was not in a hurry to leave ninety-nine soul marks in the soul space of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal, but began to read the memories of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal in a casual manner.

About half an hour later, Ye Chen finally understood why the Divine-Eyed Sword Immortal was afraid of death and was willing to accept him as his master in humiliation rather than die.

But the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes was born in a very weak family of immortal cultivators in the spirit world, and he was not a direct descendant. He was not valued and bullied since he was a child. Therefore, the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes practiced hard since he was a child and vowed to kill all those who bullied him and his relatives.

No matter what world you are in, if you only have the talent for cultivation but no resources for cultivation and no powerful skills, it will mostly be in vain in the end.

The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes was very poor since he was a child. He had no natural materials or elixirs. At the age of 18, he only practiced to the great perfection of Danjie. This age and this level of cultivation are very common in the spirit world.

The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes was unwilling to live an ordinary life, so he began to travel. After several life and death experiences, he met a female sword immortal from a declining sword family. It was this woman who allowed him to obtain the "Sword Qi of Immortal Killing".

After comprehending the Sword Qi of Immortal Killing, the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes finally started the road to counterattack and rise.

After reaching the Out-of-Body Stage, the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes successfully became a Taoist partner with the female Sword Immortal. The two shared joys and sorrows in their cultivation and had a very good relationship. Before going to the Secret Realm of the Galaxy, the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes promised his Taoist partner that he would definitely go home.

Therefore, the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes was not a person who feared death, but was afraid that he would never see his Taoist partner and let his Taoist partner wait for him for thousands of years.

If he surrendered to Ye Lin, he would still have a chance to go back. As long as Ye Lin successfully ascended to the spirit world, he would have a chance to reunite with his Taoist partner.

Ye Lin found that the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes surrendered to him, not only did not reduce the sword intent in his heart, but made his sword intent even sharper, and he couldn't help but sighed.

"It turns out that the sword heart of the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes has long been completely integrated with the feelings of his Taoist partner. If his Taoist partner betrays him, his sword heart will completely collapse."

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