Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 883 The Blood of the Insect King

The reason why the Nine-Headed Demon Lord decisively surrendered was because he still clearly remembered that Ye Lin had been interested in his innate magical power, so he was certain that he would not die if he surrendered.

Sure enough, the flaming dragons began to circle around him, but no longer pounced on him to ignite his charred body.

Ye Lin chuckled.

"If you sincerely submit to Ye, why are you still kneeling on the ground? Follow me to kill the enemy. If you perform well in this battle, I will be greatly rewarded by my master. If you perform poorly..."

The nine-headed demon king was suddenly frightened and felt his soul trembling.

"Master, don't worry, I will do my best!"

Although he has not yet officially recognized the connection between his master and his mind, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord has already begun to call Ye Lin "Master".

After that, all the flame dragons were withdrawn, and the flames on the nine high-grade Taoist artifacts that were about to be burned out were instantly extinguished. The Nine-Headed Demon Lord was calm in his heart.

No matter how embarrassing it is to surrender to the enemy, it is better than losing your life. If you die, you will lose everything.

The nine-headed demon king stretched his neck and opened his mouth full of fine teeth.


The invisible and intangible soul attack has been attacking the Divine Eye Sword Immortal.

In the distance, the Divine-Eyed Sword Immortal saw that the Nine-Headed Demon King had turned against Ye Lin. He not only surrendered to Ye Lin, but also attacked him. He was so angry that his eyes were filled with smoke. Then he felt a stinging pain in his soul, like a thousand steel bars. The needle suddenly stuck in, and his vision suddenly went dark.

Although the Nine-Headed Demon Lord's soul attack was completely immune to Ye Lin and his spirit insects, this does not mean that his soul attack is useless. On the contrary, his soul attack is very powerful, compared to the Demon in the Transformation Stage. Nothing less.


At the moment when the Divine Eye Sword Immortal was stunned, a sword energy of destruction fell from the sky, trying to cut him in two. At the critical moment, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal gritted his teeth fiercely, and only heard a brushing sound, and most of his body was cut off. It was opened, but the head remained intact.

Before he could make the next reaction, flames from all directions surrounded him. The severely injured Divine Eye Sword Immortal had no way to hide. With a bang, his whole body was ignited by the true fire of the soul.

Feeling the terrifying heat of the True Fire of the Soul, the God-Eyed Sword Immortal was completely in despair.

If the Nine-Headed Demon Lord had not defected, he would still have a chance to attack Ye Lin and Xiaobai with his backhand, but now, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord will definitely continue to release soul attacks to interfere with him. He has completely lost hope of defeating Ye Lin. .

The despairing God-Eyed Sword Immortal gritted his teeth, imitated the Nine-Headed Demon Lord, and knelt down on the ground with a bang, and began to kowtow.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I, the Divine Sword Immortal, have been around for hundreds of years. Today I know that I am no match for my Taoist friend's powerful methods. I still ask you to spare my life. As long as I have a chance to survive, I am willing to agree to any conditions."

Ye Lin did not relax his vigilance because of this.

The Divine Eye Sword Immortal is really terrifying, and his Immortal Killing Sword Qi and Origin Blood Sword can pose a fatal threat to him.

"If you are willing to surrender to Ye, then don't resist!"

With that said, Ye Lin took back the Shifang Evil Ghost Rosary, which was fighting fiercely with the armored guard, in his hand, and then threw it towards the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal.

Ye Lin kneaded the secrets with one hand, and the heads of the ten evil ghosts began to hum and recite the incantation quickly. While reciting the incantation, each ancient character Yuanwen flickered on the head of the ghost king.

In an instant, the rosary of evil ghosts from all directions trapped the body and soul of the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal in the middle. Each ancient character seemed to have come alive, crawling all over the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal's body.

The aura of the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal became weaker and weaker, and finally the ancient characters all over his body flickered non-stop, and he completely lost his aura.

Ye Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He has united with the ghost kings from all directions to completely seal the Divine Eye Sword Immortal. In this way, it will take at least decades for the Divine Eye Sword Immortal to break through the seal without the help of external objects, and the threat to Ye Lin will disappear. .

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord, who had transformed into a human form, trotted over and knelt down to congratulate.

"Congratulations to the master, congratulations to the master for completely sealing the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal, subduing this person, and adding a great power to the battle, which is just around the corner!"

Ye Lin glanced at the Nine-Headed Demon Lord with a faint smile. The Nine-Headed Demon Lord immediately lowered his head and did not dare to look at Ye Lin.

The reason why I chose to seal the Divine-Eyed Sword Immortal instead of killing them all, including accepting the Nine-Headed Demon Lord as my master, was because of the special environment today.

Next, Ye Lin will have to face the armored guards of the Divine Perfection. With one more helper, Ye Lin's pressure will be reduced.

Moreover, these two people are masters of transforming gods. Ye Lin will also face the catastrophe of the demon next. It is when he is short of manpower. If he brings them back to Wanguo Continent, these two people can become powerful generals against the demon.

Ye Lin said: "Since you cooperated with me to defeat the Divine Eye Sword Immortal, I will not care about the previous grievances. This is Ye's original essence and blood. Swallow him. From now on, you will be Ye." A member of a certain spiritual insect!"

As he spoke, Ye Lin made a secret with one hand, and blood-colored light burst out from his fingertips. After a while, it condensed into a blood bead shining with a faint silver light.

This blood bead seemed to have a fatal attraction to the spirit insects. At the moment when the blood beads condensed, all the spirit insects that were surrounding the armor guards and attacking swallowed hard, and Xiaobai on the side even licked it with his tongue. Licking red lips.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord's eyes widened even more. At this time, he could only feel his soul trembling. Endless fear, endless excitement, and endless desire surged into his heart at the same time.

"This...this drop of blood...must be swallowed up at all costs!"

At this moment, the Nine-headed Demon King felt that his mind was no longer controlled by reason, his eyes turned red, and it seemed that only this drop of blood was left between heaven and earth.

The Nine-headed Demon King stretched out his head, and his tongue shot out like lightning, rolling the blood on Ye Lin's fingertips into his mouth, and then his eyes narrowed, and nine different voices, men and women, exclaimed at the same time.

"It's so delicious, it's so delicious, I want to eat you, I want to swallow you all!"

In an instant, the Nine-headed Demon King returned to his body, and the nine worms' big mouths bit towards Ye Lin.

Ye Lin seemed to have expected it, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted sternly.


The nine heads froze in mid-air as if struck by lightning, and the Nine-headed Demon King's breathing began to become rapid. After a moment, he finally regained his clarity and turned into a human form again.

"Master, spare me. Just now... just now my consciousness was out of control. I didn't intend to attack you. I just wanted your blood so much that I went crazy."

At this moment, he felt that he was connected with Ye Lin's mind. He could no longer go against Ye Lin's will and completely became Ye Lin's spirit insect.

Ye Lin looked at the Nine-headed Demon King calmly: "From now on, you can be called Jiutou. As long as you can continue to make contributions and kill enemies for me, your blood will naturally be indispensable."

The Nine-headed Demon King kowtowed repeatedly.

"I understand."

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