Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 875 Entering the Galaxy Secret Palace

On the first floor of the pagoda, in a beautiful pavilion by the stream, Ye Lin was personally making tea for two distinguished guests.

Ye Lin asked very sincerely.

"Fellow Daoist Shenmu, Fellow Daoist Jiutou, I believe you both know that I am only from a third-class small mortal world that is unknown to the public, and I know very little about the Galaxy Secret Hall."

"Next, the three of us will work together to explore the secret hall. You two might as well tell me about the intelligence information about the Galaxy Secret Hall, so that I can be mentally prepared and not be confused when facing some emergencies."

As soon as Ye Lin said this, the two looked at Ye Lin with a little meaning.

Ye Lin said that he came from a third-class small mortal world and didn't know the information about the Galaxy Secret Hall, which was equivalent to actively admitting that he was Ye Lin, not the Evil Dragon True Lord.

The Nine-headed Demon Lord glanced at the Divine Eye Sword Immortal, and saw the Divine Eye Sword Immortal nodded slightly. The Nine-headed Demon Lord "swish" opened the folding fan, and then smiled.

"If you had told me earlier, we would have told you. Fortunately, it's not too late to ask now. I will tell you a little bit."

Ye Lin quickly filled a cup of fragrant spiritual tea for the Nine-headed Demon King.

The Nine-headed Demon King took a sip of spiritual tea and showed a look of enjoyment. He slowly said: "According to the news sent back to the spiritual world by the predecessors who explored the Galaxy Secret Hall, the Galaxy Secret Hall is a world of its own. The secret hall is divided into two major areas, the outer hall and the inner hall. The outer hall is divided into three floors. The entrance of each floor is guarded by the secret hall guards. Only by defeating the guards can you enter the next floor."

"As for the inner hall, that is our destination this time. It is said that there is a chance to ascend to the fairyland in the inner hall. This legend exists in all the mortal worlds. It is said that as long as you can enter the inner hall, even if you don't get the chance to ascend to the fairyland, you can get other great opportunities."

Ye Lin asked again: "What is the strength of the guards guarding the three-story outer hall? How strong are they?"

The face of the Nine-headed Demon King became a little solemn.

"According to the intelligence, the guards on the first floor are as strong as those in the middle stage of the Spiritualization Realm, the guards on the second floor are as strong as those in the late stage of the Spiritualization Realm, and the guards on the third floor are as strong as those in the Great Perfection of the Spiritualization Realm!"

Ye Lin was a little surprised.

Let alone the Great Perfection of the Spiritualization Realm, he had not even seen a cultivator in the middle stage of the Spiritualization Realm, so it was really difficult to estimate how strong such a being was.

Seeing Ye Lin's solemn and shocked expression, the Nine-headed Demon King said with satisfaction: "If there were no such powerful opponents, we wouldn't have to work together as three people. It is said that not everyone can enter the inner hall every million years. We are just trying it out and trying our luck. If we know it is impossible, we will not force it. Fellow Daoist Ye can rest assured."

Ye Lin nodded when he heard this.

At this moment, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal, who had been drinking tea in silence, suddenly spoke.

"Before, we and True Lord Xielong had a 70% chance of defeating the guards on the third floor and successfully entering the inner hall. As for now, since Fellow Daoist Ye can easily kill that useless True Lord Xielong, it is enough to show that Fellow Daoist Ye's strength is far greater than that of True Lord Xielong. The possibility of us defeating the guards on the third floor and entering the inner hall of the Galaxy Secret Hall will only be greater."

"Of course, the premise of all this is that Fellow Daoist Ye is willing to do his best."

Ye Lin said modestly.

"Fellow Daoist Shenmu should not have too high expectations of my strength. It was purely luck that I killed True Lord Xielong. Of course, it is a great opportunity to ascend to the immortal world, and Ye will definitely go all out."

Sword Immortal Shenmu smiled and simply uttered two words.


Next, Ye Lin and Nine-headed Demon Lord chatted again, trying every means to find out more information about the Galaxy Secret Hall, but unfortunately the results were minimal. Nine-headed Demon Lord only talked about information that Ye Lin already knew.

As for the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes, he seemed not good at socializing. He just sat there and sipped tea silently, listening to Ye Lin and the Nine-headed Demon King chatting and communicating.

Two hours later, the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes suddenly stood up.

"Since the information exchange has ended, let's set off for the secret hall immediately."

With that, the three of them strode towards the door of the pagoda.

After leaving the pagoda and returning to the outer space again, the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes frowned slightly and said with some doubt.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, does your pagoda still have the ability to swallow natural disasters? The intensity of natural disasters in the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of miles is much weaker than that in other areas."

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and the pagoda that was hundreds of feet high shrank and turned into a silver light that sank into his brows. He also looked puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist of Divine Eyes is joking. If I can swallow natural disasters directly, I can walk sideways in the outer space. The natural disasters near the portal of the Galaxy Secret Hall have been a little weak in recent days, but I don't know why."

Ye Lin naturally couldn't tell the truth.

The reason why the fusion disasters around here are weaker than the disasters in other areas is that the millions of spirit insects released by Ye Lin have been refined into the majestic power of the five elements.

And this refining method was created temporarily by the small book, small pill, small instrument, and small talisman, using the brains of hundreds of millions of spirit insects. With this refining method, these natural disasters have become endless five elements essence, which can be refined wantonly. For any cultivator, it is an irresistible temptation.

Before the Nine-headed Demon King and the Divine Eye Sword Immortal arrived, Ye Lin's divine sense had already discovered their traces, so he directly collected all the spirit insects, and the two did not find any abnormalities.

The Divine Eye Sword Immortal looked at Ye Lin with a deep meaning again, and without saying a word, he took the lead and turned into a sword light and flew towards the tall stone gate thousands of miles away.

The Nine-headed Demon King and Ye Lin followed closely behind.

Ye Lin had naturally anticipated the reactions of the Nine-headed Demon King and the Divine Eye Sword Immortal. Now that they were facing a powerful enemy, even if they suspected that Ye Lin had a way to refine the natural disaster, they could not offend Ye Lin for this.

Their primary goal was to enter the inner hall and obtain the opportunity to ascend to immortality. As for the method of refining the natural disaster, they were just a little curious.

Not long after, the three of them had arrived in front of the tall and ancient stone gate. Affected by the distortion of space, the surrounding light and scenery became extremely strange.

With a click, the three of them took out the Star River Secret Hall token at the same time, and then pinched their fingers with one hand and entered a series of spells to activate the teleportation order.

After a moment, the token burst into a silver-white light, completely enveloping the three of them.

The Divine Eye Sword Immortal gave an order.

"Now, enter the door!"


The three of them turned into three streams of light and sank into the center of the ancient stone gate at the same time. After a while of distortion and deformation, their figures completely disappeared.

Ye Lin only felt dizzy and a little dazed. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a tall and magnificent building complex. There were two people beside him, the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal and the Nine-headed Demon King who were teleported here together. They were both looking carefully at everything around them.

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