Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 874: The majestic five elements energy

Half a day later, the needle-sized black dot had turned into an ancient stone door that was three thousand feet high.

This stone door seemed to have been weathered and was about to collapse at any time, but it still stood in the wind and ice disaster area, suffering from the destruction of the extreme cold tornado all the time without collapsing.

On the stone door, ancient and obscure runes were engraved. In the stone door was an elliptical silver-white space vortex. As long as Ye Lin approached the stone door, he could feel the surrounding space become distorted.

Ye Lin looked at the tall and magnificent stone door, and then heaved a long sigh of relief.

After three months of hard work, Ye Lin finally arrived at his destination safely.

Xiaobai said: "Master, it seems that they haven't come yet. We have arrived ahead of time."

Ye Lin said: "Let's wait here, husband. After a certain period of time, if the two haven't come yet, we will go in by ourselves and don't wait for them."

Xiaobai nodded obediently.

The "two" mentioned by Ye Lin naturally refers to the Nine-headed Demon King and the Divine Eye Sword Immortal from the Spirit World. These two powerful gods are Ye Lin's partners in entering the Galaxy Secret Hall this time.

Ye Lin cooperated with them not to rely on their strength to break into the Galaxy Secret Hall together, but to learn more about the Galaxy Secret Hall from them.

From the Nine-headed Demon King, it was learned that in order to enter the Galaxy Secret Hall, the forces behind them had made preparations for many years. It can be seen that they have much more information than Ye Lin.

Ye Lin pointed, and a silver stream of light flew out from the center of his eyebrows. It turned out to be a pagoda. The pagoda swelled in the wind and rose to hundreds of feet in an instant. The extremely cold tornado hit the pagoda, but the pagoda did not move at all.

This pagoda was obtained by Ye Lin from Long Tianyang more than 20 years ago. The interior is very spacious and has its own space. The structure is very tough and can withstand the attack of top-grade Taoist weapons.

Xiaolan carried Ye Lin and his party into the gate of the first floor of the pagoda. After flying in, the gate of the pagoda closed with a bang, completely isolating the power of the extreme cold tornado.

The first floor of the pagoda has been transformed into a pavilion, with small bridges and flowing water, and a comfortable courtyard as warm as spring. When you are in it, you don’t feel that you are in the tower at all.

Ye Lin and his party finally had a chance to rest.

Under Xiaobai’s service, Ye Lin happily took a hot bath, and then practiced hard with Xiaobai, and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The waiting time was extremely boring.

Ye Lin insisted on meditating every day to consolidate his realm, while Xiaobai led a group of spirit insects to study and explore the ubiquitous fusion disasters around him.

After some exploration, it was discovered that this wind and ice disaster was formed by the fusion of rich five elements. As long as a certain refining formula is used, the ubiquitous natural disasters around can be refined into valuable five elements. The five elements can be put into the warehouse for refining tools and pills, and can be directly transferred to the ancient ring space for spiritual insects to practice.

Even Ye Lin did not expect that the natural disasters that spread throughout the outer space were actually an opportunity.

The activities of collecting five elements began to unfold in full swing.

In order to enhance the enthusiasm of the spiritual insects, Ye Lin also set up a variety of rewards. Only by actively participating in the collection work, it is possible to get rewards and enjoy the delicious blood of the insect king.

At first, Ye Lin sent more than 10,000 spiritual insects to participate in the collection. After collecting for a period of time, Ye Lin found that this was a good business with no capital and a lot of profits. The five elements are such a thing, no matter how much, it is not too much.

So he simply set the ancient ring to an open state, as long as the spiritual insects with a cultivation level above the Nascent Soul stage can enter and exit freely.

At this moment, the number of spirit insects participating in the collection surged to a million. The pagoda was surrounded by dense spirit insect monks who chanted spells to capture and refine the surrounding extreme cold tornadoes.

A terrifying scene appeared.

Wherever the pagoda passed, even the fusion of natural disasters was stagnant, and all were refined into pure five elements.

In less than two months, the five elements of essence warehouse in Ye Lin's ancient ring space was full. The refined five elements of essence could only be allowed to spread in the ancient ring space for the spirit insects to practice.

Another half a year passed, and the clouds in Ye Lin's ancient ring space became colorful and filled with rich five elements of essence. In the medicine garden, the growth rate of all the spirit plants was so fast that it could grow a thousand years in a month. The spirit insects practiced the five elements as easily as eating and drinking.

Just when Ye Lin was a little worried that if the five elements of essence in the ancient ring space were too rich, there would be something wrong, a green stream of light broke through the fusion of natural disasters and rushed towards him.

In order to prevent accidents, Ye Lin's spiritual sense was always in a state of expansion. The moment this green light approached a million miles, Ye Lin had already discovered it.

He gave an order, and all the spirit insects that were refining the five elements of essence outside returned to the ancient ring space one after another.

Xiaobai looked at the green escape light from afar and said with some dissatisfaction.

"It took almost a year in total, it was too slow, and the flowers withered while waiting."

Ye Lin said: "It's good to wait, otherwise, we can only explore by ourselves."

As the green escape light continued to approach, Ye Lin finally saw with his naked eyes what the green escape light was. It turned out to be a green flying boat.

The shape of this green flying boat is similar to Qin Jin'er's Fengshen Boat. Wherever it passes, it is not invaded by water and fire, and even the cracks in space are automatically healed. It is very likely that it can also withstand space storms. It is a rare top-grade Taoist weapon.

The green flying boat slowed down slowly in front of Ye Lin's pagoda. There were two male monks standing on the bow of the flying boat. One of them was elegant and holding a folding fan. The other had dark skin and simple clothes. There seemed to be an unopened vertical eye between his eyebrows. It is the Nine-Headed Demon King and the Divine-Eyed Sword Immortal.

After the two people saw Ye Lin's pagoda, they both looked surprised, but they returned to calm in the blink of an eye. The divine-eyed sword fairy put away the flying boat, and the two slowly moved closer to Ye Lin's pagoda.

Ye Lin also waited at the entrance of the pagoda early, and bowed his hands to the two of them. Standing next to Ye Lin were Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang.

Laughter arrives before anyone arrives.

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord and the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal clasped their fists together and said almost in unison.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I've been waiting for a long time!"

The Divine Eyed Sword Immortal said again: "Fellow Daoist Ye's magical power has impressed me with admiration. This flying boat can ignore the fusion of natural disasters and space cracks, and it is actually one step behind Daoist Ye."

Ye Lin responded.

"No, I've just arrived a few days ago. Fortunately, the journey went smoothly. The two Taoist friends have been traveling for almost a year, so they invited me to rest in Ye's mansion for a while. When we have regained our energy, we can go back again. Join forces to enter the Secret Palace of the Galaxy."

The nine-headed demon king smiled and said, "It is better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Under the guidance of Ye Lin, the Nine-Headed Demon Lord and the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal walked into the first floor of the pagoda and came to Ye Lin's courtyard.

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