Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 876 Armor Guard

Ye Lin's body was suspended in the void, looking around curiously at everything around him.

They saw chaos and gray outside all the buildings. It seemed like they were in an alien starry sky but it didn't seem like it. The three of them were standing on a main road that was a hundred feet wide. Behind them was a simple bronze barrier that separated the gray and chaotic space. color door.

Here, Ye Lin once again felt that his spiritual consciousness was suppressed by the mysterious restriction, and could only cover several kilometers around him with difficulty. Even his spiritual consciousness could only cover several kilometers away. There will only be fewer, and it is possible that they cannot even separate their consciousness from the body.

Ye Lin felt that every building here was extremely huge, and every brick and tile seemed to be magnified hundreds of times. He was like an ant crawling into a wealthy family's house.

After confirming that there was no danger around, the Divine Sword Immortal continued to lead the way and walked quickly along the wide main road.

The nine-headed demon king on the side said to Ye Lin: "It is said that all the buildings here are covered by forbidden power. Even the monks of the Great Perfection of God Transformation cannot destroy bricks and tiles, but we still have to be careful and try not to take the initiative to attack. The buildings here are protected from unexpected dangers.”

Ye Lin nodded.

After walking for more than half an hour, Ye Lin and the others passed by a huge square that was dozens of miles wide and paved with bluestone slabs. After passing directly through the square, the Ye Lin and the others arrived at a bronze gate. They are all covered by a hundred-foot-high wall, and there are ancient characters on the wall that flicker in and out.

The Divine Sword Immortal said solemnly: "This is the entrance to the second floor of the outer hall. The area within ten feet is affected by forbidden power and cannot fly."

Ye Lin asked doubtfully.

"Didn't you say there are guards in the secret palace? Where are the guards?"

The Divine-Eyed Sword Immortal pointed at the center of the huge square behind him, and then with a soft shout, he pushed the bronze door hard. The bronze door slowly opened a crack, and then it became difficult to push it any further.

In the center of the square, dazzling colorful divine lights were gathering. In the blink of an eye, a translucent figure wearing armor and holding a long sword appeared. Only a "buzz" sound was heard, and the sound of the sword resounded throughout the heaven and earth. The translucent armored monk waved the long sword in his hand, and thousands of silver-white sharp sword energy slashed in the direction of Ye Lin and the others.

"If you defeat me, you can enter the palace!"

The armored monk roared wildly, took a step forward, and his body turned into a sword light and disappeared from the place in a flash. When he reappeared, he caught up with the hundreds of sword lights he had sent out, and kept waving the long sword in his hand. , more sword light was like raindrops, slashing towards Ye Lin and the others.

The corners of the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal's mouth raised slightly.

"The time has come to show our respective strengths."

I saw the Divine Eyed Sword Immortal making a secret with one hand, and a stream of golden light flew out from the center of his eyebrows. It was a golden flying sword. The golden flying sword flashed and took the lead in turning into sword light and flew out. The Divine Eyed Sword Immortal followed closely. thereafter.

A series of clanking crashes were heard.

In the square, sword energy spread across the square, and sparks flew everywhere. The divine-eyed swordsman held a golden sword. He fought with the armored monk for dozens of rounds in the blink of an eye. The sword energy that the two of them unleashed was extremely sharp and frightening.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin was secretly surprised.

The strength of this armored monk is definitely more powerful than any opponent he has ever seen. Ye Lin has no doubt that this person has the powerful strength of the middle stage of divine transformation, but in the face of such a terrifying existence, the Divine Eye Sword Immortal can also He rushed forward to fight with him at close quarters. The two were inseparable and it was difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time. This shows that the strength of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal should not be underestimated.

The nine-headed demon king laughed loudly.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I'm going to take action. If I let Friend Shenmu consume too much, I'm afraid he won't give us a good look."

Before he finished speaking, the Nine-Headed Demon King made a hand seal, and a translucent phantom of a thousand-foot-high Yuan Shen appeared behind him. If you look closely, you can see that this Yuan Shen has nine extremely ferocious teeth, full of fine teeth. But the head cannot see the eyes.

This nine-headed demon king looks like a jade tree standing in the wind, very handsome, but his true body is actually a nine-headed worm!

The nine worm bosses opened their mouths wide and spit out all kinds of overwhelming spells, including sword energy, sword energy, ice spears, fire balls, fire dragons, electric snakes...

With every breath, at least more than a hundred powerful spells were thrown at the translucent armored monk. For a moment, the armored monk who was originally fighting with the Divine Eye Sword Immortal was slightly suppressed. Occasionally, when the resistance was not enough, the armor on his body was scratched by the sword energy, leaving white marks.

Ye Lin saw this and no longer hesitated. Two spiritual lights flashed in front of him, and two figures appeared. They were Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai.

"Let's take action together!"


The three people flashed at the same time and quickly approached the armored monk. Xiaoqiang took the lead and joined the battle group, greeting the armored monk with swords and swords for free.

Xiaobai made a secret with one hand, and the extremely sharp White Fang Flying Sword in his hand turned into a sword light and flew to Xiaoqiang's side, waiting for an opportunity. If Xiaoqiang had no time to defend, the White Fang Flying Sword would help him resist the attack. If he saw If there is a flaw in the armored monk's defense, the White Fang Flying Sword will seize the opportunity and slash the armor hard, leaving a deep white mark.

Ye Lin was not idle either. His aura surged, and he made a secret with one hand. Two golden dragons condensed in an instant. The size of the golden dragon increased rapidly. In a short time, it grew to several thousand feet long. Huge dragon claws roared past. He grabbed the armored monk and was greeted by the dragon's claws, which were broad silver-white sword auras.

The armored monk was besieged by many parties and was constantly injured. He tried to fight at a distance, but Xiaoqiang and the Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes would obviously not give him a chance. The two of them kept blocking the retreat of the armored monk, making it impossible for him to escape. He was forced to take on the continuous attacks. In less than twenty breaths, the armor of the armored monk was too damaged and burst with a "bang". The armored monk disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Ye Lin heard the rumbling sound of the door opening. It was the door leading to the second floor of the secret hall that slowly opened.

The Sword Immortal of Divine Eyes glanced at Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang, and finally set his eyes on the White Fang Flying Sword in Xiaobai's hand.

"Fellow Daoist Ye's flying sword is rare in the mortal world. I wonder if you are willing to part with it. Of course, I will definitely take out a treasure of higher value in exchange to ensure that you will not suffer any loss."

In the previous battle, every strike of the White Fang flying sword left an irreparable scratch on the armor of the armored monk. Its power was no weaker than the sword energy of the Divine Eye Sword Immortal. However, the one who used the White Fang flying sword was only a cultivator who had reached the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body State. It was enough to show that the White Fang flying sword was extraordinary.

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