Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 865 Killing Long Tianyang

Before he could determine whether Ye Lin was real or fake, Long Tianyang was as humble as he could be in front of Long Lingmiao. Now it was completely different. Xielong Zhenjun was still alive, and he had a backer. He was naturally more confident in speaking. He even dared to bring up some ideas that he had never dared to think of before.

Long Lingmiao thought for a while.

"That's true, but this matter is of great importance. Let me think about it for a while."

Long Tianyang seemed to have expected it and laughed.

"Then Your Highness will wait for good news!"


In the palace hall, Ye Lin's face did not change. Seeing that Long Tianyang had believed most of it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the purple dragon in the spirit transformation stage shrank its body, coiled and wrapped around his arm, and turned into a lifelike purple dragon tattoo.

In fact, Ye Lin did not deceive Long Tianyang. This purple dragon was real. It was Xielong Zhenjun's natal dragon. Of course, it has now become Ye Lin's spirit beast.

Ye Lin originally planned to kill the purple dragon, use its blood to refine the dragon blood elixir, and use his soul to refine the nine dragons elixir, but after careful consideration, he gave up this idea.

As long as the purple dragon is alive, it can continuously produce dragon blood in the transformation stage, and Ye Lin has not yet broken through the transformation stage. Enslaving the purple dragon to become her spirit beast can also increase her combat power.

As for the Nine Dragons Mysterious Art, she will wait for an opportunity to practice it in the future.

The reason why Ye Lin made such a troublesome plan is that the initiative is now in the hands of Long Tianyang. With Ye Lin's strength, crushing him to death in a head-on confrontation is actually not much different from crushing an ant. But Long Tianyang is on a safe island, and Ye Lin can't do anything to him. Secondly, as long as Long Tianyang finds something wrong, he can crush the home talisman and return to the star field near the Wan Guo Continent. Ye Lin can't chase him back and kill him.

For him, in order to kill a mere Long Tianyang, losing the qualification to continue exploring the secret realm of the galaxy is undoubtedly a blood loss.

Ye Lin's plan was to conceal the truth, stabilize Long Tianyang first, then slowly dispel his doubts, and send him out after gaining his trust. As long as he was in the outside world, Ye Lin could easily kill him.


In the blink of an eye, Long Tianyang had lived in the Imperial Palace for more than a month. During this period, he and Long Lingmiao received many rewards. What made Long Tianyang particularly excited was that he received more rewards than Long Lingmiao.

This was enough to show that he was more valued by the True Lord. Recently, Long Tianyang walked with the wind and was in a very good mood.

Just when he thought he was going to practice quietly until the core area of ​​the Galaxy Secret Realm was opened, the True Lord summoned him and Long Lingmiao.

In the hall, Long Tianyang and Long Lingmiao knelt down excitedly.

"Meet the True Lord!"

"True Lord Xielong" said: "I have a mission for you, don't mess it up.

As he said that, he waved his sleeves, and two tokens flew in front of them, and they saw "Directional Transmission Order of Linghai Ancient Battlefield" written on the tokens.

Long Tianyang and Long Lingmiao took the tokens and repeatedly promised that they were willing to go through fire and water for True Lord Xielong.

Ye Lin seemed very satisfied with their attitude.

"According to the intelligence, a cultivator of our Wanlong Immortal Dynasty was besieged near the Linhai Ancient Battlefield. You should go and rescue him quickly."

Long Tianyang was immediately filled with righteous indignation.

"Let's see which blind guy dared to besiege the bloodline of our Wanlong Immortal Dynasty. This is not taking the majesty of the True Lord seriously. I will definitely do my best to kill him on the spot!"

"True Lord Xielong" nodded and waved his sleeves.

"Go down. "

Long Tianyang and Long Lingmiao looked at each other and respectfully left the hall.

After walking away, Long Tianyang's face looked a little strange. He didn't know why, but just now he felt a tightness in his heart. The thing he was most worried about happened.

If he left the safe island, his life would be in vain.

Long Tianyang whispered to Long Lingmiao: "Miss Lingmiao, what do you think?"

Long Lingmiao snorted coldly.

"What else can I think? Do you dare to go against the will of the True Lord? The True Lord has been so kind to me, and I will do all the tasks assigned by the True Lord. "

"Why, does Mr. Long still doubt whether the True Lord is real or fake? If he is a fake True Lord, can he be so generous? If I remember correctly, I have given you two top-grade Taoist artifacts in succession, which makes me extremely envious. "

"If you are timid, you can also crush the return home talisman now and return to your Wan Guo Continent. Even if I am alone, I can still do the job beautifully. "

Long Tianyang shook his head hurriedly when he heard this. He didn't understand that Long Lingmiao clearly wanted to persuade him to crush the talisman to go home. Then she would bear the favor of the True Lord alone.

From a certain perspective, they are actually in a competitive relationship.

Long Tianyang was stimulated by Long Lingmiao and made up his mind.

"Miss Lingmiao, you are joking. My prince is not stupid. It is safer for you and me to complete this task together."

Long Lingmiao's eyes flashed with disappointment. Suddenly, she remembered something and said with a slightly red face.

"Didn't you want to become a Taoist partner with me to help you practice? When you return from this mission, I will follow you. "

Long Tianyang was slightly stunned and overjoyed.

Long Lingmiao is a top-level cultivator who has reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm. If he can practice with her, his cultivation will surely advance by leaps and bounds, but he didn't get too happy too early.

"What are Miss Lingmiao's conditions?"

Long Lingmiao said: "You must perform worse in front of the True Lord. In the future, the first credit for the mission will belong to me."

Long Tianyang's face was uncertain when he heard this. After thinking for a long time, he nodded.

"Okay, I promise you."

As he said this, he was about to hold Long Lingmiao's willow waist. Long Lingmiao was a little resistant at first, but she didn't resist too much when she saw that Long Tianyang would not give up until he achieved his goal.

Long Tianyang was so happy at this time.

Beautiful Taoist partner, heavenly level skills, top-grade Taoist tools, he had everything, and as long as he honestly completed the tasks of the True Lord, he would get more in the future. It can be said that his future was bright, which also dispelled the last doubts in his heart.

Not long after, the two came to the ancient teleportation array of the safe island. As the silver-white light rose into the sky, when he opened his eyes again that day, he was already in a green forest world.

Suddenly, she saw that the future Taoist partner beside her actually showed a hint of disgust, and her figure flashed and avoided his embrace.

Long Tianyang was slightly stunned.

"Miss Lingmiao, what are you doing..."

Before Long Tianyang could react, he saw a sharp sword light coming from behind. Long Tianyang subconsciously threw out the top-grade Taoist pagoda to resist, but he didn't expect the overwhelming sword energy to come from all directions. He was caught off guard and didn't have time to react.

He only heard a few swish sounds!

His body was submerged by the sword energy and turned into meat paste!

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