Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 864 The True Lord is still alive

The beautiful female monk named Long Lingmiao frowned slightly, but after seeing Long Tianyang apologize so sincerely, her brows relaxed again, and she said with a smile.

"It's okay. After all, on the safe island, no one can release their spiritual consciousness."

Long Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly welcomed Long Lingmiao into the room and closed the door.

The two sat opposite each other in front of a coffee table.

Long Tianyang asked, "I wonder why Miss Lingmiao came to visit?"

Long Lingmiao's expression became very solemn.

"I received a jade slip of communication, which is very likely to be sent by the True Lord!"

Long Tianyang was shocked when he heard this, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"I knew that Ye Lin was fake, and the True Lord must still be alive!"

After the surprise, he suddenly found something wrong.

"What does it mean to be very likely?"

Long Lingmiao took out a jade slip.

"Listen to it yourself first."

Long Tianyang's hands trembled slightly. After taking the jade slip, he tried to invade his spiritual consciousness into it.

On the safe island, although the consciousness could not be released, there was no problem in reading the information on the jade slip.

Long Tianyang heard a familiar voice in his mind.

"Come to the Imperial Palace, Ye Lin has been completely possessed by my soul, and everything has been settled."

There was no other news.

After hearing this, Long Tianyang didn't know whether to be surprised or worried for a while, and he was even a little confused.

"Is this true or false? Ye Lin was really successfully possessed by the True Lord?"

Long Lingmiao was also a little unbelievable.

"It is precisely because I can't tell the truth from the false that I came to discuss with you. After all, the Imperial Palace is Ye Lin's territory. If Ye Lin cheats, we are afraid that we will not get any benefits, and we may even be worried about our lives!"

"You and I know about the True Lord. The information, but you know more about Ye Lin than me. Is Ye Lin usually very treacherous? Crafty?"

Long Tianyang frowned and recalled his impression of Ye Lin.

Mysterious, smart, insidious, and got everything he wanted, this is Long Tianyang's impression of Ye Lin.

"This boy is indeed a bit treacherous. I have never taken advantage of him."

Long Lingmiao's pretty face turned very pale when she heard this.

"So, it is really possible that Ye Lin set up a trap to deceive us. If we go there, it will be like walking into a trap!"

After thinking for a long time, Long Tianyang gritted his teeth.

"Whether Ye Lin is real or fake, we have to go and take a look. Now we are still on the safe island. No matter how treacherous he is, he can't murder our lives and can't attack us."

"Besides, if Ye Lin is really distracted by the True Lord, if we don't go, it will be against the will of the True Lord. What will happen, I don't need to say more."

Long Lingmiao sighed and gritted his teeth when he heard this.

"It can only be like this, let's go."

As they said, the two walked out of the palace, and soon came to the gate of the Imperial Palace and knocked on the door.

With a rumbling sound, the imperial palace's grand door opened, and a female cultivator in palace dress was standing in front of the door.

Long Tianyang had seen this female cultivator before. She was one of the members of the Galaxy Secret Realm exploration team sent by the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty.

The female cultivator glanced at the two of them, and seemed not surprised at their arrival. She said with some dissatisfaction: "The True Lord has been waiting for you for almost an hour."

Long Tianyang and Long Lingmiao's faces changed slightly at the same time.

Long Tianyang said in a deep voice: "We will explain the reason to the True Lord."

As she said that, the female cultivator led them through many twists and turns and walked into the largest and most magnificent hall in the center of the imperial palace.

There were four people sitting on a chair carved from black ice, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it, one man and three women. The man was hugging left and right, and the man's face kept changing, which seemed very unstable.

Long Tianyang and Long Lingmiao quickly knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Meet the True Lord!"

The face that was changing was Ye Lin, whom they hated to the core, and then the True Lord Xie Long, whom they feared to the core. Next to his seat, there was a purple True Dragon hovering, ignoring them. The terrifying pressure of the Transformation of the Spirit scared them to death.

On the safe island, the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Realm cultivators could not release pressure or spells, only the Transformation of the Spirit Realm cultivators could. The purple True Dragon in front of them was obviously the True Dragon of the True Lord Xie Long, the Purple Spirit Dragon of the Transformation of the Spirit Realm!

It was Ye Lin at one moment and the True Lord Xie Long at another. The three stunning beauties in the arms of the man were Qin Jin'er, Ao Lingshuang, and Fairy Qingyao. At this moment, their eyes were very aggrieved and unwilling, and their bodies were trembling. It seemed that they were also very afraid of the "True Lord Xie Long" and had to submit to the person who took over their Taoist partner's body.

Ye Lin glanced at the two and spoke calmly.

"Now the memory of my split soul has merged with Ye Lin's memory, that is to say, Ye Lin is me, and I am also Ye Lin. Of course, my will is based on me, and my original body will return after the source of my soul is restored."

"Since you two are loyal, I will give each of you a top-grade Taoist weapon as a reward."

As he said this, Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and two spiritual lights flashed, and a jade ruyi and a large iron hammer flew in front of the two of them respectively.

The two felt the breath of the top-grade Taoist weapons, and immediately took the two top-grade Taoist weapons in their hands, and kowtowed excitedly.

"Thank you, Master!"

Ye Lin said again: "Go down and find two rooms in the imperial palace to live and practice peacefully. If there is any need, I will tell you."

The two looked at each other, bowed happily and left the hall.

When they were far away from the hall, they saw that there was no one following them, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Before this, they still doubted the authenticity of the True Lord, but now, they had almost no doubts in their hearts.

Ye Lin was not a Divine Transformation cultivator. He could not pretend to be a Divine Transformation pressure in the safe island. It was impossible for Ye Lin to break through the Divine Transformation stage in less than a month. That was impossible!

Therefore, Ye Lin must have been possessed by part of the True Lord's Yuanshen. Now the True Lord is repairing the Yuanshen origin that was separated. Maybe a few years, maybe ten or twenty years later, he will be able to return.

Long Tianyang clenched his fist and said.

"I knew that the True Lord would easily defeat Ye Lin. The projections we saw at the beginning were all created by the True Lord with great means. Now you should believe it."

Long Lingmiao nodded repeatedly and looked at Long Tianyang with great admiration.

"Mr. Long is still foresighted. I admire you!"

Long Tianyang laughed loudly.

"Haha, I just thought a little more than Miss Lingmiao."

As he said, his eyes swept over Long Lingmiao's graceful body with a domineering look.

"I wonder if Miss Lingmiao is interested in becoming a Taoist partner with me and helping me to achieve the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm as soon as possible. As long as it is done, you can set any conditions."

Long Lingmiao's pretty face blushed slightly.

"We are all royal families of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty. This is not good. It violates the ancestral etiquette."

Long Tianyang waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Our blood relationship is more than hundreds and thousands of generations apart. Besides, even if the blood relationship is very close, so what? For the sake of the longevity path, it is really a loss of the big picture to care about those secular ethics. Don't you think so, girl?"

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