Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 866 Nine-story Pagoda

Long Tianyang was terrified to the extreme. His Yuanying flashed and was about to fly away after leaving his body. A net shrank rapidly, wrapping his Yuanying layer by layer without any suspense.

Ye Lin, who was supposed to be in the Winter Imperial Palace, appeared above the Linhai Ancient Battlefield. He grabbed Long Tianyang's Yuanying with his big hand.

Long Tianyang's teleportation order was given by Ye Lin. Ye Lin naturally knew where he would be teleported to. He arrived at the Linhai Ancient Battlefield before Long Tianyang and laid a net, waiting for Long Tianyang to fall into the net!

Long Tianyang's Yuanying was still struggling in the layers of wrapping.

"This is impossible, this is not true..."

In the previous moment, Long Tianyang was full of expectations for the future. He was about to have everything he had never dreamed of before. Now, in the blink of an eye, everything became a moon in the mirror and a flower in the water. The cruelty of the world made Long Tianyang difficult to accept for a while.

At this moment, even a fool would understand.

Xielong Zhenjun was Ye Lin pretending to be Ye Lin!

Ye Lin did so much just to trick him out of the safe island and kill him in one fell swoop!

Then Long Lingmiao came to Ye Lin and bowed respectfully to him.

"Mr. Ye, I have completed the task as agreed."

Ye Lin glanced at Long Lingmiao and said lightly.

"Very good, Ye has always kept his promises, and our past grievances are written off."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand.

Long Lingmiao obediently put the high-grade Taoist weapon given to him by Ye Lin in Ye Lin's hand, and then she looked at Long Tianyang's Yuanying in Ye Lin's hand with disgust, showing a sneer and sarcasm.

"Toads also want to eat swan meat."

After saying that, she crushed a teleportation talisman, and her graceful figure turned into a sky-high brilliance and teleported back to the safe island.

It turned out that Ye Lin had secretly contacted Long Lingmiao a long time ago. After showing the natal magic weapon of the Evil Dragon Master and the Purple Spirit Dragon, Long Lingmiao naturally understood that the Evil Dragon Master had really been killed by Ye Lin.

In order to continue to stay in the Xinghe Secret Realm to gain opportunities, she weighed the pros and cons and agreed to cooperate with Ye Lin to play a play to lure Long Tianyang out of the safe island.

There is a kind of psychology called herd mentality.

When everyone around believes that Xielong Zhenjun is still alive, Long Tianyang's doubts will naturally drop to the lowest point.

If only Long Tianyang is allowed to leave the safe island to perform the mission, Long Tianyang will definitely be vigilant, and if others are allowed to leave with him, his vigilance will also decrease.

If it weren't for Long Lingmiao's cooperation, Ye Lin would definitely not kill Long Tianyang so easily.

As for Long Lingmiao, this woman was once responsible for the transmission of intelligence from Xielong Zhenjun, and was also an accomplice of Xielong Zhenjun in hunting down his senior sister, but Ye Lin had no fundamental grudges with her. Now she cooperated with Ye Lin to kill Long Tianyang, which was considered to make up for his mistakes. Ye Lin kept his promise and did not intend to continue to pursue it.

Long Tianyang, on the other hand, was not very skilled or powerful to Ye Lin, but he was indeed a great worry to Ye Lin. If Long Tianyang could successfully return to the Wan Guo Continent, he would stir up a lot of trouble and threaten the people close to Ye Lin while Ye Lin was away.

Ye Lin grabbed Long Tianyang's Nascent Soul and smiled kindly.

"Fellow Daoist Long, goodbye forever."

Ye Lin seemed to be deaf to Long Tianyang's plea for mercy. He only heard a loud "boom" and the sky above the Linhai Ancient Battlefield was like a sun, illuminating hundreds of miles.

Long Tianyang's Nascent Soul was crushed by Ye Lin, and the arrogant prince of the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty died.

Ye Lin, who was at the center of the explosion, was not injured at all. He waved his sleeves and took an ancient pagoda floating in the air in his hand.

"This pagoda is quite interesting."

As the sky-high light shone, Ye Lin also crushed the teleportation talisman and returned to the Winter Safety Island.

Winter Imperial Palace.

Ye Lin got rid of his biggest worry and was in a good mood. At this moment, he was playing with Long Tianyang's pagoda.

This pagoda seemed to be a legacy of a certain sect. It could not only be used to fight and attack the enemy, but also serve as a large space to store Taoist tools. The pagoda was divided into nine floors. Each floor was a wide independent space, storing a large number of natural treasures and Taoist tools. Each floor was guarded by restrictions. Even if the pagoda was completely refined, the restrictions could not be eliminated. If you want to open the pagoda, you must pass the test set in it.

"Long Tianyang opened the seven-story pagoda with the help of the Evil Dragon True Lord. There are still two floors left. I don't know what will be in the last two floors."

Ye Lin, who had already refined the pagoda, threw it casually, and the pagoda flew out of the window and landed on a wide square. The pagoda swelled as soon as it landed, and in an instant it rose to hundreds of feet high, looking majestic and magnificent.

Ye Lin walked to the square, looking up at the pagoda, thinking.

"It can be modified, and thrown out to have a place to live."

Qin Jin'er, Ao Lingshuang, and the senior sister who followed Ye Lin also showed curiosity.

Qin Jin'er said: "I don't know what test is required to open the last two floors of the pagoda."

Ye Lin smiled and said: "You will know when you go in."

Ye Lin waved his hand, and there was a rumbling sound, and the door of the first floor of the pagoda opened.

The group then walked into the tower and saw that the first floor was very large, consisting of warehouses, and the warehouses were piled with natural treasures and refining materials.

Ye Lin had no interest in these low-level goods, and quickly went up the stairs to the second floor, then the third floor, and the fourth floor.

Until he came to the fifth floor, Ye Lin finally saw some valuable treasures, which were boxes of immortal stones and refining materials for medium-grade Taoist tools. Some boxes were obviously opened by Long Tianyang and were empty.

On the sixth floor, the space was much smaller, and more than a hundred high-quality medium-grade Taoist tools were placed.

There were three small warehouses on the seventh floor, in which various main materials for refining high-grade Taoist tools were piled up, which were very valuable.

When Ye Lin and his party came to the stairs of the eighth floor, they saw a layer of silver-white light curtain completely closing the entrance to the eighth floor. There were ancient characters around the light curtain that flickered.

Two feet away from the entrance, Ye Lin felt a great soul pressure, and as he approached, the soul pressure became stronger and stronger.

Qin Jiner said: "It seems that the key to unlocking the seal of the pagoda is the strength of the soul. This restriction is useless to my husband."

Indeed, as she said, Ye Lin stepped on the steps and approached the entrance of the eighth floor step by step. The speed was neither fast nor slow, and he seemed to feel no pressure at all.

When he walked to the entrance of the eighth floor, all the restrictions disappeared.

The group walked into the eighth floor smoothly.

In the middle of the eighth floor, there was an exquisite jade box. Ye Lin opened the jade box with a click, revealing a purple gold gourd the size of a thumb.

Ye Lin smiled.

"Not bad, this is a top-grade Taoist weapon that is intact."

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