Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 820 Spirit Insect Meeting

In the ancient ring space, the incarnation of Ye Lin's will was holding a meeting with many spirit insect leaders.

Normally, Ye Lin does not necessarily come to attend the meeting of the spiritual insect leaders in person, but recently after entering the secret realm of the galaxy, too many things have happened, and Ye Lin is also very concerned about the work of the spiritual insects.

In the conference room, there were more than twenty monks who had become human beings. They were all heads of important departments and groups.

Xiao Danzhen reported: "Master, the Demon God's Will Body has begun to be withdrawn from His Highness Silver Dragon's body. However, the Demon God's Will Body is extremely stubborn and the withdrawal progress is very slow. It is estimated that it will take a month to remove all the remaining Demon God Will Body. , as long as there is no influence from the demon god's will body, tempering the dragon blood essence and refining the dragon blood golden elixir can be completed in a very short time."

Ye Lin nodded.

The Demon God's will body is extremely difficult to peel off. Being able to find a way to peel it off in such a short period of time makes Xiao Dan a genius. There is another advantage to having the method to peel off the body, that is, if Ye Lin or Ye Lin's spirit can do it in the future, Even if the insects are contaminated with the devil's will body, they can also eliminate hidden dangers.

As for the recipe for refining the Dragon Blood Golden Pill, it came from Ao Lingshuang. The difficulty of refining it is far less complicated than that of the Yingjie Pill. With Xiao Dan's current alchemy master's attainments, he should be able to do it easily.

"Approximately how many dragon blood elixirs can be refined in total?"

Xiaodan said: "I estimate ten. If there are more, the dragon blood essence will be diluted, thus affecting the purity of the dragon blood awakened by the swallower. According to the master, the "Dragon Yuan Xuan Gong" should be the higher the purity of the dragon blood. , the better the effect.”

Ye Lin nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

"Ten pills are enough."

His current number of Taoist companions is far from ten, they are all too many.

Xiao Dan said again.

"Recently, Xiao Dan had a sudden thought. After the "Nine-turn Demon God Body" we practice reaches the fifth turn, it will be affected by the ancient demon god. If we can figure out the secret of the demon god's will body, we may be able to eliminate the influence of the demon god. Everyone can Continue to practice the "Nine Transformations of Demon God Body".

When Ye Lin heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is a very good idea. Why didn't I think of it? Xiao Dan, after refining the dragon blood golden elixir, you will focus all your energy on the study of the demon god's will body, and strive to find a way to deal with it as soon as possible. If there is any If necessary, you can use the brains of fifty million spiritual insects."

Xiao Dan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"I understand, but I don't know when it will take until the results can be researched, and it may not even be possible."

Ye Lin said.

"You try it first. I'll give you ten years. If you don't get any results in ten years, then give up on this matter."

Xiao Dan responded.


Today, Ye Lin has seen many heaven-level exercises and has faced many attacks from natural disaster spells, but he always believes that the "Nine-turn Demon God Body" is more powerful than all the heaven-level exercises he has seen.

Nowadays, including him, the top spiritual insects have stopped practicing after reaching the fifth turn, but even so, the ninth-turn demon body still greatly increases the strength of their physical bodies, which is irreplaceable.

If the hidden dangers of the "Nine-turn Demonic Body" can be solved and this technique is practiced to the sixth or even ninth turn, the physical bodies of Ye Lin and the spirit insects will reach a terrifying level, and the overall combat power will be raised to a new level.

After Xiao Dan finished his report, Xiao Qi, a strong man with muscles all over his body, stood up.

"Master, everything is ready now. We only need Dongfeng. As long as there are enough refining materials, our refining factory can refine the Cold Snow Sword embryo into a high-grade Taoist weapon within a year. With the experience of refining the high-grade Taoist weapon this time, , it won’t be a problem to refine other high-grade Taoist tools from scratch.”

When Ye Lin heard this, he suddenly became excited.

"Okay, okay, we will have a lot of refining materials soon. You can organize a large mining team and start mining when we arrive at the hurricane broken star belt."

Xiaoqi's eyes shined.


It's no wonder Ye Lin is so excited. Now he has no shortage of middle-grade Taoist tools, and even has extra ones. However, high-grade Taoist tools are still very rare, and it is very difficult to obtain each high-grade Taoist tool.

Although he obtained four high-grade Taoist artifacts in one month, this was not a stable acquisition. Maybe he might not be able to obtain the next high-grade Taoist artifact from the outside world in the next one, two, or even ten years.

It would be different if the weapon refining factory had the ability to refine high-grade Taoist weapons on its own. The number of its high-grade Taoist tools could grow steadily, and the strength of the spirit insects could also steadily increase.

Just imagine, if one day, Ye Lin waved his hand and summoned thousands of out-of-body spiritual insects. Each out-of-body spiritual insect held one or even two high-grade Taoist tools in his hand, even if he was a powerful spirit transformer. He was so scared that he fell to his knees and called him grandpa.

Xiao Fu stood up, stroked his beard and reported.

"Reporting to the master, the Demon God's Immortal Slayer Bead has now undergone an improvement. The power of the improved Demon God's Immortal Slayer Bead has dropped significantly, but its speed has increased slightly. It is expected that after four more improvements, the complete version of the Demon God's Immortal Slayer Bead can be produced. , there is a possibility of threatening the powerful person who transforms into a god."

Ye Lin nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

As Ye Lin's strength increased, the demand for talisman seals also weakened a lot. Because of this, Xiao Fu and his talisman making factory have shifted their work direction. Now they mainly use the various knowledge they have learned to be responsible for Research and plan to improve one-time magic weapons, and sometimes cooperate with formation spirit insects, weapon refining spirit insects, and alchemy spirit insects to improve formations, Taoist tools, and elixirs.

Xiao Fu has learned a lot of ancient characters from the spirit world and read countless books. He is the most knowledgeable among all spirit insects.

This is also related to the direction of his mutation. As Xiao Fu's strength increases, he has more and more brains. Now he has more than a hundred brains. He can separate hundreds of thoughts at the same time and read hundreds of books. He can do hundreds of things... other spiritual insects cannot compare to him.

Ye Lin asked.

"Our total amount of Demonic God's willpower is limited. How much Demonic God's willpower is currently consumed to make a Demonic God-killing Immortal Pearl?"

Xiao Fu said.

"Nowadays, an entire Demon God's will can only refine two Demon God's Immortal Slayer Pearls. It is expected that after five improvements, the consumption of the full version of the Demon God's Immortal Slayer Pearl will be reduced. One Demon God's Will Body can probably refine three complete versions of the Demon God's Immortal Slayer Pearls. Destroy the Immortal Pearl."

Ye Lin nodded when he heard this and said with some regret.

"The ancient battlefield of Lin Hai is really a search, and we are not allowed to hunt more demonic will bodies. I didn't expect that this extremely dangerous thing would turn into an extremely precious resource. If you use a little less, you still can't find it. Local replenishment, no matter how much money you spend, you can’t buy it.”

Xiao Fu said: "Actually, Xiao Fu already has two plans to solve the master's troubles."

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