Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 819: Emptying Jianshan

"Now that the enemy has been killed and the high-grade Taoist flying sword is in our hands, let's leave this sword mountain."

At this moment, Ye Lin suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"I don't know how Xiaojian is recovering. There should be high-grade Taoist flying swords on the tops of other sword mountains. We might as well let Xiaojian go to other sword mountains to unleash his fart sword skills. Maybe we can harvest more high-grade Taoist flying swords."

Qin Jin'er looked helpless when he heard this.

"Don't think too much. There are inscriptions under every Sword Mountain. You probably didn't notice it when you had time. It is said that the top of the Sword Mountain can only give birth to one high-grade Taoist flying sword every ten thousand years, and there is only one. The flying sword, a high-grade Taoist weapon, recognizes its owner..."

Ye Lin suddenly fell into deep thought upon hearing this.

"Does the inscription limit the number of mid-grade Taoist flying swords and low-grade Taoist flying swords that can be recognized as owners every 10,000 years?"

Qin Jin'er shook her head in confusion.

"That's not true."

Ye Lin's eyes suddenly lit up again.

"That's easy to handle. We can't get more high-grade Taoist artifacts, flying swords, but we can take more mid-grade, low-grade Taoist artifacts, flying swords. If we accumulate less, the total value may not be as good as a high-grade Taoist artifact. !”

Qin Jin'er said doubtfully again.

"But the rules of the inscription limit that each person can only take one mid-grade Taoist flying sword and ten low-grade Taoist flying swords from Sword Mountain within ten thousand years. And if you want to get the recognition of those flying swords, your swordsmanship cannot be It’s too low. We are just these people, and what we can take away is really limited..."

Speaking of this, Qin Jin'er suddenly remembered something.

"My husband is saying that sword spirit insects..."

Ye Lin laughed loudly.

"Yes, we can't take much away, but under my command, there are more than a million spiritual insects practicing swordsmanship. There are hundreds of them above the out-of-body stage, and tens of thousands above the Nascent Soul stage. Only!"

"Let's go to the foot of Sword Mountain first and let the spirit insects climb on their own and find their own opportunities for swordsmanship!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lan, carrying Ye Lin and his group, turned into a blue light and flew away down the mountain at high speed.

Not long after, Ye Lin and his party had arrived at the foot of Jian Mountain. Looking from the foot of the mountain, Jian Mountain was so huge that it seemed to pierce the sky.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and tens of thousands of spiritual lights flew out, turning into tens of thousands of spiritual insects in human form. They all saluted Ye Lin.

"Meet the master."

Ye Lin waved his hand and pointed at the majestic Jianshan Road, which was too high to reach the top.

"Go ahead and find your own opportunities for swordsmanship. Remember, never force yourself. Once you step into the Sword Mountain, you will be responsible for your life and death. Only in this way can you gain the recognition of those flying swords."

"As you command!"

All the spirit insects looked at Jian Mountain, their eyes extremely hot. They all knew that Xiao Jian had obtained a high-grade Taoist flying sword on Jian Mountain, which was the supreme honor of being a sword cultivator.

Boo hoo hoo…

The colorful escaping lights were as dense as raindrops and began to climb rapidly on the Sword Mountain. At the same time that the spirit insects stepped into the Sword Mountain, the sword energy condensed and slashed towards the spirit insects. The spirit insects Each of them started to use their own flying swords to fight and resist the sword energy attacks.

Ye Lin watched silently from a distance, waiting for the moment of harvest.

He only released the sword spirit insects in the Nascent Soul stage, the out-of-body stage. As for the sword spirit insects below the Yuanying, they were too reluctant to face the test of Sword Mountain. The mortality rate must be very high if they were forcibly released. As long as the spiritual insects above the infant don't show off, they can withstand the sword energy released by the flying sword, a low-grade Taoist weapon, and they will not encounter much danger on the Sword Mountain.

Moreover, these spirit insects help each other and trust each other. If other companions are in danger, they will definitely come to the rescue.

After finding Qin Jin'er, one of the two stones hanging in Ye Lin's heart fell to the ground safely, and it was the biggest one. Of course, this does not mean that he is not worried about his senior sister's safety, but that his senior sister is extremely powerful. Compared with Qin Jin'er It's much safer in the Galaxy Secret Realm.

About two hours later, the kendo spirit insects who had reached the Nascent Soul stage returned to the ancient ring space carrying one or more low-grade Taoist flying swords. There was not much joy on their faces, but more regret.

After all, returning means being eliminated and no longer able to face the test of Sword Mountain. It also means that their strength is the weakest among all the kendo spirit insects and their kendo talent is limited.

As time passed, more and more spirit insects returned, and their harvests became more and more. After five hours, some spirit insects had even returned with ten low-grade Taoist weapons.

They are like ants foraging outside, taking the food they find little by little and moving it back to their nest in a long line.

When Ye Lin saw more and more flying swords being harvested, he was smiling from ear to ear and kept praising Jiufeng Sword Mountain as a good place to make a fortune...

Three days later, Xiao Qiang reported.

"Master, all the spirit insects sent to Sword Mountain have returned. Thirty-one spirit insects died in an accident on Sword Mountain. A total of 37,000 low-grade Taoist flying swords and 470 were brought back. A mid-grade Taoist flying sword.”

Ye Lin nodded slightly when he heard this.

"Follow the old rules, set up monuments in the cemetery for the spirit insects who died in the battle, and distribute more cultivation resources to their relatives!"

"As you command!"

After all, Jianshan is not a place where one can come and go at will. Ye Lin encountered some unforeseen dangers and killed more than thirty spirit insects in the battle. Ye Lin still expected it, but when he heard the news, he still felt very heavy. .

Now he has hundreds of millions of spiritual insects, and the base is too large. No matter what he does, spiritual insects will die all the time, and it is impossible to avoid the death of a small number of spiritual insects when sent to fight.

Ye Lin looked at Jianshan Mountain, which was bare, and even the sharp sword energy around Jianshan Mountain had dissipated, like a sheep that had been plucked bald.

The gains from this trip to Jianshan Mountain were no less than the killing of 2 billion demons in the Demon Nebula.

Qin Jiner asked, "Where are we going next? I don't know where my senior sister is now."

Qin Jiner thought of her senior sister who had no news and couldn't help showing a worried look.

Ye Lin opened the map of the middle-grade Taoist instruments and pointed to a place called "Hurricane Star Belt".

"We are now refining high-grade Taoist instruments, and the most lacking is the refining materials. This place is marked with the refining resource opportunity point, and there should be a lot of natural materials and treasures. As for whether we can find two directional teleportation orders, it depends on luck."

After learning the news from Qin Jiner, Ye Lin only bought a directional teleportation order to Jianshan Mountain due to the emergency situation, but did not buy a teleportation order back to the Hurricane Safety Island.

Qin Jiner nodded when he heard the words.

"In that case, let's set off immediately and try to collect enough refining materials as soon as possible, and return to the safe island to inquire about the news of Senior Sister."

"Okay, let's set off now!"

Xiao Lan carried Ye Lin and his group around the Jianshan area and flew into the sky. Not long after, they arrived in the outer space of the Hurricane Star Domain again, accelerating and rushing towards a direction farther away from the sun.

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