Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 821 Hurricane Star Belt

Ye Lin suddenly became interested when he heard this.

"Tell me quickly."

Xiao Fu stroked his beard.

"When researching how to refine the Demon God's Immortal Slayer Pearl, I considered that it is extremely difficult to replenish the Demon God's Will Body. Therefore, in the future, we need to refine a magic weapon that can quickly recycle the Demon God's Will Body. When the Demon God's Will Body comes into play, it will Recycle it and continue to refine the new Demon God Slayer Pearl."

"This is also the first plan."

Ye Lin nodded.

"Recycling and reusing, turning limited resources into unlimited uses, is a really good idea. I will strongly support it. What is the second plan?"

Xiao Fu said: "When the Demon God's will body is divided, we can come into contact with some memory fragments of the Demon God's will body. From their memory fragments, we understand that the Demon God is no longer suitable to survive in the mortal world. The ancient Demon God has been in the world for hundreds of thousands of years. They were extinct in the mortal world before they died. They would gather together and kill other races crazily before they died, thus creating the Linhai Ancient Battlefield. Some demons would choose to sacrifice their ancestors and die silently during the sacrifice."

"That is to say, in the secret realm of the Galaxy, in addition to the Demon God's Will in the Linhai Ancient Battlefield, there are also Demon God's Will in other places."

Ye Lin opened the map, searched for it for a long time, and shook his head helplessly.

"Either it's not marked on the map, or it's not in the outer area of ​​the Galaxy Secret Realm, but in the core area of ​​the Galaxy Secret Realm."

Xiaoqi added: "The devil will be sensitive to that kind of place. When the time is right, we can resurrect a demon god's will body and control it to take us to get more demon god will bodies."

Ye Lin nodded when he heard this.

"It's a very good plan, but we are still lacking in strength now. We will consider this issue when we are strong enough."

After Xiao Fu finished his report, Xiao Shu, who was dressed as a man and a scholar, stood up and reported.

"Today, the most powerful formation that Xiao Shu realized in Gu Jie's sleep is still the Sun, Moon, Universe, and Demon Suppression Formation. Currently, the formation team is making an improvement to the formation. The main improvement direction is to enhance the power of the formation. It is expected that After improving it three times, you will have the initial ability to fight against the powerful ones who transform themselves into gods.”

"It's just that it is extremely difficult to improve a large formation of this level. It is expected that it will take at least twenty years to improve it three times."

Ye Lin nodded after hearing this.

"Don't be too anxious. The formation is extremely complicated and mysterious. Let's try to take it one step at a time."

Xiaoshu smiled and nodded gently.

"The master is so kind!"

In this way, the most important stage of this spiritual insect meeting was over, and Ye Lin's consciousness dissipated and returned to his physical body.

At this time, Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai were practicing hard in the ancient ring space, and Xiaolan was driving him to accelerate towards the goal.

Ye Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and looked toward the edge of the star field that was getting darker and colder. He vaguely saw reflective objects that were extremely irregularly distributed.

"Are those the broken stars on the edge of the star field? It doesn't look very far away anymore."

The Nine Peaks Sword Mountain is located near the edge of the Hurricane Star Domain, while the Hurricane Broken Star Belt is at the very edge of the Hurricane Star Domain. Therefore, the distance between the two on the map is not that far away.

The hurricane star belt is not just one area, but surrounds the entire hurricane star field and forms an unknown how wide line.


The surrounding air is getting colder and colder, and Ye Lin's eyebrows and hair are stained with white frost. At the edge of the star field, it is too far away from the sun, so the temperature is naturally not high.

Ye Lin took out the map and looked at it again.

According to the map, as long as you cross the hurricane star belt, you will arrive at another star field - the Winter Star Field.

"No wonder it's so cold. It's estimated that the monks in the alchemy stage will be directly frozen into ice sculptures. Even the Nascent Soul of the Nascent Soul monk will have difficulty moving freely in such an extreme environment."

"It's so cold here just at the junction of the Hurricane Star Territory and the Winter Star Territory. How cold should the Winter Star Territory be?"

At this moment, Ye Lin suddenly heard a loud "boom, boom, boom" sound, and a terrifying aura was approaching very quickly.

Ye Lin's expression changed, and he turned around and saw a blue light curtain dividing the starry sky again, covering it in his direction.

"It's a hurricane disaster again, Xiaolan, use the secret method to speed up your escape!"


As Xiao Lan continued to accelerate, the terrifying blue light curtain finally slowed down its approach to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin was thoughtful.

"The entire Galaxy Secret Realm is divided into three major star regions, namely the Hurricane Star Realm, the Winter Star Realm, and the Blazing Mars Realm. It seems that no matter which star region the secret realm explorers enter, they will have to face extreme environments and extreme natural disasters. If they want to obtain The opportunities in the secret realm must face the test of these natural disasters. "

The natural disaster hurricane set off this time seemed to be weaker than the last natural disaster hurricane Ye Lin encountered, and its advancement speed was also much slower. As Xiaolan continued to accelerate, the hurricane was gradually left far behind.

As the saying goes, Wangshan is a race to death, especially in the outer starry sky. Ye Lin saw the reflective broken stars as early as ten days ago. After Xiaolan used the secret technique to speed up, it still took Ye Lin ten days to see the void. Among the huge broken stars that are slowly rotating.

Of course, Xiao Lan did not consume all the energy to accelerate this time. After confirming that the hurricane could not catch up, Xiao Lan stopped consuming energy.

After Xiao Lan successfully slowed down, Ye Lin did not order Xiao Lan to approach the slowly rotating broken stars. Instead, he stood in the distance and observed with his spiritual consciousness vigilantly.

At this time, Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang had appeared beside him.

The moment his consciousness unfolded, Ye Lin's face showed a look of ecstasy.

"Every broken star here is bigger than the Qindi Mountain Range, and there are a lot of various ores contained in the broken stars!"

As he spoke, Ye Lin pointed at a crescent-shaped star.

"There are ten black iron ore veins on this broken star. Each vein contains a large amount of black iron ore. Deep underground, there are also many million-year black iron ore that is used to refine high-grade Taoist tools."

He pointed to another oval, reflective broken star.

"This broken star contains a large amount of black steel stone, and there is also a vein in it, which is full of dragon-marked black steel stone for refining Taoist tools!"

Xiaoqiang's eyes lit up.

"That would be great. If we dig for a while longer, wouldn't we be able to store a large amount of weapon refining materials?"

Xiaobai looked a little solemn.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. In the secret realm of the galaxy, opportunities are always accompanied by crises. You see, there are no plants on these broken stars, and even the demons dare not approach them. This is enough to show that these broken stars are very dangerous, but from a distance Looking at it, there is nothing on Broken Star. Where is the danger? "

Ye Lin couldn't help but frown.

Even with his powerful consciousness, he couldn't find the danger.

"Let's get close to the half-moon-shaped Broken Star first, and find a few spiritual insects who are good at controlling puppets to land on the Broken Star to test it out."

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