Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 773: Traveling in the Sea of ​​Stars

When they just left the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, everyone was still a little excited, but after listening to the Golden Body Taoist's story, everyone felt like a big mountain was weighing on their hearts, and their eyes began to look around, praying not to encounter those scary things.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, that is, the outer starry sky is too dangerous, and the top ten dangerous places are simply paradise compared to this place.

The golden Taoist suddenly laughed heartily.

"What are you doing? Don't be nervous. We have just left the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent. Under normal circumstances, the closer we are to the Ten Thousand Nations Continent, the less dangerous it is. The Ten Thousand Nations Continent is also a big world in the outer space. It is affected by the rules of the big world. The space is relatively stable, and the starry sky monsters of the Transformation God Stage will not approach easily. After all, there are many old guys in the Transformation Stage who are hidden on our continent. Once they get close, it will most likely turn into a big opportunity. "

"Furthermore, the Gate of the Galaxy is not far away from the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, only more than 8 million miles away. The speed of my Golden Sword Flying Boat in the outer starry sky will gradually increase, and it can be reached in a few days. It is within 100 million miles away from our Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms. It’s relatively safe.”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

The golden body Taoist added another sentence.

"Of course, it's always right to be cautious. Now that I can help you avoid danger, you have to rely on yourself after entering the Gate of the Galaxy. It is said that there is also an extraterrestrial starry sky environment there, and the level of danger is higher than that of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, which is hundreds of millions of miles away. No matter how high it is, you can gain more experience along the way.”

In a vast and empty world, every hour feels extremely long. There are no creatures, no oceans, no land, and no sound. If someone stays in this environment for a long time, his state of mind and personality will undergo major changes.

If it is true as Taoist Jin Shen said, the speed of the Golden Sword Flying Boat is getting faster and faster in the outer starry sky without gravity and resistance. The journey that originally might have taken a month in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent can be reached here in just a few days.

Two days later, on the way of the Golden Sword Feizhou, he finally saw a huge piece of rubble. This piece of rubble was larger than any ten-meter-high mountain on the Wanguo Continent. Shen Taoist said that there are still many of these rubbles around the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent. They all follow a certain pattern and circle along the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, round and round, year after year.

In these rubbles, sometimes starry sky monsters live, and sometimes you can find opportunities left by ancient monks. Most of the time, there is a group of heavenly demons around the rubble.

For example, at the moment when Ye Lin and others met, a dark group of demons came towards them, numbering in the millions. The demon leading the group was the Great Demon King in the late stage of leaving the body.

"The breath of flesh and blood! This is the breath of flesh and blood!"

"This is a group of human monks, we must devour them."

On the flying boat, a woman named Qin Yan, dressed in fiery red palace clothes, couldn't help but snorted when she saw the group of demons rolling towards her.

"act recklessly!"

Not to mention that there is a golden-body Taoist on the flying boat who is a great master of the Great Perfection of the out-of-body experience. Even if one person is taken out alone on the flying boat, it is enough to kill the late-stage out-of-body great demon king and fly away.

Qin Yan was about to let go of his breath, but saw Ye Lin and Taoist Jinshen raising their hands at the same time.


Qin Yan looked a little confused.

The Golden Body Taoist said: "In the outer starry sky, remember not to expose your aura at will. It is very likely to attract more heavenly demons or unknown starry sky monsters. If you encounter a heavenly demon who does not know whether to live or die, just kill him, but releasing your aura is a deterrent. Big taboo."

Ye Lin added another sentence.

"And except for the senior Taoist Jin Shen, our cultivations are all in the middle stage of out-of-body cultivation. Even if we release our breath, it may not be able to scare them, but will make them even crazier."

The golden Taoist nodded to Ye Lin.

"If you are not in a hurry, I will let you practice your skills, but now, you don't need to take action."

As the golden Taoist spoke, his robes swelled, he clenched his fist, and about ten miles away from the black crowd of demons, he punched out with a seemingly ordinary punch.

Everyone felt their hearts tremble as a huge golden fist like a mountain suddenly struck out.


The golden fist collided with the group of heavenly demons and flashed with dazzling golden light. Wherever the golden light touched, the invisible bodies of the heavenly demons were turned into intangibles. Many of the heavenly demons did not even scream.

A huge hole appeared in the center of the demon group. The golden flying sword carried Ye Lin and others through the hole and flew away. From the beginning to the end, the golden flying sword did not slow down at all, but was still accelerating.

The Great Heavenly Demon King in the late stage of leaving his body did not have time to regret before he was killed by this punch, and the Heavenly Demon Yuanying could not escape.

The golden body is the way of humanity.

"In the outer starry sky, if you are in a hurry, be careful not to slow down on the road. Firstly, a sudden slowdown consumes mana. Secondly, it takes a long time to slow down and then increase the speed. The time to reach the destination will be delayed. , and if you slow down, you may be surrounded by starry sky monsters.”

Everyone listened very carefully and did not dare to miss anything.

In the next four days, Ye Lin and his party encountered two more waves of demons, but the scale was extremely small. The leading demon was only in the early stage of leaving the body. There was no need for the golden body Taoist to take action. The golden flying boat penetrated directly and completely. The group of demons walked away, and the Nascent Soul of the demon king was still caught by Ye Lin in the early stage of leaving the body.

In addition to the group of demons, Ye Lin and his party also encountered a group of boundless starry sky flying fish. The strength of ordinary flying fish is only at the foundation-building stage, but the strength of the flying fish king has reached the late stage of out-of-body experience.

The starry sky flying fish is extremely peculiar. After flying, it will leave a silver-white light tail, which looks very much like a comet. The weak flying fish will double its speed in the light tail, and then catch up with the powerful flying fish. Therefore, the leader of the flying fish group must be the strongest flying fish.

There are about 10 million flying fish in this group. They feed on sunlight and did not actively attack Ye Lin and others.

As the distance to the destination got closer and closer, dazzling colorful clouds appeared in front of the flying boat, which was the sky phenomenon seen on the continent of Ten Thousand Nations.

On the seventh day, the flying boat finally arrived at the source of the colorful clouds. There were already three huge flying boats around, including a phoenix building ship, a dragon-shaped giant ship, and a piece of emerald green leaves.

Ye Lin recognized at a glance that the Phoenix Flying Boat should belong to the Fengming Immortal Dynasty, the Dragon-shaped Giant Ship belongs to the Wanhai Monster Country, and the green leaves belong to the Savage Monster Country.

The Golden Sword Flying Boat slowly slowed down and finally stopped dozens of miles away from the colorful light source.

The Golden Body Taoist sitting cross-legged on the flying boat stood up and stretched.

"We are finally here. Judging from the situation, the Galaxy Gate should be stable in five days at most."

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