Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 774 Galaxy Covenant

Ye Lin stared at the source of the colorful rays of light, and saw that the rays of rays of light were blending and converging, and he could vaguely see an ancient and ethereal gate. This gate was made of colorful stars. The stars kept twinkling.

Today, this ancient gate that has not yet been formed feels very dangerous to Ye Lin. It seems that no matter how it exists, as long as you get close, you will encounter great danger.

Ye Lin guessed that this may be because the Starry Sky Gate has not yet stabilized, causing the surrounding space to be extremely chaotic, with invisible space cracks and numerous small space vortices.

Fortunately, the Starry Sky Gate's scope of influence is extremely limited, affecting only about ten miles around. The place where the Golden Sword Flying Boat is currently staying is dozens of miles away from the Starry Sky Gate, so there is no need to worry about being affected.

Qin Jin'er said to Ye Lin.

"Feng Jiutian just sent a message from her spiritual consciousness, asking us to be guests on the flying boat of the Fengming Immortal Dynasty to discuss cooperation matters after entering the secret realm of the starry sky. She also said that Ao Lingshuang was also there and said that she wanted to cooperate with us. ”

Ye Lin nodded when he heard the words, not feeling surprised at all. Once entering the secret realm of the starry sky, no one knows what will happen. Even with Ye Lin's current strength, there is not much sense of security. In this case, the more teammates there are, the better. Well, the fewer enemies the better.

If you don't form an alliance in advance and sign the inner demon oath, then in order to compete for unimaginable opportunities after entering the secret realm, no matter how good your friends are, they may become enemies.

Ye Lin turned his eyes to the golden body Taoist.

The golden Taoist laughed.

"It is up to you to decide whether to form an alliance with those people. The Great Qin Immortal Dynasty will not interfere. After all, after entering the secret realm, you are responsible for life and death. We can only wait for the result."

"Of course, because I want to protect the safety of you eight little bastards, I will follow you wherever you go before the Starry Sky Gate opens."

Ye Lin nodded.

"Then please trouble me, senior. Let's go to the flying boat of Fengming Immortal Dynasty now."

The Golden Body Taoist snapped his fingers, and the golden flying boat slowly approached the Phoenix Tower ship of Fengmingxian Dynasty. Even though it was dozens of miles away, Ye Lin could still see with the naked eye that there were two people standing at the bow of the Phoenix Tower ship. One of the women with outstanding grace is wearing a white dress and has a cold temperament, while the other is wearing a fiery red palace dress and has a graceful figure.

It was the Dragon Palace Crown Prince Ao Lingshuang and the Feng Crown Prince Feng Jiutian who had not seen each other for many years. They were smiling and saying hello in the direction of the Golden Sword Flying Boat.

The senior sister glanced at the two beauties standing on the bow of the Phoenix Tower ship, and then glanced at Ye Lin. She seemed to see something and smiled without saying a word. Ye Lin suddenly smiled awkwardly.

He wanted to explain to his senior sister, don't accuse me wrongly, we are all pure boyfriend and girlfriend.

After a hundred breaths, the Golden Sword Flying Boat stopped at the edge of the Phoenix Tower Ship. This Phoenix Tower Ship was huge, thousands of feet long. There were several elegantly decorated pavilions on the flying boat, as well as a rockery pond lined with willow trees, which looked like a Luxurious villa.

"Mr. Ye, long time no see."

Seeing Ye Lin and his party arriving, Feng Jiutian and Ao Lingshuang smiled and clasped their fists together.

Ye Lin and the others also cupped their fists and saluted.

"You two girls, long time no see."

The golden elder put away the golden sword and flew the boat, and Ye Lin and his party landed on the bow of the flying boat.

Feng Jiutian said: "Master Ye and fellow Taoists, please go upstairs and have a cup of tea. Let's chat while we have a cup of tea. There are still at least five days before the Galaxy Gate opens, so we don't need to be too anxious."

Ye Lin nodded. Under the leadership of Feng Jiutian, the group came to the highest pavilion in the Phoenix Tower Ship. As soon as they stepped into it, the fresh air and the fragrance of flowers and plants hit their nostrils, which made Ye Lin feel refreshed.

Although it is said that monks do not need to breathe in the outer starry sky, it does not mean that they are very comfortable without breathing. Breathing starts from birth, and if it is stopped, there will inevitably be some discomfort.

Ye Lin could see that formations were arranged next to these attics. During the operation of the formations, the fresh air produced by the flowers and plants could be prevented from leaking into the outer starry sky.

Climbing up to the third floor, Ye Lin saw two waves of monks in the out-of-body stage. One wave had dragon horns on its head and was a prodigy of the dragon clan. The other wave was all beauties in palace attire, with different temperaments, either cold or cold. Whether it's charm or innocence, this wave of women should be the geniuses sent by Fengming Immortal Dynasty.

Among them, there were ten people from the Ten Thousand Sea Monster Kingdom, including Ao Lingshuang, and three of them had entered the late stage of out-of-body experience.

Fengmingxianchao, including Fengjiutian, has a total of seven people, two of whom have entered the late stage of out-of-body experience.

From this point of view, the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty is indeed a bit weak, and no one has broken through to the late stage of out-of-body experience.

After the two parties clasped their fists and saluted, Ye Lin and his party sat cross-legged on the ground. Taoist Jinshen was obviously not very interested in the alliance between the three parties. He found a beautiful woman on the first floor and started talking. He didn't know what he was talking about. something.

Ye Lin guessed that this beautiful woman should be the great master of the Great Perfection of Fengming Immortal Dynasty, and her duty is to protect the genius of Fengming Immortal Dynasty.

The aroma of tea is fragrant.

Feng Jiutian started talking about the alliance without much greeting.

"Fellow Taoists, I think we all know the advantages of forming an alliance. I won't go into details here. I drafted a blood oath of covenant before departure. I will show it to you now. Of course, fellow Taoists, If you are not satisfied with the specific terms, you can point it out immediately, and we will discuss the modification of the covenant on the spot. If most people are satisfied, but some people are still dissatisfied, they can withdraw from signing the blood oath, and there is no need to force it. "

Feng Jiutian flicked his finger, and a stream of spiritual light flew out. A document appeared in front of everyone. When they opened the document, they saw the words in black and white: Xinghe Secret Treasure Alliance Blood Oath.

First, you must not attack any ally directly or indirectly.

Second, you must not disclose any information about your allies to people outside the alliance.

Third, if an ally is in trouble, you should help him to the best of your ability.

Fourth, when you encounter a conflict of interest due to a common opportunity, you can overturn the first clause and respect strength, but you should warn in advance before taking action and you cannot kill your allies.


Ye Lin read it one by one, and after reading it, he couldn't help but smile.

I have to admit that the alliance drafted by Feng Jiutian was very thoughtful. Even after signing the alliance, strength is respected, but under normal circumstances, weak allies will not be bullied by strong allies, which not only guarantees the rights of the strong, but also makes the weak feel at ease.

Ye Lin spoke first.

"I am very satisfied with the covenant drafted by Miss Jiutian, and I have no objection."

On the side of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, Ye Lin expressed his opinion, and Qin Jin'er, Fairy Qingyao, and Qin Yijian followed suit, expressing their satisfaction with the terms.

"I have no objection either." Ao Lingshuang, the leader of the Dragon Palace, followed suit.

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