Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 772 Dangerous extraterritorial space

A few hours later, Ye Lin felt that the gravity on his body completely disappeared. Looking around, the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent turned into a "ball" shrouded in layers of thin white mist. Most of the ball's area was aqua blue, and the small... Some areas are light gray, and there are some khaki and dark black areas.

Seeing this incredible and spectacular scene, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Ye Lin and his party all have the cultivation level of the out-of-body stage, and also have the ability to fly away from the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms and reach the outer starry sky. Not only they have this strength, but all Yuanying and above, and even individual monks in the Danjie stage have this strength.

But only a handful of people had nothing to do and actually left the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms. Ye Lin and others never left.

The fundamental reason is that all records about the extraterrestrial sky emphasize that this place is very dangerous, and the level of danger even exceeds the ten most dangerous places in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent.

The carefree golden Taoist stood on the bow of the airship, picking his nostrils while explaining to Ye Lin and others.

"Look, those aqua blue areas represent the ocean. Fifty percent of our Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent is the ocean. Therefore, the strength and financial resources of the Ten Thousand Sea Monster Kingdom, taken individually, exceed any of ours in eternity. The Immortal Dynasty, even though the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty has been extremely powerful in the past ten thousand years, is still far from being able to fight against the Ten Thousand Sea Monster Kingdom alone. "

"The light gray area is the territory where our human race has been active all year round. The earthy yellow area is the relatively barren wilderness. The wilderness also occupies 30% of the total area of ​​​​Wanguo Continent, excluding some dangerous areas where survival is impossible. Less than ten percent of the area is left for our human race to reproduce.”

He took another look at the vast and boundless extraterrestrial world, which seemed to never see the edge and was so empty that it was shocking.

"Actually, under normal circumstances, the extraterrestrial world is not dangerous, but once trouble occurs, it will be a big trouble, and the mortality rate is extremely high. Therefore, all ancient books emphasize that it is not recommended for monks under the out-of-body stage to explore the extraterrestrial starry sky, even if He is an out-of-body Dzogchen monk. If he is very unlucky, he will die silently in this hellish place."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Ye Lin and others became a little solemn.

Qin Jin'er asked: "I have a few questions, I wonder if my ancestor can answer them."

The Golden Body Taoist chuckled: "Of course, I'm not afraid that you will ask, but I'm afraid that you won't ask. Old man, I am quite familiar with the outer starry sky. I have been here many times, and I have encountered many unique things in the outer starry sky."

Qin Jin'er asked.

"It is rumored that there are endless extraterrestrial demons. Why don't they gather together and simply devour all the creatures in the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent in one fell swoop? It is rare to hear of a large number of extraterrestrial demons invading the sky on weekdays."

The Golden Body Taoist said: "First, the demons in the outer starry sky are not united enough. They not only hunt down all the creatures in the outer world, but also kill each other, so it is really difficult to unite them. Secondly, the demons in the outer starry sky are indeed endless. , just like the endless vast starry sky, but also because the outer starry sky is so vast, the groups of demons are very sparsely divided. The distance between one group of demons and another may be a million miles, a hundred million miles, or even I don’t know how many millions of miles.”

"In the outer starry sky, one hundred million miles is just the basic unit of distance. Just imagine, with your current magical powers, it would take many years to fly tens of millions of miles, and it is still flying on flat ground, with a clear direction. But in the outer starry sky, it is very likely that If there is no reference, if it is a little off, the distance between the end and the end may be unknown... It can be said that a slightest mistake can make a huge difference."

"In this place, the demons cannot gather even if they want to."

Qin Jin'er asked again.

"Ancestor, can you tell me what kind of dangers you may encounter in the outer starry sky, and how to deal with them."

Jinshen Taoist said: "The most common danger is encountering the demon group. The demon group in the outer starry sky is very large. Each demon group has at least one great demon king in the early stage of leaving the body. If you are unlucky, you may encounter the demon king who has left the body. The group of demons led by the Great Perfect Demon Emperor is well known to have treacherous and unusual methods. Even with my level of cultivation, it is difficult to guard against the methods of the demon emperor. Many years ago, old man, I almost died in the hands of a demon emperor. "

"When you encounter a group of demons, fight if you can. If you can't, run away. Don't hesitate."

"Secondly, there are the extreme natural disasters that make people talk about it, including extraterritorial sky fire, extraterritorial ice rain, extraterritorial storm, extraterritorial meteor shower, etc... There are many heaven-level spells that are created based on these extraterritorial natural disasters, and there are also The monks came here specifically to look for natural disasters, and the bastards in the field understood the true meaning of the natural disaster spells and quickly mastered the heaven-level spells."

"Natural disasters outside the territory occur randomly and vary in scale. The small scale is like a small country, and the large scale may be larger than the entire Ten Thousand Nations Continent. Once involved, the Dzogchen monks who have left the body will have a narrow escape, so once When encountering a natural disaster, the best way is to escape quickly and go around it. If you can't get around it, try to escape outside the natural disaster. "

"In addition, there are space cracks that are extremely difficult to guard against. Space cracks are invisible and intangible. It is difficult for even the spiritual sense to detect abnormalities. We can only rely on spiritual sense to avoid them. If the spiritual sense is not strong enough, it may While walking in the extraterrestrial space, my head disappears, or my whole person disappears and I don’t know where I went.”

The more everyone listened, the more solemn their faces became, and some even turned slightly pale.

No wonder all the books advise readers not to go to the outer stars unless necessary.

The Golden Body Taoist said: "The above are all common dangers. There are many uncommon and even unpredictable horrors. People who often travel in the outer space call them space monsters!"

"Space monsters are strong and weak, but there is a rule. Once you encounter a weaker space monster, it means that there are so many that it makes your scalp numb, and you can't kill them all. If you encounter a space monster that acts alone, it will be even more troublesome. Its strength must be extremely strong. Some space monsters have even reached the stage of transformation!"

The Golden Body Taoist said here, and seemed to remember something.

"About six hundred years ago, I once encountered a big rat, called the Star-Eating Rat. Its body was as long as a mountain range, with no end in sight. It feeds on star cores. Once it finds a small world, it will drill into the ground and eat the star core. Once the star core is completely devoured by it, the entire world will disintegrate in the outer space."

"The Star-Eating Rat I met at the time had reached the Spiritualization Stage. Fortunately, it was not interested in cultivators and didn't even take a second look when it passed by."

"When you encounter such a being, the only way to deal with it is to pray for its kindness!"

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