Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 738 A qualified emperor

Qin Jin'er walked into the room quickly and bowed slightly to the Emperor and Queen of Qin, but her eyes were sharper than ever before!

The Emperor of Qin showed an awkward smile, and the Queen of Qin was also somewhat helpless. Qin Jin'er didn't have much respect for his father, let alone for her who was not his biological mother, so it was completely expected that he would call her "Queen".

The Emperor of Qin nodded to Qin Jin'er.

"Sit down. As a father, I already know your intention. Alas, my daughter has grown up and her arms and legs are bent outward. When Ye Lin appeared, you stood on his side without hesitation..."

"It's really hard to be a father..."

The Queen of Qin also smiled bitterly, and she said to Qin Jin'er softly.

"Don't worry, the person His Majesty values ​​most now should be Ye Lin. As long as Ye Lin does not betray Daqin, it is impossible to embarrass him."

"You and Ye Lin are the hope of our Daqin's revival. His Majesty sees it clearly."

Qin Jin'er sat down cross-legged and said nothing.

Obviously, after receiving the information about the Ziyan Pavilion incident, Qin Jin'er fled to the palace without hesitation, in order to add an insurance for Ye Lin to do whatever he wants.

Although Qin Jin'er didn't know what Ye Lin would do next and what kind of impact it would have on the entire Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, Qin Jin'er trusted Ye Lin unconditionally.

Since Ye Lin did this, he had his reasons, and his reasons, in Qin Jin'er's heart, were greater than anyone else's.

To put it bluntly, this matter is called forcing the palace.

She was alone, with the cultivation of the Yuanying Great Perfection, forcing her father who was in the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Great Perfection not to take actions that were not conducive to Ye Lin.

As for her confidence, half came from the ancestors living in the forbidden area of ​​the palace, and half came from Ye Lin himself.

The weak family affection of the royal family was fully demonstrated at this moment!

This kind of thing would make most emperors in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent extremely angry, embarrassed, and even furious. After all, the emperor is the nominal head of a country, although he is restricted by the royal ancestors.

But the so-called restrictions are not many. Sometimes, it may not be possible to communicate with the ancestor once in decades. Most of the time, the emperor is the supreme monarch who looks down on all living beings and controls the fate of the country.

But the Great Qin Emperor did not feel uncomfortable because his majesty was offended by his own daughter. He was not surprised at Qin Jiner's arrival. It seemed that he had expected it. He just smiled helplessly and sat cross-legged beside the chessboard, and personally filled a cup of tea for Qin Jiner.

"Drink tea."

"Tonight, let's see how Ye Lin wants to end it. After you came, I am more looking forward to it. Tonight, the moon is bright and the sky is cloudless. It should be a very beautiful night!"

Qin Jiner stared at the man in front of him, as if he was getting to know his father again.

Because of his childhood experience, he didn't have much father-daughter affection for his father, nor did he have much good impression of him. When he was a child, she and her mother lived alone in the deep palace. This father might not come to the palace to visit her mother once a year, and every time he came, he was very perfunctory. He would sit for a while, say a few perfunctory words to her and her mother, and then pat his butt and leave on the grounds that he was busy with state affairs.

In fact, Qin Jin'er knew that although her father was very diligent in government affairs, he would take concubines almost every year, and give birth to younger brothers and sisters every year...

She longed for the normal father-daughter family relationship in the book, where the father worked outside to make money, the mother stayed at home to take care of the husband and children, and she could see her parents every day... She even felt that it didn't matter whether the family had money, high status, or strong cultivation.

But sincere feelings were important, but this father was reluctant to give her any sincere feelings... He was as perfunctory as he could be when talking to her, and he was also very perfunctory to her mother. On the surface, he looked friendly and cared very much about their food, clothing, housing and transportation, but he gave her the feeling that he was doing a routine.

Indeed, he has so many princes and princesses, and she can see them once a year, which means that her mother is doing well in the harem. There are even more princes and princesses who may not see their father three times in total since they were born to adulthood...

As she grew up, she saw that the princess sisters who had a good relationship with her were married off to other places without hesitation by her father, and even sent to other immortal dynasties for marriage.

She hated such a father and was extremely eager for sincere feelings.

It was also because of this that she met Ye Lin, envied Ye Lin's rich feelings, and then chose Ye Lin without hesitation, and then gave birth to the feelings she most desired with Ye Lin. Once this feeling was born, it would never be erased in this life, the next life, and eternity.

The Great Qin Emperor was a little unnatural to be stared at by his own daughter. He touched the corner of his mouth and told a very awkward joke.

"What's wrong, is there rice grains on your father's face?"

Qin Jin'er looked away and said something irrelevant.

"You may be a good emperor, but not a good father."

The Great Qin Emperor smiled knowingly and gave Qin Jin'er a thumbs up.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Your words are more pleasing than any other minister or citizen praising me a million times. We must drink to celebrate..."

The Great Qin Emperor took out a wine gourd from his storage ring and took a gulp. He no longer called himself "I" but "I" and said to Qin Jin'er calmly.

"Your father, I have never thought about being a good father, a good grandfather, or a good husband. Just think about it, there are thousands of concubines in the harem, hundreds of sons and daughters, plus some grandchildren and great-grandchildren... add up to several thousand people, if we spend time and energy on them, our Great Qin will be in chaos."

"So, try to be brief and perfunctory... and then complete the various tasks assigned by the ancestors, that's everything your father has."

The queen on the side did not blame her man for not being sincere to her, but just sighed slightly.

"Human power will eventually be exhausted. Even if a person has a high level of cultivation and great magical powers, he will not be able to be perfect, especially the emperor."

Qin Jin'er just responded with three words faintly.

"I know."

It was precisely because of this "I know" that Qin Jin'er had the last bit of respect for her father, and when doing things, she left him the last bit of dignity.

At this moment, the eunuch in the python robe walked in again.

"Your Majesty, Lord Ye has already left Ziyan Pavilion with Jiang Wan'er. Judging from the direction they flew, they are not heading home, nor are they flying directly to the palace, nor are they flying towards Lord Liu's residence... Instead, they are flying towards the residence of His Royal Highness the Ninety-First Prince!"

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