Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 739: Borrowing a Person's Head

When the eunuch in the python robe said this, the faces of the Emperor and the Empress of the Qin Dynasty changed slightly, and there seemed to be a sharp light flashing in Qin Jin'er's eyes.

Even they had not thought before that Ye Lin did not choose to keep quiet, but chose to continue to expand his influence, and he made the most influential and irreversible choice!

The Emperor of the Qin Dynasty murmured softly.

"Sure enough... We still underestimated Ye Lin's vision and courage. His courage is greater than that of Jin'er!"

Then he asked hurriedly.

"Where is Xiangrui? Is he flying towards the palace to seek shelter?"

The eunuch in the python robe said: "His Highness Ninety-First seems to have heard the news. He has opened the palace gates and a person is standing at the door, as if ready to welcome the anger of Lord Ye!"

The Emperor of the Qin Dynasty said in a deep voice.

"Good boy, worthy of being my son, he made the most dangerous and profitable decision, he is gambling with his life!"

"Next, let's see whether this child loses or wins!"

Qin Jin'er continued to remain silent, but her eyes became brighter and brighter. She seemed to understand Ye Lin's intention. She felt very happy and very happy...

In the sky above Qindu, Ye Lin, Xiaobai, and Jiang Wan'er stood on the head of a huge butt bug, rushing towards the residence of the 91st prince at a high speed. Ye Lin said to the girl beside him whose long hair was still messy, but whose eyes had regained their brightness.

"We won't go to Lord Liu's house to question him tonight."

The girl named Jiang Wan'er asked.

"Then where are we going?"

Ye Lin smiled.

"Since the 91st Prince has the most power, the most followers, and the strongest influence, we will go find him, Ye, the future brother-in-law, and ask him face to face."

"We are so kind and related, he shouldn't deceive me..."

Jiang Wan'er blinked her beautiful eyes, staring blankly at Ye Lin, who spoke softly but with a sense of dominance and unreasonableness. Her eyes became brighter and clearer.

It seemed that the light of the whole world was focused on this man.

Ye Lin made her believe again that there is still justice, kindness, and chivalry in this world!

"Sir, you are a good person. No matter what the result of our trip is, thank you for everything you have done..."

In Jiang Wan'er's cognition, being able to keep her safe, her family safe, and vindicate her father and family, this is already the best result in the world.

As for revenge, she naturally wanted it, but it was too much to worry about. Even she, who rarely cared about the court, understood that even the emperor, who was high above, could not let a large number of ministers, princes and grandchildren die for her and the small Jiang family.

If she did so, if she was not careful, the entire Qin Dynasty would be hurt.

If one day, her strength was enough, she would list her enemies and find them one by one.

Before she experienced all this, Jiang Wan'er did not have much confidence in her achievement of the Out-of-Body Stage, but now, she has made up her mind to step into the Out-of-Body Great Perfection, or even the Incarnation Stage!

Without strength, you will be bullied.

Without strength, you can only stare blankly at the revenge for your father's murder.

What's the point of living without strength?

She still has a little bit of girlish thoughts.

"If I can follow the footsteps of the Lord in this life, do something for him, and repay his kindness, it will be more meaningful."

"Although no matter what I do, I can't repay him completely..."

Ye Lin touched the head of this girl who was in her twenties but looked only fifteen or sixteen years old in silence.

"You can't just tell the man next to you that he is a good person. This is not necessarily a compliment."

Jiang Wan'er looked puzzled.

"Can the word 'good person' have a derogatory interpretation?"

Ye Lin coughed twice.

"I heard that when many men failed to express their love to the goddess in their hearts, the goddess would say to the man, 'You are a good person', and then there is nothing else."

Jiang Wan'er chewed it carefully and finally understood the deep meaning, and her pretty face blushed.

"Lord, don't misunderstand... I... I don't mean anything else. Lord is so good, there shouldn't be any beautiful fairy who will refuse you..."

Then she lowered her head shyly.

Ye Lin smiled and looked into the distance.

Ye Lin wanted Jiang Wan'er to divert her attention a little and not immerse herself in her blood feud, which would not be good for her in the future.

The revenge for killing her father should be taken, but it should not be taken to extremes, otherwise this girl would not only fail to take revenge, but also be ruined.

Xiao Lan's speed of escape was extremely fast. Not long after, Ye Lin and his three companions arrived outside the Xiangfu Palace of the 91st Prince Qin Xiangrui.

The Xiangfu Palace does not cover as much area as Qin Jin'er's Jinling Palace, but it is also located on the dragon vein of the Qin Emperor Mountain Range. It can be seen that Qin Xiangrui is highly valued and favored.

At the gate of Xiangfu Palace, there was a tall young man in a luxurious green robe standing with his head down. His eyebrows were three points similar to those of the Great Qin Emperor. This person was the 91st Prince of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, Qin Xiangrui.

As far as Ye Lin knew, Qin Xiangrui was currently over a hundred years old, and his cultivation had reached the initial stage of the Out-of-Body State. He was usually domineering and majestic, showing the royal style.

Seeing Ye Lin and the other two landing, Qin Xiangrui lowered his head even lower, and even bowed slightly, just like a servant respectfully waiting for his master to come home.

Ye Lin walked in front of Qin Xiangrui with a smile on his face.

"Isn't this the future ninety-one brother-in-law? Why is His Royal Highness, the most favored prince in the court, giving me a salute to a mere Marquis with a foreign surname? It's not in line with the rules."

Qin Xiangrui still didn't get up.

"I can't help it. Who made your brother-in-law have a hard fist and an even harder background? He took advantage of the situation and brought the sufferer here. This gift of mine not only expresses my respect for you, brother-in-law, but also expresses my respect for the sufferer, Ms. Jiang." 's apology."

"Of course, I also understand that apologizing cannot solve the problem. Today I am here to let Miss Jiang beat and scold me to calm the anger in Miss Jiang's heart."

"After the anger subsides, we can sit down and discuss compensation matters and give Miss Jiang justice."

Jiang Wan'er, whose mood had already improved, suddenly turned pale when she saw the mastermind behind the scenes, and her fists clenched. Ye Lin stood beside her and gave her the courage to face the prince head-on. She asked coldly.

"Beating and scolding me? Compensation? It seems reasonable and well-founded. Can you make my father come back to life? You said it so easily!"

Qin Xiangrui lamented: "People cannot be resurrected after death. The dead are gone. No matter what you do, you cannot change the past. The living naturally want to live better..."

"Miss Jiang, you are also from a famous family, and you should also understand that since ancient times, the struggle for dynasty power has involved countless bloodshed and sacrifices, both overt and covert. However, this is only a calculation for the stability and prosperity of the entire Eternal Immortal Dynasty for a hundred years. It’s a drop in the bucket.”

"Of course, some people are willing to pay these prices, and some are not. I, Qin Xiangrui, have already remembered their names. If one day I can wear the yellow robe, I will definitely do thousands of things for their descendants. Times compensation, that’s why you and your family are still alive.”

"Actually, many staff advised me to eradicate the root cause to avoid future troubles. This is easy to do, but I refused."

With that said, Qin Xiangrui took out a large stack of jade slips from the storage ring. Each jade slip had a name recorded on it, including the name of Jiang Wan'er's father, Jiang Zhiqing.

Jiang Waner's eyes were still cold, but for a moment she couldn't find any words to refute.

As Qin Xiangrui said, the three eternal immortal dynasties came from the human world and even the spiritual world. In order to fight for power, everything Qin Xiangrui did was too ordinary. He even seemed a bit "gentle". kindness"!

Ye Lin just smiled kindly.

"Brother-in-law, you are mistaken. Do you think I came all the way here just to reason with you, listen to your ideas, and listen to your future ambitions?"

"Ye just wants to borrow your head today!"

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