Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 737 Ye Lin's Pattern

Qindu Imperial Palace, in the Shenfeng Palace where the queen lives.

The Emperor of Qin, who was wearing a dragon robe, but with his hair loose, and the Queen of Qin, who was wearing a palace robe and had her hair as long as a waterfall, were playing chess. Their expressions were calm, and they seemed not to be in a bad mood.

Almost every ten breaths, a python-robed eunuch standing at the door bowed and walked in to report the progress of the Ziyan Pavilion incident.

Although the Emperor of Qin has entered the state of out-of-body Dzogchen, his spiritual consciousness can easily cover a radius of 40,000 miles, and he can penetrate the restrictions of Ziyan Pavilion easily and comfortably, but the problem is that the capital of Qin is really too big, and the palace is not built. Above the Dragon Vein, it is far away from the inner city, more than 40,000 miles, so the Emperor of Qin's consciousness cannot reach Ziyan Pavilion.

The two of them listened to the information and made moves slowly and slowly.

Another eunuch in python robe reported.

"Your Majesty, Lord Ye has taken Jiang Waner to the door of Ziyan Pavilion and is about to leave Ziyan Pavilion and go to an unknown destination."

The Emperor of Qin waved his hand to show that he understood, and the python-robed eunuch bowed and left.

The Emperor of Da Qin asked the Empress of Da Qin.

"Queen, what do you think of tonight's incident at Ziyan Pavilion?"

The beautiful woman with flawless beauty and still graceful figure responded calmly.

"Your Majesty, do you want to hear my concubine's personal views on Ye Lin, or her views on what happened to Jiang Wan'er?"

The Emperor of Qin lost another son.

"Listen, you can say whatever comes to mind. Anyway, Xiangrui Nawa was not born by you. It's none of your business. Just hang up and speak freely."

The name of the ninety-one prince is Qin Xiangrui.

The Queen of Da Qin gave the Emperor of Da Qin a blank look.

"Xiangrui, this child, has been smart and ambitious since he was a child. I watched him grow up. Even if he was not born to me, he is still your majesty's biological flesh and blood. He is the pure blood of the royal family of our Great Qin Dynasty. I am now also It’s a pity that after today, he will no longer be the crown prince.”

The Emperor of Qin also sighed.

"Being a father is tiring... You should tell me about the problems I had before."

The Queen of Da Qin said.

"Let's talk about Ye Lin first. He has a chivalrous heart, a righteous mind, and impeccable moral conduct. He is a good thing for Jin'er and the royal family, but it does not mean that he is a good thing for Jiangshan Sheji. A good thing.”

"I think that Ye Lin has a better, gentler and more rational solution, and there is no need to make it known to everyone."

"After tonight, this matter will definitely spread throughout our entire Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, and will also spread throughout the other two Eternal Immortal Dynasties, and even the Savage Demon Kingdom, the Ten Thousand Sea Demon Kingdom, the Underground Demon Kingdom... They are all just to see our Great Qin's jokes. ”

"Internally, this unjust case will lower the image of the royal family's disciples in the hearts of the people of Qin, leading to a decline in the imperial family's dominance. Externally, it will weaken the prestige of the Qin Dynasty."

"Our Great Qin's national destiny may also be affected and therefore unstable. It will not be helpful to Jin'er in overcoming the tribulation, and will only have a negative impact."

"But it's no wonder that this kid Ye Lin, after all, he has always been a casual cultivator before entering our Qin capital. He has not read many books and has not received professional education from the royal family. It is reasonable to have a weak view of the overall situation."

The Emperor of Qin smiled and said nothing, just nodded slightly.

"Tell me what you think about Jiang Waner's experience."

Empress Da Qin dropped her son and said slowly.

"I believe that unjust cases, wrongful convictions, corruption and perversion of the law will happen in any force. No one in power can guarantee fairness and justice 100%. Even the Wanlong Immortal Dynasty, which claims to be a country based on law, cannot prevent such things. occur."

"No one in this world really knows everything, so I think your Majesty is not wrong."

"Next, Your Majesty rehabilitated the Jiang family, made compensation, severely punished the ministers who deceived His Majesty, and did everything he could. Your Majesty is still the wise king whom the people want."

"As for Jiang Wan'er's personal experience, from a personal point of view, I also sympathize deeply, but people cannot be resurrected after death. If there is a chance, I will give her opportunities and a great future in the future. Perhaps from the perspective of the Jiang family Coming up, it’s a blessing in disguise.”

"The above are all based on the superficial knowledge of a woman like me. If there is anything wrong with you, I hope Your Majesty will not blame you."

The Emperor of Qin still smiled and said nothing when he heard this, and nodded slightly. Then he threw away the chess piece in his hand, stood up, and looked in the direction of Ziyan Pavilion.

"We don't know much about Ye Lin yet. Based on the current progress of events, we can judge that he has a small role. The evidence is not sufficient. As for the impact this matter will have on our Daqin, we still have to see what he will do next. act.”

"As for what happened to Jiang Waner, you are on to the point. Even the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty cannot prevent such incidents from happening, but I am thinking that the probability of such an incident happening in our Daqin is probably higher than that of the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty. Much bigger.”

"People cannot know everything, and it is indeed understandable to be blinded by others, but there are some things that you and I know very well. In fact, we know some clues, just because the interests of all parties are too complicated, and one move can affect the whole body. , more people will die, making Da Qin even weaker, and I don’t want to go into details about this.”

"Looking at the overall situation, in order to stabilize the government and maintain the current situation, maybe those in power like us are right, but for a little girl like Jiang Waner, we are wrong, so wrong!"

"I am so ashamed of those loyal ministers who died unjustly!"

At this point, Emperor Qin's eyes actually shone with tears.

"But I really can't make up my mind to change all this, and I can't confirm whether it will be good or bad for the current Great Qin once it is changed."

"Great Qin is already the weakest Eternal Immortal Dynasty. I am worried that the foundation that our ancestors have maintained for hundreds of thousands of years will not be able to withstand much hardship!"

"This matter has always been my heart. Otherwise, my strength would not be such that I can only be regarded as a joke among the Dzogchen monks!"

The Queen of Da Qin let out a long sigh.

"Your Majesty, you have done a great job and can be regarded as an eternal wise king. Da Qin was so weak when it came to your Majesty. It has changed a lot in the past few hundred years."

The Emperor of Qin shook his head slightly.

"This is not enough, far from enough. With our current national strength, once we encounter the catastrophe of the devil, we will definitely be the first eternal immortal dynasty to be destroyed. How can we survive to the next era."

"Next, let Ye Lin, an outsider, make the decision for me!"

Having said this, Emperor Qin smiled again.

"Queen, let me guess where he will go next, whether he will go back home, come to the palace, or kill the old fox's family mansion, the Minister of the Ministry of Finance..."

The Queen of Da Qin said.

"If he goes back home or comes to the palace, it means that he wants to minimize the impact of this matter. If he goes to the Liu family, the impact of this matter will continue to expand. This kid Ye Lin should be more reckless. Being impatient, I guess he will go to the Liu family, kill Liu Shangshu's third son, and bring Liu Shangshu into custody before His Majesty, so that His Majesty can be punished. "

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded.

"Father, Queen, you underestimate Ye Lin too much."

"His pattern is beyond our imagination!"

As he was talking, Qin Jin'er walked quickly into the room. The python-robed eunuch didn't even have time to report!

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