Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 736 Causes and consequences

In the entire Ziyan Pavilion, except for the exchange between Ye Lin and the young man in white, Nascent Soul, you can hear the needle drop!

Ye Lin said slowly again.

"Besides, do you think I won't be able to search for souls if you don't tell me? There are many people in the palace who are good at searching for souls. Your memory can also be used as strong evidence."

The white-haired boy was immediately frightened.

"No, sir, please spare your life. The villain is wrong. The villain will say anything!"

Ye Lin casually killed him, a strong man in the late stage of leaving the body, at the slightest disagreement. He said that he would search for his soul and refine it into the Great Jiazi Dan. He would definitely do what he said.

At present, only his physical body has been destroyed. For an out-of-body strongman, it is not a fatal injury. But once the Nascent Soul is taken to refine elixirs, his soul will be completely destroyed and his body will be dead.

Seeing Ye Lin remain silent, the white-haired boy's heart dropped to the bottom.

"Sir, Miss Mengyue's father..."

Ye Lin glanced coldly.

"Miss Mengyue? Her name is Jiang Waner."

The white-haired boy quickly made up for it.

"It's all stupid people. It's Miss Jiang. Her father, Mr. Jiang, was framed by Mr. Liu, the Minister of Household Affairs. The person who bought her first night was Mr. Liu's third son, Liu Zhihui. This son Liu Zhihui is extremely talented in cultivation and extremely ambitious. Da, will become the helmsman of the Liu family in the future. She has always loved Miss Jiang but couldn't get what she wanted, so she hates her and wants to destroy everything about Miss Jiang. "

Ye Lin looked calm, but Jiang Waner beside him had tears rolling down his face. He clenched his fists with his hands, veins popped out, his delicate body couldn't help but tremble, and she clenched her silver teeth.

Ye Lin asked again.

"That's it? Give you another chance."

"Don't worry, your Nascent Soul is in my hands. No one can retaliate against you. You are safe."

The white-haired boy said quickly again.

"However, Liu Zhihui's desire for Miss Jiang was just the trigger. The real reason was that Mr. Jiang was unwilling to join Liu Shangshu's party in many official matters, so Liu Shangshu had already made a plan to eliminate Mr. Jiang."

"In addition, His Royal Highness the Ninety-One Prince is also involved. He controls the entire Jiaofang Division and Ziyan Pavilion. He relies on the girls from Jiaofang Division and Ziyan Pavilion to win over the monks and civil and military officials of the court. For the people he wants to win over to enjoy, collect supplements, and even provide disposable cauldrons, Mr. Liu and his party are the ones he wants to win over..."

Having said that, everything comes to light!

Ye Lin couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the girl next to him.

His father was an upright official, but his head was beheaded by the Qin court, and his entire family had the tragic fate of becoming prostitutes in the Jiaofang Division.

If Ye Lin hadn't happened to appear in Ziyan Pavilion, the girl who was a loyal hero would have become a plaything in the hands of others, and there would be no chance of overturning the case.

How could he, a mere monk in the alchemy stage, compete with the powerful Hubu Shangshu and the Ninety-One Prince?

The only thing she can do is to survive but not to die. For the sake of her relatives, she gives up her dignity and everything again and again, and finally breaks down and goes crazy, or is used as a disposable furnace, her soul is gone, and her fragrance is gone. Jade died.

Even... it is foreseeable that she will not be able to protect her relatives in the end.

Ye Lin couldn't help but touched the girl's head and sighed softly.

"This world shouldn't be like this."

"The Great Qin Immortal Dynasty in the future will never be like this!"

"I, Ye Lin, swear to you!"

Ye Lin is now an important member of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty and is bound to the fate of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty. Whether it is for his own benefit or for Qin Jin'er, he must do something to completely change the corrupt appearance of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty!

Ye Lin said silently: "Also for the common people struggling at the bottom, and for all those who have received unfair treatment."

"In the world of martial arts, you can rely on your strength to speak your mind, and you can ignore rules and resort to unscrupulous means, but the huge Eternal Immortal Dynasty cannot. Otherwise, once the catastrophe of the devil comes, the human race will be defeated!"

In Ye Lin's understanding, the world should be divided into a place of law and a place of lawlessness.

In places with laws, such as those in the major orthodox dynasties, where people are bound by law to act, it can provide a safe space for common people to thrive and thrive, and it can also provide a space for low-level monks to lay a solid foundation for practice.

The lawless place is the rivers and lakes, such as the Sea of ​​Demons, which provide monks with experience and opportunities. It is okay not to be unreasonable here, not to compromise by means, and even not to be humane.

Once chaos occurs in a land of law, it will affect the foundation of the entire human race!

Jiang Waner was crying while staring at Ye Lin in front of her...

To this day, he still doesn't know when Ye Lin arrived in the capital of Qin, what kind of reward he received from the Emperor of Qin, or his feat of challenging the geniuses of all races.

But she knew.

It turns out that this man is the creator of the magic weapon she likes...a legendary master of three professions, a lord with titles from the three eternal immortal dynasties, and the fiancé of the Ninety-nine Princess of the Qin Dynasty.

Jiang Wan'er, who had always been strong, didn't want to burst into tears in front of Master Ye, who had countless teenage admirers. She forcibly stopped sobbing, wiped away her tears, and forced out a smile.

"Sir, you have created many miracles. I believe in you. There is nothing that I can't do!"

Ye Lin showed a relieved smile.

Even if Jiang Waner is in a desperate situation, she still uses her last bit of strength to protect her loved ones, even at the risk of giving up everything. She is indeed a very good and outstanding little girl.

Ye Lin looked at an old woman with white hair reaching her waist with cold eyes.

"Miss Jiang's family, if there is any mistake, you will definitely die!"

"The Jiang family must be kept safe, and all those who were murdered by you must not be harmed again."

The white-haired old woman bowed deeply to Ye Lin, with deep awe in her eyes.

"I will definitely do everything I can."

"I am not afraid of being laughed at by the Lord. I have already lost control of Ziyan Pavilion. The man in your hand is the one supported by His Royal Highness the Ninety-first Prince to control the existence of Ziyan Pavilion on their behalf..."

"Now that his body has been killed by the Lord, I have regained control of Ziyan Pavilion. I should thank the Lord for his help. More than ten years ago, when I signed the contract with the Jiaofang Division, I was opposed to it, so I was surrounded and killed, and my strength was greatly damaged. Otherwise, Ziyan Pavilion would not have come to this day."

As she said this, the white-haired old woman bowed respectfully to Ye Lin again.

"Please tell His Majesty the Emperor that I will not escape punishment. The entire Ziyan Pavilion is deeply sinful and is willing to be punished!"

Ye Lin said lightly.

"You don't need me to repeat it. His Majesty the Emperor should have heard it soon."

Such a big thing happened, and it must have shaken the Qin capital. It would be strange if the future father-in-law who sits on the dragon throne didn't know about it.

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