Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 725: First Disciple Xiao Dier

"Don't worry, Xiao Die'er will take good care of grandpa and practice with Master... I don't know if I can achieve immortality like the immortals in grandpa's stories, but I will try my best... If we all have an afterlife, Xiao Die'er is willing to be your daughter again."


Xiao Die'er's parents smiled at each other and waved to Xiao Die'er.

The picture in the mirror shattered!

The bronze mirror released a dazzling light.

The ancient character mark on Xiao Die'er's forehead was finally completed. If there is a master of talisman making, he can recognize this character, named "Ye"!

In the dark, Ye Lin and Xiao Die'er had a close connection in their hearts.

Xiao Die'er stood there, not as excited as she was after passing the first two levels, but just kept wiping tears with her jade hands, staring at the bronze mirror in front of her...

A big hand touched Xiao Die'er's head.

"The fate of my teacher and you, little girl, is somewhat similar... My parents left when I was very young. They were very good to me and left me all the delicious and fun things."

"In this world, the past can no longer be changed, time can no longer flow back, only the future is still in our own hands!"

"Little girl, the teacher is here, don't you kneel down and pay your respects!"

Xiao Die'er turned her head in great surprise. She saw a handsome man in white clothes, holding a folding fan. He was dressed exactly like the scholar who brought her to Jinling Palace before, but his appearance and temperament were completely different!

The white-haired storyteller on the side was also stunned. He saw with his own eyes that the elegant scholar had changed his appearance, and the maid who walked out of Jinling Palace bowed to him!

No one could have imagined it!

High above, the first pride of the human race, Lord Ye, who was second to none in the entire Great Qin Xian Dynasty, was actually far away and close at hand!

The white-haired storyteller reminded Xiao Die'er, who was still in a state of dementia, in a trembling voice.

"Little girl, this is your most admired master, why don't you quickly pay your respects!"

The extremely flustered Xiao Die'er immediately knelt down on the ground with a plop, and kowtowed to Ye Lin respectfully.

The white-haired storyteller shouted excitedly.

"First bow, the sun, the moon and the Big Dipper, forever and ever."

"Second bow, master and disciple hand in hand, the moon in the nine states."

"Third bow, always remember the master's kindness, merits and virtues for thousands of years!"

"The ceremony is over!"

Ye Lin stood with his hands behind his back, and accepted Xiao Die'er's kneeling ceremony calmly.

The maid brought a bowl of tea to Xiao Die'er like a magic trick.

"Hurry up and serve tea to your master."

Xiao Die'er stood up excitedly, and her little hand trembled a little as she held the warm tea bowl and respectfully handed it to Ye Lin.

"My most admired master, please have some tea!"

Ye Lin took the tea bowl with a smile and took a sip.

"Good disciple..."

At this point, Xiao Die'er was still a little hazy, as if in a dream, and the white-haired storyteller beside her also felt it was unreal.

Just ten hours ago, the grandfather and grandson were still in a desperate situation, but in the blink of an eye, they were brought to the front of Jinling Palace, and Xiao Die'er really passed the three tests set by Ye Jue and successfully became his disciple.

Even in the past, the white-haired storyteller still thought that his granddaughter's desire to worship Ye Jue as a master was just an unattainable dream. How could such a high-ranking person easily accept a disciple? Even if he met him once and said a few words, it would be a blessing that could only be cultivated in ten lifetimes.

His original plan was to bring Xiao Die'er to try his best to avoid leaving regrets for his granddaughter.

Unexpectedly, it really succeeded.

A step to heaven!

Xiao Bai beside him also restored his appearance and rubbed Xiao Die'er's head.

"I am Xiaobai's wife."

Xiao Die'er looked at the beautiful girl in front of her infatuatedly, and couldn't help saying: "This sister is too beautiful..."

Xiao Bai smiled and pinched Xiao Die'er's cheek.

"You have to call me Master's wife, not sister! Otherwise, I will slap you on the palm of your hand! In addition to Xiaobai's wife, there are also Xiaoyu's wife and Qingyao's wife. Now you have many more relatives."

Xiao Bai held Xiao Die'er in his arms very gently, and then walked towards the mansion.

Xiao Die'er gently pecked her own Master's wife on the forehead.

"Xiao Die'er will also be as beautiful as Xiaobai's wife in the future, and can't embarrass Master..."

Xiao Bai smiled.

"I can do it."

After all, children have the strongest ability to accept new things. Xiao Die'er experienced too many major events today. She went from a dead end to heaven, but she still quickly adapted to everything and was not unfamiliar with Xiaobai, the beautiful Master's wife.

Ye Lin couldn't help but smile with relief.

Even he didn't expect that he would actually accept a disciple with outstanding talent just by going out.

Xiao Die'er's spiritual roots are only of the best grade. In the former Xunlong Mountains, she was still considered a top genius, but in the Wan Guo Continent, she could only be considered to have fair qualifications.

However, Ye Lin believed that there are many ways to improve spiritual roots. When he first entered Taixuan Sect, he only had medium-grade spiritual roots, but now he has several kinds of imperial-grade spiritual roots. It can be seen that it is not difficult to determine a person's cultivation potential by spiritual roots.

Only the heart and the heart of seeking the Tao are the most precious.

Ye Lin turned to the white-haired storyteller who stood respectfully beside him.

"Old sir, since you are Xiao Die'er's grandfather, let's enter Jinling Palace together. Your life span is running out, and I will extend your life for hundreds of years."

"One more thing, in order to reduce Xiaodie'er's dependence on you, you should try to see each other as little as possible in the future. Of course, I am not against family reunions. For example, we can reunite during festivals such as the New Year."

The white-haired storyteller was about to kneel to the ground when he heard this, but Ye Lin held his shoulders in advance.

"There is no need for this, old gentleman."

The white-haired storyteller looked in the direction of Qindu and asked worriedly.

"There is a big backer behind the Dog Gang that day, will it bring any trouble to the Lord...I heard that the battles in the court are also very cruel and bloody, and if you are not careful, you will be doomed..."

The white-haired storyteller had never seen much of the world in his life. Although he knew that Ye Lin was strong and powerful, he didn't know how strong or powerful he was.

Ye Lin shook his head and smiled.

"It doesn't matter what kind of backer he has, it's nothing more than an ant. Don't worry, old man. In a few days, the Tengu Gang will cease to exist, and the backer behind him, no matter who he is, will also cease to exist!"

"Follow me into the palace and attend tonight's master-disciple banquet. Xiaodie'er will be very happy to see you at the banquet."

"As commanded."

The white-haired storyteller followed Ye Lin into the legendary Jinling Palace. He felt like he was in the clouds and was floating when he walked.

From this moment on, his granddaughter is no longer the grandson of a storyteller who relies on performing arts for a living on the streets and is insulted and despised by monks, but the first disciple of the dignified Lord Ye!

What an honor!

Ye Lin, on the other hand, was thoughtful.

"Although I have only visited the mortal area and the monk area, I can probably understand why the national power of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty has become the weakest and most declining Eternal Immortal Dynasty."

"This Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, which has existed in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent for hundreds of thousands of years, has unimaginable decay."

"Only by scraping the bones and cutting the flesh with a sharp knife can the disease be eliminated!"

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