Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 724: A Clear Mind

Xiaodie'er experienced three hours of horrific pain, which was obviously heart-breaking and painful, and she was about to collapse, but she was still very proud.

She was afraid that her grandfather would be worried, and she was also afraid that she would be looked down upon by the maid because she was not tough enough.

But he didn't lie. No matter how painful his body was, he would never give up the only hope in front of him.

As long as he passed the assessment and successfully became the disciple of the first genius of the era, his grandfather would be able to survive.

At the age of eight, most little girls are still at their most innocent and romantic, and she already knew that she was on a path that she could not turn back or admit defeat.

As she said, as long as she can achieve her wish, not to mention three hours, even three days or three years, she is willing to accept it.

The white-haired scholar on the side secretly wiped his tears, wishing that he would be the one to suffer.

"Good boy, good Xiaodieer..."

Xiao Die'er made a face towards Ye Lin and others.

"The future master can defeat thirty-four geniuses of all races in a row. It is reasonable for me to easily pass three levels in a row..."

As she spoke, she stood in front of the second soul-asking mirror without hesitation and took the initiative to give her name.

"My name is Tang Xiaodie!"

The second bronze mirror shone with spiritual light, and a voice came out.

"The assessment begins."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaodie'er outside the country closed her eyes tightly again, and a wave of water flashed in the bronze mirror, and Xiaodie'er's translucent figure appeared in the water.

This is the soul of Xiao Die'er.

The eyes of Xiao Die'er's soul were extremely clear, like crystal clear glass.

This scene made the Jinling Palace maid look shocked.

"There are such pure and clear souls in the world!"

The maid continued to explain.

"When you are born in heaven and earth, no matter your age, you are exposed to people and things from the outside world all year round. Your mind and soul will always be polluted by all kinds of desires. And once certain desires are too persistent and brought into practice, you will be stuck in a bottleneck that is difficult to break through at least, and at worst it will be difficult to break through. Breeding inner demons and physical death will dissipate.”

"People with a clear mind and soul can break through bottlenecks as soon as they break through. Once there is an inner demon, it is like a beacon in the dark. You can easily detect it and prescribe the right medicine to kill it."

"This little girl is very likely to have the legendary clear heart, which is no worse than the genius who was born with a king-grade spiritual root!"

In the mirror, Xiao Die'er stood there a little confused. Suddenly, a comfortable breeze blew by, and a drizzle began to fall. After the drizzle, heavy snow fell.

Xiao Die'er has long forgotten why she is here. She sings happily in the breeze, plays in the puddles accumulated by the drizzle, and dances in the heavy snow...

The maid said again.

"If a person's soul has been seriously affected and polluted, in this level, he will encounter strong winds blowing his soul, sink into the black bottom where he can't breathe, and encounter black ice... This will test the tenacity of the soul. The more tenacious you are, the higher your potential is.”

"Miss Xiaodie'er, she is naturally the most suitable for this kind of test, so she is relaxed and comfortable."

Three hours passed quickly, the Wenhun Bronze Mirror bloomed with brilliance, and the picture in the bronze mirror returned to calm.

"Congratulations, examiner Tang Xiaodie, you passed the test."

Outside the bronze mirror, Xiao Die'er once again had an ancient mark on his forehead.

Xiao Die'er suddenly opened her clear eyes, and she seemed to still have some unfinished thoughts.

"Is this a test? I had so much fun. Xiaodie'er has never seen such heavy snow in her life..."

Everyone was silent for a while.

The maid said: "The most difficult one should be the third level."

The third bronze mirror is called, Ask!

Xiao Die'er took a step forward and came to the third bronze mirror to announce her name.

"The assessment begins!"

There was another wave of water, and Xiaodieer slowly closed her eyes and appeared in the mirror. The white-haired storyteller trembled. He saw his home in the bronze mirror!

There was a faint smoke from his house. Xiaodie'er, who seemed to be only three or four years old, came out from the neighbor's house to play. She jumped up and down, singing nursery rhymes and walked into the house. When she saw a beautiful woman wearing a blue dress standing at the door, When she was alone, Xiao Die'er was so surprised that she jumped into the woman's arms.


Xiaodie'er's parents are the bodyguards of the Tengu Gang. Since the foundation-building monks cannot yet use storage rings that can hold a large amount of bulky goods, they need someone to escort the bodyguards. They often go out for several months, and every time they come back They will bring a lot of fun and delicious food to Xiaodieer.

The beautiful woman hugged Xiaodieer and smiled happily.

"Come and take a look. We have brought you sugar-coated haws that only monks can eat, as well as many fun and delicious candies...and your father is now cooking for you himself."

"When the meal is ready, we will ask your grandpa to go home for dinner. Your grandpa seems to have made a breakthrough in his cultivation recently, and his lifespan has increased a bit. Finally, you don't have to worry about his lifespan running out."

"Your father and I are in the Tengu Gang. We work hard even if we don't have merit. The big escort said that as long as we work hard for three more years, we can get a low-grade Jiazi Pill at a low price and extend your grandfather's life by a Jiazi."

Xiaodie'er, whose eyes were still a little fierce at first, heard this and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Great, great, all Xiaodie'er's worries have disappeared!"

The beautiful woman gently touched Xiao Die'er's head.

"You are only three years old. If you have any troubles, you are asking for them. All your troubles are shouldered by your parents! We will definitely live a good life..."

As she spoke, the beautiful woman took Xiao Dier's hand and walked quickly into the house. When dinner was ready and the sun was setting, the family was happy and the laughter in the house never stopped.

Outside the mirror, the old man who had seen that his end was coming was in tears again.

"That year, Xiao Dier was three years old. My son and daughter-in-law were escorting outside and never returned... I understand, this is an illusion that is so real that if Xiao Dier is kept in the illusion and loses the desire to seek immortality, then Xiao Dier will fail."

The maid smiled.

"The realm of seeking the truth is about the heart of seeking the truth. During the practice, most cultivators will have such a comfortable and happy time. If they indulge in it and stop moving forward, they will have no chance to achieve the path of immortality."

"If this is a real thing, it would be fine. At least it is possible to live a happy life and not live in vain. But unfortunately, many people's happy time is like the moon in the well and the flowers in the water, which are fleeting, like the illusion in the mirror."

"Miss Xiaodie'er loves everyone in her family deeply. The most difficult or unwilling thing is that she is reluctant to break the illusion and find the heart of seeking the truth!"

In the mirror, Xiaodie'er's family is happy after dinner, playing and fighting outside the simple courtyard...

Time passes slowly.

One hour.

Two hours.

Just when the time is about to end, Xiaodie'er, who is nestled in the warm embrace of her mother, suddenly bursts into tears. She turns her head and kisses her parents' foreheads one by one. In the puzzled eyes of her parents, she waves her delicate little hand.

"Dad, Mom, time is almost up..."


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