Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 726: Teaching the Way of the Gods

After Ye Lin took the white-haired storyteller into Jinling Palace, he asked the maid to arrange a room for him, and then left a few bottles of elixirs that were helpful for cultivation and some Golden Dragon Immortal Wine that could prolong life. The white-haired storyteller was grateful and could not say anything else.

He had no achievements in his life. He was kind-hearted and a good guy all his life. He had no experience in the martial arts world. He was looked down upon by many people and bullied by many people.

Telling stories was his only way to make a living.

Now, because his granddaughter had risen to fame, she became a guest of honor in Jinling Palace and obtained a priceless treasure that could prolong her life for hundreds of years. This was a scene that he dared not dream of.

Ye Lin also saw that Tang Yong, who had been a good guy all his life, was restless after receiving the gift, and even dared not accept it.

So he smiled and said, "Ye also knows the principle of not accepting rewards without merit, so there are still some important things to trouble you in the future. This matter can allow the old gentleman's talent for storytelling and storytelling to be displayed."

Tang Yong was a little nervous.

"May I ask, Sir, what exactly is it?"

Ye Lin just said: "When the time is right, you will know. When the matter of the Tengu Gang is resolved, you can go back to continue telling stories. I will ask the court to send an attendant to follow you to protect you. By then, you can also travel all over the country to increase your knowledge and improve your ability to create stories."

When Tang Yong heard this, he knew that Ye Lin was not joking with him.

"If there is any need for me, I will definitely do my best!"

Ye Lin nodded, then said goodbye and left.

Ye Lin was not lying. He did have an important thing for Tang Yong to do, which was to write a biography for him in the future.

Of course, this biography was not for Ye Lin's narcissism, but for his invincibility.

Now his invincibility has been fully developed, but it is far from perfect.

Because, only in the world of immortal cultivation, most people know his deeds and recognize his status as the first genius of the era, but in the mortal area, most of those who are busy for survival every day have no conditions to know the major events in the world of immortal cultivation.

Mortals only feel that the deeds of those lofty gods are out of reach, and most people may not even be interested in listening to them.

But mortals also have things that mortals like, such as drama, singing and dancing, novels and travel notes, things that can kill time and bring entertainment value.

Ye Lin wants to rely on these things to make him truly a household name and let his invincible image penetrate into everyone's heart, so that his invincible momentum can achieve great perfection.

Ye Lin does not know how much the invincible momentum of great success and great perfection differs, but since there are conditions to try, then try it.

Anyway, he is not so short of money now. Converting money into strength can make his trip to the secret treasure of the galaxy safer in a few years.

Of course, Tang Yong is still just a professional storyteller now. His knowledge is still too shallow, so he does not have enough ability to write a biography for him for the time being. When Ye Lin steps into the out-of-body stage and truly stands at the top of the practitioners of the Ten Thousand Nations Continent, that will be the time when the time is ripe.

Of course, by then, Ye Lin will invite many novelists and storytellers to serve him and write different versions of biographical stories.

At the dinner, the lively and lovely Xiao Die'er was not afraid of strangers at all. She greeted her many masters' wives one by one, and then ate and drank without any courtesy. However, what made people laugh was that her cultivation was only the sixth level of Qi Refining. She couldn't eat much after eating a few good things. She could only look at the table of delicious food with bright eyes and drooling.

After the dinner, Xiao Die'er received many gifts from the elders.

Fairy Qingyao planted a lotus of immortal vitality at the center of Xiao Die'er's eyebrows. This lotus can make the cultivator recover from physical injuries quickly. Even if the hands and feet are broken or the head is gone, it can grow back in a breath. For low-level cultivators, it can be said to have an immortal body.

Fairy Qingyao also planted a life-saving lotus at the center of Ye Lin's eyebrows. Now her cultivation is naturally a world apart from that time, and her skills and magical powers are far beyond the past.

The reason why Fairy Qingyao is good at this is related to the practice method she practices.

Xiaobai gave Xiaodie'er the low-grade Taoist flying sword Zidian that he got from Zhou Liyun, the insect cultivator prodigy. Of course, Xiaodie'er's strength in the Qi Refining period is far from enough to control the Taoist weapon, so Xiaobai used great magic power to seal the power of the flying sword. This seal will gradually be unlocked according to Xiaodie'er's cultivation level.

Even if the Zidian sword has been sealed to the level of a mid-grade spiritual weapon, its power is far greater than that of a top-grade spiritual weapon flying sword.

Situ Yu gave Xiaodie'er a top-grade magic robe. Of course, the robe is also sealed by magic power and can be gradually unlocked as the owner's cultivation level increases.

After wearing the robe, Xiaodie'er looks more delicate and cute, like a porcelain doll carved from powder and jade.

Although Qin Jin'er is only Xiaodie'er's future master's wife, she still gave her a top-grade magic flying boat. There is a formation engraved on the flying boat. Once activated, it can fight against the cultivators in the early stage of the out-of-body state. The flying boat is also sealed by magic power.

Situ Yu took out a torn copy of the swordsmanship experience of a swordsman from the spiritual world, which was extremely rare and precious.

Finally, it was Ye Lin's turn.

Ye Lin gave Xiao Die'er a top-grade magic weapon, the Insect Control Bag, and hundreds of insect eggs that had frozen their vitality.

As an insect cultivator, Ye Lin naturally hoped that his disciples would embark on the path of insect cultivation. Of course, this was not forced. If Xiao Die'er did not have that interest, she could become a magic cultivator, a sword cultivator, a physical cultivator, etc.

Ye Lin's master, Elder Sun, also taught a disciple like Fairy Qingyao who was not a bug cultivator.

Xiao Die'er was extremely excited after receiving the gift. She flew over Jinling Palace on the Purple Lightning Sword, coming and going, having a lot of fun.

When Xiao Die'er was tired of playing, the banquet was over, and Ye Lin left his first disciple alone to teach and learn.

Seeing that Ye Lin's face was a little serious, Xiao Die'er was no longer lively and naughty, and listened to her master's teachings respectfully and seriously.

"Disciple, do you know what is the most important thing during the practice?"

Xiao Die'er was a little confused.

"Parents and relatives? Friends and Taoist partners? Treasures? Opportunities?..."

Ye Lin kept shaking his head, and Xiao Die'er became more and more confused.

Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"You must remember that life is the most important!"

"Only if you have life can you have all the above, so the first lesson as a teacher is to teach you the supreme way of life!"

Ye Lin's voice was not loud, but it was like a big bell that made Xiao Die'er's head buzz.

Xiao Die'er was shocked when she heard this! The more she thought about it, the more she felt that what her master said made sense. No wonder she could become the first genius of the era.

"It turns out that if you want to become an immortal, you must first learn to be a dog. The dog of the neighbor next door is very cunning and smart. Every time someone wants to hit it, it runs away before they do anything."

Ye Lin seemed to see what Xiao Die was thinking, and he coughed twice.

"This is not the same as that dog. The so-called way of being mean is that you have to think about potential dangers many times before making any decision, and you have to have a variety of life-saving trump cards when facing any enemy..."

Ye Lin began to teach his apprentice earnestly, and Xiao Die'er's eyes became brighter and brighter as she listened. It was obvious that she had listened to the way of being.

Ye Lin smiled with relief.

This world will have a very beautiful fairy in the near future.

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