Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 460: The Arrogant Middle School Brothers and Sisters

The two brothers and sisters not only shocked the world with their words, but also had great momentum. They stood on the left and right next to Ye Lin, with extremely sharp eyes. The young prince Situ Yu held the scabbard with one hand, and the young princess Situ Yu also held the scabbard in his hand. Jade flute.

These two people were not afraid at all when facing the presence of the two Nascent Souls. Instead, they were ready to fight in the Demon Suppression Sect's mission hall if they disagreed.

At this moment, the expressions of many monks in the mission hall changed drastically. Many of the monks who were afraid of being affected retreated continuously and put a long distance away from Ye Lin and his party.

Although the Demon Suppressing Sect does not allow disciples to resort to violence privately, these two people dare to threaten the current prince, so are they still afraid of the mere Demon Suppressing Sect's rules?

They had seen a lot of arrogant people, but this was the first time they had seen such an arrogant person.

The most confusing thing is that one of these two people is in the middle stage of alchemy formation and the other is in the early stage of alchemy formation. They have no idea where they came from. Logically speaking, it is impossible for a stunning beauty with such a big background to remain silent. Wu Ming, if someone with no background dares to be so arrogant, then he will definitely live too long.

The atmosphere in the mission hall suddenly became tense.

The bearded monk and the slightly chubby monk were originally very unhappy because Ye Lin didn't give any face to them. Now, a man and a woman suddenly appeared inexplicably. They were several times more arrogant than Ye Lin, and their noses almost became crooked with anger.

However, the two of them were not fools. These two people were so confident that they must be people with great backgrounds, so they were very restrained and did not act rashly.

The mustached monk's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Okay, okay, you two are so loud. May I ask the names of this young man and this girl?"

The fat monk's eyes became even colder.

"I am really ignorant. When did a pair of brothers and sisters appear among the disciples of the Demon Suppression Sect? Not even the other princes and princesses in the royal family dare to be so indifferent to the majesty of the emperor!"

"Are you two more noble than the prince and princess?"

The two brothers and sisters entered the Demon Suppressing Sect for training only on a temporary basis, and they have not passed the examination. Naturally, the Demon City Palace does not need to report this kind of thing to the palace. The two of them are currently only registered by name. Even the identity tokens of the Demon Suppressing Sect are not included. They haven't received it yet, and as for the Immortal Peak for the two of them, it was finalized before they even started.

Therefore, currently very few people in the Demon Suppression Sect know about this matter, and the relevant news has not spread yet.

Situ Yu frowned slightly and shouted sharply.

"Go away, you two are not qualified to know our names. Go back and report to your master. He will know naturally. Go back and warn them. Next time you try to trick my Mr. Ye, he and I will be at odds with each other in our lives!"

The bearded monk and the fat monk looked at each other, their faces turning slightly pale.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, if we just run away in despair, there will definitely be rumors outside that we, as the prince's envoys, failed to invite Ye Lin but were scolded instead. Moreover, there is really nothing we can do against these three people. This move has greatly damaged the majesty of the royal family. The two of us will It won’t be a good idea to go back.”

"Fellow Daoist Lu, the question is, do you really dare to attack the three of them? The two brothers and sisters hold extraordinary magic weapons. I am afraid they are two top-quality magic weapons. Once we do it, it will be difficult to capture them in a short time. Moreover, this is the Demon Suppression Sect. Once you take action, the big shots in the Demon Suppression Sect will be alarmed. They don’t dare to punish His Highness the Prince. They can easily hang us up and beat us... If you want to take action, I won’t accompany you.”

"Forget it, the identity of this brother and sister is unknown. Ye Lin has some background in Wanxian Tower and we can afford to offend him a little, but if these two people are really of the blood of some great people, we will kick the iron. , I can only go back and report this to His Highness for a long-term discussion."

"That's all!"

After a brief exchange, the mustached monk bowed his hands to Ye Lin and the others.

"In this case, we will meet again later."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and robe, and then it turned into a streak of escaping light that flew towards the first-class immortal peak.

The fat monk also forced a smile.

"Three of you have misunderstood. His Highness the Eighth Prince is very sincere. He has prepared a banquet and generous gifts before we set off. We are just waiting for Master Ye to attend. Since Master Ye is not interested, let's leave it at that. We will see you later."

With that said, the fat monk turned into a ray of light and flew out of the mission hall.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere in the mission hall also relaxed.

At this moment, a group of monks wearing Demon Suppressing Sect robes with a bloody scimitar embroidered on their sleeves hurried over. The leader of them was an inner disciple of the Nascent Soul Stage.

This is the law enforcement team of the Demon Suppression Sect.

"What's going on? The sect's rules prohibit private fights inside the door. Violators will be severely punished!"

"What? Didn't we start a fight? Oh, it's okay, let's break up. Next time, everyone must remember it clearly. It's not everyone. We are all from the same school. We must love each other and live in harmony."

As a result, this group of law enforcement disciples withdrew at the speed of light.

Ye Lin felt a little funny in his heart.

Generally, places with a large number of personnel such as the Mission Hall will have a team of Law Enforcement Hall disciples on duty to prevent enemies from becoming extremely jealous when they meet and directly fight in the sect's important areas.

Although the rules of the Demon Suppressing Sect prohibit private fights among disciples, fights are common in the Demon Suppressing Sect, and public killings are not unheard of.

So these law enforcement team disciples have been waiting at the entrance of the mission hall for a long time.

However, they did not dare to get involved in the conflict between Ye Lin and the two princes, so they waited until they were sure that they would not take action and the two envoys left dejectedly before entering.

Ye Lin's identity is now different from what it used to be. In addition, the two brothers and sisters Situ Yu are so aggressive and their origins are unknown. Even the prince's envoys were scared away. Naturally, they did not dare to ask Ye Lin and Situ Yu to ask questions, so they came in to take a look. One glance and he made a show of withdrawing.

Many monks could only lament that this was a battle between masters. The energy of both sides was so great that even the dignified Demon Sect law enforcement team would give in...

The crisis was temporarily resolved. Ye Lin shrugged, looked at the guardians on the left and right helplessly, and then nodded.

"My experience in recent years has been somewhat effective. I am very aura when faced with a crisis. Let's go back first."

Upon hearing Ye Lin's compliment, Situ Yu suddenly raised his chest and raised his head with excitement on his face.

"We are just relying on our identity and the magic weapon with interests in our hands. It is nothing. If we were in Brother Ye's situation, we would have panicked. Brother Ye faced the top dignitaries of the Immortal Dynasty. Not only was he not afraid at all, but he was also calm and composed. , in order to pursue the immortal way, not to associate with the worldly people who are fighting for power and gain. There are many precious spirits that are worthy of my serious study and study. "

Situ Yu also said with some admiration: "Young Master is so calm. Of course, he has already had a good plan to deal with it. Even if we don't come out to scold them, we will not encounter any danger. We brothers and sisters are just the icing on the cake of our own initiative."

Ye Lin: "..."

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