Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 459 Ignoring the Imperial Authority

Demon Suppression Sect Mission Hall.

Ye Lin asked the curious Situ Yu and his sister to visit the Mission Hall. He walked into the third floor of the Mission Hall alone and handed over the Soul Gathering Orb that sealed the soul of the Soul Devouring Old Demon to the Mission Hall Deacon. After the deacon confirmed the authenticity of the soul, he gave Ye Lin the reward for this mission.

In this way, Ye Lin will not have to consider the sect mission for the next three years. If he is a little more ruthless, he can take another first-class mission in five years.

The mission was completed and the reward was received. Ye Lin naturally would not stay in the Mission Hall for long. He went downstairs and left. Just as he walked to the first floor of the Mission Hall, he saw two middle-aged male monks in the Nascent Soul period standing side by side, smiling and welcoming him.

Among them, the middle-aged male monk on the left had a mustache, sharp eyes, and a breath like the sea, while the middle-aged male monk on the right was slightly fat and had no beard. He looked like a wealthy businessman in the mortal world.

The monk with the mustache bowed to Ye Lin.

"Excuse me, are you Ye Lin, Master Ye?"

Ye Lin was slightly stunned, then clasped his fists in response.

"I am Ye Lin, what can I do for you two seniors?"

The monk with a mustache said, "I am the envoy of the current Immortal Dynasty's eldest prince. I am here to invite Master Ye to the No. 1 Immortal Peak for a chat. I wonder when Master Ye will be free to go?"

Another slightly fat monk said, "I am the envoy of the current Immortal Dynasty's eighth prince. I am here to invite Master Ye to the No. 3 Immortal Peak for a chat."

Ye Lin suddenly realized.

Ye Lin had heard about the three princes of the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty many times. The most impressive thing was that the tenth princess of the Immortal Dynasty, Situ Zhi, once reminded Ye Lin when they parted, saying that his three brothers were not easy to deal with, so Ye Lin had better not provoke them.

So Situ Zhi also gave him a princess jade order, saying that he could show the jade order when he encountered a crisis, and perhaps the three princes would give her some face and let Ye Lin go.

However, at that time, Ye Lin only killed the Soul Devouring Old Demon with the strength of the early stage of Jindan, which was considered to be a new talent, and would not attract the excessive attention of the three princes. But now, Ye Lin is a master of three professions, and the jade order given by Situ Zhi is afraid that it will have no effect at all.

Analyzing from various information, Situ Zhi can only be regarded as a member of the royal family of Zhenhai Xian Dynasty with average status and good cultivation talent, while his three brothers are powerful enough to stir up the situation of Xian Dynasty.

If it was because of some trivial matters, the three princes would naturally be willing to give their sister a little face, but now everything related to Ye Lin is a big deal, and the sister's face is insignificant.

The cultivators on the first floor noticed this scene, and they all looked surprised and envious.

"Master Ye is indeed a ruthless man. The envoys of the two princes actually came to invite him to meet at the Jiazihao Immortal Summit. There are probably only a handful of young talents who have such treatment in the entire Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty."

"Master Ye has the opportunity to be promoted to a master in the future, so it is reasonable for all forces to value him. However, Master Ye is still a member of our Zhenmo Sect. Although other forces value him, it is not easy to directly compete with Zhenmo Sect for him. However, the three princes are currently disciples of Zhenmo Sect, so it is more appropriate to recruit them."

"By the way, what about the second prince who is rumored to be the most courteous and the most approachable? Doesn't he value Master Ye?"

"It's unlikely. At present, the eldest prince and the eighth prince have both made a move. The second prince will certainly not sit back and watch. "

"Which side will Master Ye choose to join? No matter which side he joins, I'm afraid he will get benefits that we can't imagine. I'm really envious. "

"Hmph, it doesn't matter which side he joins now. What he should consider most is how not to offend the princes. No matter who he chooses to join, he will slap the faces of the other two princes. This situation seems enviable, but in fact it is being roasted on the fire. If you are not careful, the blessing will turn into a disaster! "

"I'm curious, how should Master Ye, who is known as a ruthless man, deal with the crisis in front of him? "

After hearing that the two Yuanying period cultivators in front of him were actually the prince's envoys, Ye Lin's expression did not change at all, he just responded lightly.

"Two envoys, I'm very sorry. I have always liked to practice in seclusion and pursue the immortal way. I don't like the power struggle in the court. At present, I have no interest in going to the two immortal peaks to meet His Royal Highness the First Prince and His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince. "

Although he said sorry verbally, there was no trace of apology on Ye Lin's face, and he was still calm.

As soon as these words came out, the first floor, which was originally full of discussions, suddenly fell silent. Everyone looked surprised. The messengers of the two princes were also slightly stunned, and their faces instantly became a little ugly.

No one expected that Ye Lin would be so disrespectful and refused the invitation of the two princes of the Xian Dynasty without even finding an excuse.

Ye Lin was completely disrespectful and did not even leave room for maneuver!

The monk with a mustache said in a deep voice: "Master Ye, His Royal Highness the Great Prince does not easily invite young talents. Even if countless monks in the Xian Dynasty want to meet him, they have no way. Do you really mean this?"

The slightly fat monk next to him just smiled coldly at Ye Lin, without saying a word, just watching him quietly.

Although these two Nascent Soul-level beings did not release any pressure, at this moment, everyone present seemed to feel that an invisible mountain was pressing down on them.

This was the pressure from the imperial power of the Xian Dynasty.

And Ye Lin was the one who ignored the imperial power.

Just at this time, a handsome young man and a stunning young girl strode to Ye Lin's side, and the handsome young man snorted coldly.

"Is this how Situ Wu and Situ Wen win over talented people? If they really want to make friends, they should personally bring generous gifts to visit!"

"In addition, Ye Lin is my eldest brother. They want to recruit my eldest brother to serve him as a subordinate, but they are not qualified. If they are not convinced and want to take action, even if they are powerful royal blood, they will definitely suffer!"

The stunning girl was also angry at this time: "Since my young master has said that he has no intention of fighting in the court, you not only refuse to listen but also force him to choose sides. Your intentions are extremely sinister. With such a mind and temperament, your master will never be able to become the emperor even if he waits for another three thousand years!"

The two siblings are naturally Situ Yu and Situ Yu. They visited the Mission Hall and came to the door of the Mission Hall. Then they saw the two royal envoys embarrass Ye Lin and were immediately furious.

Although in terms of status, one of them is a young prince and the other is a young princess, which seems to be inferior to the status of the favored prince, but their father and mother only gave birth to two of them and loved them very much, while the current emperor of the Immortal Dynasty gave birth to many.

If it was a prince of an ordinary state, it would be fine, but King Mo Lin has a large army and is not afraid of the emperor of the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty at all. What restricts him is some old immortals in the Situ clan who don't care about worldly affairs.

In the Mortal Dynasty, the king is the king and the minister is the minister, but in the world of cultivating immortals, the big fist is the hard truth, and even the basic etiquette between the king and the minister does not need to be observed.

Since their father is not afraid of the current emperor, Situ Yu and Situ Yu, the two siblings, are naturally not afraid of the princes and princesses, so they threatened them without hesitation when they met.

If Ye Lin just didn't give face to the eldest prince and the eighth prince, then these two siblings would slap him in the face!

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