Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 461 Hitting a wall

Ye Lin felt that if he had these two little followers with him at all times, sooner or later he would be able to float without using his magic power.

These two guys are really good at thinking, and they can also think from others' perspective.

In fact, Ye Lin had indeed already thought of a strategy to deal with the three princes, but this strategy was divided into two versions.

However, no matter which version, Ye Lin has no intention of joining the dispute over royal rights.

After all, he had already learned from Situ Zhi that these three princes were not good birds, and joining them would only delay Ye Lin's cultivation, and make it easier for his secrets to be discovered.

The first version of the countermeasure was made by Ye Lin before there were two lackeys. He followed the "drag" strategy. His idea was that if he didn't give any face, he might anger the three princes. The gain outweighs the loss.

Therefore, Ye Lin planned to do everything to save face. If the other party gave him a gift, he would accept it. If he wanted to party with him, he would go and eat and drink for free.

This shows that Ye Lin is trying to contact the three princes, considering who to join, and is constantly wavering.

However, since Ye Lin has not decided which side to join, it is impossible to help, and it is difficult for the three princes to benefit from him.

If a prince senses something is wrong and comes to talk to Ye Lin, Ye Lin will pretend to be very troubled and say that the three highnesses have been so kind to me and I really don’t know which side to join, and then praise the prince’s civility, Taoism and martial arts. Take a look.

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling person. In this way, Ye Lin established a delicate balance among the three of them. Everyone felt that Ye Lin might join them, so they couldn't find any reason to attack him immediately. , and Ye Lin was able to obtain a large amount of resources from the three princes for free.

However, since it is a tactic of "procrastination", there will always be times when you can't hold it off.

As time goes by, Ye Lin's plan will naturally be seen through by those who are interested.

However, in the world of immortality, this time may be ten years, or it may be longer. By then, Ye Lin will already have the capital to fight against him, and he will not be afraid of offending these scumbag princes.

It's just that this strategy will make Ye Lin feel aggrieved.

This second countermeasure was made after having two small followers.

This is very simple. Relying on the fact that Situ Yu's two brothers and sisters are nearby, and it is impossible to sit back and ignore them, and pursue the strategy of "my little brother (maid)'s father and mother are very fierce, who should I be afraid of", directly kill those three The princes were all frightened and acted without looking at their faces.

Although Ye Lin didn't know what the relationship between the city lord of Molin City and the emperor's family was, it was not important. What was important was that Ye Lin could see that the lord of Molin City cared about the brothers and sisters, and the brothers and sisters now cared about him. ...So it seems that the Lord of Molin City cares about Ye Lin very much...

Now that Ye Lin has a big backer, he naturally needs to be tougher.

Of course, this is not considered taking advantage of the brother and sister. Ye Lin sincerely regards them as friends. Since they are friends, it is understandable to help each other. When they encounter difficulties in the future, Ye Lin is willing to do his best. If they are strangers, even if they are forced to give Even if Ye Lin acts as a backer, Ye Lin will not accept it.

After Ye Lin left with the two brothers and sisters Situ Yu, the first floor of the mission hall was still deathly silent. It took a long time for many monks to realize what happened.

"My mother, I read that right. The envoys sent by the eldest prince and the eighth prince were not only rejected by Master Ye, but they were also scolded by the brother and sister, and they really ran away in despair! "

"It's big news. Send the information quickly. We should be able to sell it at a good price!"

"What a bullshit you are. Do you know who those brothers and sisters are?"

"Are these two people from the Eternal Immortal Dynasty? I can't think of anyone else in our Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty who dares to be so bold. If these two people are from the Eternal Immortal Dynasty, it would be reasonable not to give face to the royal family."

"However, the Eternal Immortal Dynasty has more cultivation resources than we do. Logically speaking, it is impossible for their big shots to come to our Demon Suppression Sect. Even if they go out for training, they have to go to some dangerous places. There are not many training opportunities in our sect."

"No matter what the identities of these two brothers and sisters are, there is something good to watch now. Let's make a bet, who can win this round? Is it the powerful prince, or Master Ye and the pair of mysterious brothers and sisters? Today, the eldest prince and the eighth prince have lost their face."

Immortal Peak No. 1.

The envoy sent by the eldest prince did not dare to stop on the road at all. In order to report the news in time, he even used the secret blood escape technique on the road, and it took more than ten years of life to rush back.

In the main hall, the eldest prince and Mr. Xu were still playing chess.

After all, it had only been less than an hour since the envoy was sent to invite Ye Lin.

"Your Highness the First Prince, Your Highness the First Prince, something is going wrong, something is going wrong!"

The person is still unknown, but the voice of the mustached monk has reached the ears of the eldest prince and Mr. Xu.

The eldest prince's face changed slightly, while Mr. Xu frowned slightly. The powerful pressure of the out-of-body stage spread out. With just a wave of his hand, the monk with the mustache felt as if ten mountains were pressing on him, and he was instantly overwhelmed by the overwhelming terror. Fa Lishe got in front of the two of them.

Mr. Xu said with some displeasure: "How unbecoming is it to be in such a hurry!"

The eldest prince's face also looked a little gloomy.

"Could it be that Ye Lin has already decided on the person to take refuge with, whether it's the second brother or the eighth brother! But even so, you shouldn't be so panicked!"

The monk with the mustache was so frightened that his face turned pale as paper.

"Your Highness, this is not the case. This matter is worse than Ye Lin taking refuge with the other two princes!"

At this moment, the eldest prince and Old Xu both raised their eyebrows.

"Tell me quickly, could it be that Ye Lin has supernatural powers?"

So, the monk with a mustache told the whole story of what happened in the mission hall.

At this moment, the eldest prince's face became extremely gloomy, and Old Xu's eyes flashed with cold light.

A flash of light flashed in the eldest prince's hand, and paper and pen appeared in front of the monk with a mustache at the same time.

"Waste, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and draw the portraits of the two siblings!"

Old Xu also said in a deep voice: "I want to see who these two people are. They are so arrogant. If there is no matching background, it will be a way to death!"

The monks can remember everything they see. The monk with a mustache quickly drew the portraits of Situ Yu and his sister with pen and ink.

The eldest prince stared at the portrait for a long time, then frowned, and Old Xu showed a puzzled look on his face.

"I have no impression of these two people. Does His Royal Highness know their identities?"

The eldest prince sat there in silence for a long time, then suddenly grabbed the two portraits, held them in his hands, crushed them into powder, and then he spat out three words.


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