Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 229 Ending the Worldly Relationship

Not long after, Ye Lin had already flown to the sky above the original small ravine. When he looked down, he was slightly stunned, his brows instantly furrowed into the word "chuan", and an icy cold light flashed in his eyes.

I saw that the small ravine that was originally messy and deserted was now built with two magnificent tombs. There were incense candles burning next to the tomb, and wisps of green smoke rose into the sky.

If Ye Lin remembered correctly, the place where this luxurious tomb was built should be the burial place of his parents, grandparents and grandmother, but now it is actually occupied by two cemeteries of wealthy families.

He then fell rapidly, and soon landed in front of the largest tomb, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

I saw on the tombstone: The tomb of Mr. Xian Kao Ye Yue (Mrs. Li Acai), son, Shangxian Ye Lin

Ye Yue is the name of Ye Lin's father, and Li Acai is the name of her mother.

Even he didn't expect that this magnificent tomb was actually built for his parents!

"This old man Lin is quite far-sighted."

Ye Lin's ancestors were all slaves, at least for three generations, so no other relatives or friends from wealthy families built such luxurious tombs for their parents, so Ye Lin was sure at the first moment that this was a masterpiece of the Lin family.

Ye Lin became the Supreme Immortal of the Taixuan Sect, and his identity is no longer what it used to be. It seems that in order to prevent Ye Lin from retaliating against the Lin family if he succeeds in practicing Taoism, Mr. Lin immediately built the tombs of Ye Lin's relatives in a magnificent manner and sent people to burn incense every day. Light the wax.

In this way, if Ye Lin really comes back and sees this scene, he will definitely feel less resentful towards Lin Mansion.

Ye Lin walked a few more steps and came to another tomb not far away. Sure enough, this was the tomb of his grandfather and grandmother, and they were also burned with fragrant wax.

Since it was confirmed that they were the tombs of relatives, Ye Lin immediately kowtowed three times in front of the two tombs, and then murmured softly.

"Father, mother, grandparents, Lin'er are back to see you."

"Lin'er is promising. He is now a Supreme Immortal of the Taixuan Sect. I have a master and senior sister who treat me like my closest relatives, and I also have many close friends. If you know what I am doing, you will definitely be proud of Lin'er."

"Don't worry, Lin'er will work hard to fulfill your last wish, and will restore the glory of the Ye family when he is able in the future as our ancestors said."

"The people of the Ye family are no longer humble slaves with nothing. Each generation in the future will be immortal beings that you can't even imagine. They have magical power to penetrate the mysteries, eat endless amounts of immortal family delicacies, and wear endless clothes. The robes of the Immortal family are respected by everyone in every generation, and are more noble than the emperor of the dynasty! "

"Lin'er will also settle all your major grievances one by one. No one who is related will be spared!"

After saying that, Ye Lin stood silently in front of the tomb for a long time. When the sun set and night fell, Ye Lin's figure disappeared without a trace.

In the Lin Mansion and Old Mrs. Lin's study, the gray-haired and wrinkled Old Mrs. Lin coughed feebly twice and was flipping through the account books.

The Lin Mansion has not changed much from before. In terms of business, whether it is good or bad, it still maintains the same scale as more than ten years ago. Every year, the Lin Mansion also sends two or three children with spiritual root qualifications to go there. Taixuanmen, pursuing the immortal way.

Not long after, an old woman pushed open the door and entered.

"Master, it's late at night. Go back to your room and rest as soon as possible. Your health is important. It's no better than in previous years. We are all getting older."

Old Mrs. Lin coughed again and smiled at the old woman.

"We are all people with half their feet in the ground. It is better to do something for the younger generations than to do nothing. I remember that when I took over the family, I made an oath to my father that I would lead the family to the right direction." Unprecedented glory, but it’s a pity that my whole life now feels like it’s been in vain.”

The old woman said: "It is easy to start a business but difficult to keep it. To be able to hold on to this foundation and make the family prosperous is already a great achievement for me."

At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew by, and the door to the study room slammed shut.

The old woman and Mrs. Lin were both slightly startled. Because Mr. Lin was no longer in good health, he did not open the window to read the account books at night, and was afraid of catching a cold due to the cold wind.

So where does this wind come from?

Although the two of them are not cultivators, they have come into contact with many martial arts monks, and they seem to be keenly aware that this trend is unusual.

The expressions of Old Mrs. Lin and the old woman became extremely solemn.

Old man Lin coughed twice more, stood up and clasped his fists respectfully: "I dare to ask which immortal came to the Lin Mansion. I don't know if he has any instructions. The Lin family will do their best to comply with it."

What they feared most at this time was that a rival family selling fabrics had invited monks from the world of martial arts as killers to assassinate them.

Although this kind of behavior will attract Taixuanmen to pursue him, there are always some Jianghu monks who take risks in desperation.

"Mr. Lin, you're welcome and safe!"

At this time, a figure wearing a light blue monk's robe walked out of a dark corner of the study. This person's eyes were cold and his voice was also very cold.

Who is it if it’s not Ye Lin?

The moment Old Mrs. Lin saw Ye Lin, he was slightly startled at first, and then seemed to be trying to remember something. Soon he pulled the old woman to his knees together, and kowtowed to Ye Lin with some difficulty.

"It's Ye Lin and Ye Shangxian who are back!"

The old woman also looked frightened and kowtowed after Old Mrs. Lin.

Seeing this, Ye Lin raised his hand slightly, and the two of them felt a gentle but irresistible force making them stand up.

Ye Lin said: "There is no need to be too polite. I came to the mortal world today just to break up my fate and avenge my parents, grandparents and grandmother."

Although Ye Lin's tone was calm, the two of them felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave when they heard it, and cold sweat soon broke out on their foreheads.

Old Master Lin said: "Immortal Ye, there are grievances and debts. The misfortunes your relatives suffered in the past were all caused by the old man and have nothing to do with the blood of the Lin family. If the immortal wants to take revenge, all the grievances will be borne by the old man alone." , please give me a warning!”

Ye Lin just sneered at Old Mrs. Lin and said calmly: "Don't worry, I am a disciple of Taixuanmen and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. If this matter has anything to do with you, you can't run away even if you want. It has nothing to do with you, you can’t die in my hands even if you want to.”

"My purpose is very simple. I want to thoroughly investigate the beatings of my parents and the starvation of my grandparents to death. Who gave the instructions and who did it?"

Old Mrs. Lin's hands were trembling as he hurriedly pulled out a dossier from the bookshelf behind him.

"I have already thoroughly investigated this matter, and I would like to ask the immortal to take a look at it."

Ye Lin didn't seem to have much surprise. With a move of his hand, the file automatically flew into his hands. After opening the file, he read it carefully.

On the file, there are indeed written the names of more than ten people, including several managers of the Lin family and several members of the Lin family.

It turned out that after Ye Lin joined the Taixuan Sect, Mr. Lin immediately thoroughly investigated everything related to Ye Lin. When he learned that the death of Ye Lin's grandparents, father and mother were all related to the Lin Mansion, he was almost frightened to death. , and immediately captured everyone involved in the matter, imprisoned them in the dungeon under the Lin Mansion, and built luxurious tombs for Ye Lin's relatives in order to obtain Ye Lin's forgiveness.

The file also states that in fact, Mrs. Lin will spend a sum of money every year to support the family's servants who have lost their labor force. Although this amount of money is very small, at least it will not starve to death, but it is used by those on the list. The stewards and members of the family were greedy for money, and they used it to indulge in debauchery.

When the money was gone, the food for the elderly slaves was naturally gone, so his grandparents starved to death. However, Ye Lin's parents couldn't bear it and reported the matter to one of the stewards. Unexpectedly, the stewards in the Lin Mansion protected each other. He was beaten brutally and the root of his illness was laid.

After Ye Lin read the dossier, he flicked his finger, and two spiritual lights instantly entered their mouths. The two people instantly collapsed to the ground, and the sound of even breathing could be heard.

Ye Lin walked up to Old Mrs. Lin, grabbed Old Mrs. Lin's head with one big hand, pinched the formula with his other hand, and chanted the formula in his mouth.

Not long after, Ye Lin also closed his eyes.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to believe what Mr. Lin said. Whether it was true or false could be known by verifying it with the soul-searching technique.

Generally speaking, the Soul Searching Technique can only be performed by those who are strong in forming pills. However, Ye Lin's soul is blessed by the strength of the souls of all spirit insects. It has already surpassed the average pill forming monks. It is easy to perform soul searching spells on ordinary mortals. thing.

After a while, Ye Lin opened his eyes and let out a long sigh.

Through the verification of the soul search technique, everything written in Mr. Lin's file is indeed true.

Ye Lin fired two more magic spells and penetrated them into their heads. The two woke up slowly and stood up under the control of Ye Lin's magic power, with a look of horror on their faces.

Ye Lin said: "I have verified that what is written in your file is indeed true. However, as the head of the Lin Mansion, your subordinates made mistakes. You did not understand the details immediately to avoid the occurrence of unfortunate things, and you also escaped." It doesn’t matter.”

"This is a poisonous pill. If you eat it, your life span will be reduced by one year. It is considered the punishment you deserve."

Ye Lin could already clearly sense that Mr. Lin only had one year and two months to live.

Old Mrs. Lin bowed deeply to Ye Lin again.

"The Immortal is aware of everything, and the old man is convinced and willing to take this poisonous elixir!"

With that said, Old Mrs. Lin didn't hesitate at all. He took Ye Lin's poisonous elixir and swallowed it into his belly with a slurp. Soon after, his face became as pale as paper and was stained with a sense of defeat.

"You should know how to arrange the people in the dungeon, right?"

"Old man and old man naturally knew that when they were captured, they had already told the outside world that they were infected with a serious disease and died of illness. How to deal with it depends entirely on the thoughts of the immortal. Lao man guarantees with the lives of all the blood of the Lin family that he will never Any news will be leaked!”

Ye Lin took a deep look at Old Mrs. Lin and replied lightly.

"That's very good."

Old Mrs. Lin said again: "I dare to ask, I wonder if the blood of the Lin family who went to the Immortal Sect with the Immortal Chief is still safe?"

Ye Lin looked at the extremely vicissitudes of Old Mrs. Lin's face, remained silent for a moment and said, "It's okay, but the affairs of the Immortal Sect are not something that you mortals are qualified to understand."

Old Mrs. Lin showed a kind smile.

"Then I can rest assured..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Lin's figure had disappeared without a trace.

Old Mrs. Lin's life has come to an end.

In his mind, he may still be hoping that one day, in the world of immortality, a Lin family will be born, and each generation will be an immortal.

This may be the greatest achievement he has made for his family in his life.

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