Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 230: Treasures in the Water

Late at night, the bright moon hangs high, beside a sparkling river.

Ye Lin stood silently by the river for a long time. The breeze blew by and slightly ruffled his Taoist robe.

He sighed slightly.

The world is over.

Everyone in the dungeon died in their sleep.

Ye Lin was not a cruel and bloody person by nature, and he had no intention of torturing them before taking revenge. After being imprisoned in the dungeon for nearly ten years, those people were already going crazy.

When everything was done, Ye Lin did not feel relaxed, but instead felt heavy.

"Maybe I'm still too kind."

"The psychological reaction of killing several mortals who are still enemies is more than ten times greater than that of demon-killing cultivators. Perhaps it is because they are too weak, so weak that they have no power to resist. They are no different from ants on the ground." Ye Lin Whispered softly.

Ye Lin was born in the righteous way. From the moment he entered Taixuan Sect and memorized the rules, he knew that protecting the mortals in the world was the mission of the righteous monks. This had a subtle influence on him for nearly ten years. It is no wonder that he felt psychological pressure after killing mortals. .

If he killed more than ten demon cultivators, Ye Lin wouldn't even blink an eyelid.

"That's all, no matter how strong or weak they are, even an ant has done so many evil things, and now they only get the retribution they deserve!"

Ye Lin adjusted his mentality, and with a flash of inspiration, a jade-white thumb-sized snake and a finger-sized cockroach appeared in his hand.

"Xiao Bai Xiaoqiang, do you still remember where this is?" Ye Lin showed a smile.

Xiaobai glanced around.

"Of course Xiaobai knows, this is the place where the former master exercised his body and fed us every night!"

Xiaoqiang's eyes also lit up with excitement: "Master, I'm a little out of control. I want to steal Lin's roast chicken!"

As it said, its figure flashed, turned into a black light and disappeared without a trace. In less than a moment, it had turned into a black shadow and returned. Is grabbing a fragrant roast chicken.

"Master, Lin's roast chicken is still a familiar recipe and has a familiar taste. Eat it while it's hot!"

Ye Lin laughed twice.

I tore up the roasted chicken with great nostalgia, chewed the bones into pieces and swallowed them. After eating, my mouth was greasy.

Xiaobai, on the other hand, picked up a delicate silk scarf at some point, climbed up on Ye Lin's shoulder and wiped Ye Lin's mouth.

"I have eaten a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas in my life, but this taste is the most memorable."

Xiaoqiang chuckled.

"The Lin Mansion will spread rumors tomorrow that the chicken thief is back! Sure enough, easy-to-obtain food will never be as fragrant as the hard-earned food! Xiaoqiang will steal a few more!"

Ye Lin really held Xiaoqiang's restless heart and patted Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang's heads.

"Okay, don't go. Things are different now. It's not good to disturb the mortals. Come here tonight. In addition to revisiting the old place, there is another important thing to do."

Saying that, Ye Lin turned his attention to Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai should know, right?"

Xiaobai nodded obediently and said: "Of course I know, it's pearls. The pearls Xiaobai gave to his master before. The pearls have the effect of cleansing the marrow and improving spiritual roots, but they appeared in the bodies of river clams at the second and third levels of Qi training. , This is not reasonable. Xiaobai didn’t believe that it was really a river clam before, but now that I think about it, it is confirmed!”

"The most important thing is that there is not just one, but a bunch. The spiritual energy around here is extremely weak and is not suitable for cultivation. According to common sense, it is impossible to give birth to a monster beast with a level of Qi training!"

"Xiao Bai suspects that there is a rare treasure in this river, and the aura it emits affects those river mussels!"

Ye Lin nodded.

"Today we will go into the water to find out!"

Ye Lin then summoned Xiaolan.

Xiaobai's body then became more than ten feet long, turning into a giant white-scaled python. Ye Lin rode on Xiaobai, while Xiaoqiang and Xiaolan grabbed his fingers.

In the water, that's Xiaobai's world. Cockroaches and butt bugs are both terrestrial insects.

Ye Lin took out a yellow-grade high-grade water-proof talisman and stuck it on his clothes, and a blue light shield immediately rose up to protect his whole body.

"Master, sit still!"

As he spoke, Xiaobai swung his tail and easily carried Ye Lin into the creek. As soon as the river water encountered the light shield, it was blocked out and could not touch Ye Lin's clothes at all.

Xiaobai swam a short distance and came to the middle of the creek, and then plunged into it.

Ye Lin and Xiaobai then dived into the creek.

What was different from Ye Lin's imagination was that he originally thought that the creek, which was less than twenty feet wide, was not very deep. However, under his discerning observation, he discovered that the creek was actually thirty feet deep. No wonder he actually heard about someone drowning in the river when he was a child.

The water plants in the river are not dense, and the bottom of the river is full of gray-black silt, with fish of all sizes coming and going from time to time.

Xiaobai sent a message to Ye Lin: "The place we want to go is not in the river, but an underground river connected to the creek, and the entrance is right there!"

Sure enough, Ye Lin found a large dark hole about one foot in diameter at a corner, with water constantly pouring out of the hole.

Xiaobai carried Ye Lin and quickly swam upstream, entered the large cave, and swam several hundred feet away. The entrance to the cave became wider and wider, the water became clearer, and the surrounding stones were washed smooth by the water. .

Small spots of light can be faintly seen in the water.

Click, click, click...

A creepy sound of teeth gnashing came from deep in the cave.

Ye Lin's face became slightly solemn.

He poured all his magic power into his eyes, and his vision suddenly increased. He saw hundreds of ferocious fish with glowing teeth swimming towards them.

Xiaobai said: "There were these disgusting guys before. When Xiaobai came here for the first time, he was almost eaten by them. Later, Xiaobai's strength improved by leaps and bounds under the feeding of the master. These guys couldn't catch up with me or beat me, so I didn't encounter any danger again."

Ye Lin said: "I have never heard of piranhas in this stream. They should have been hiding in the underground river and never went out. It seems that not only the clams, but also these fish have been affected to a certain extent. The lowest level of Qi training is at least the first level, and the more powerful ones are at the second level of Qi training."

Soon, a large group of densely packed ferocious fish were about to approach Xiaobai. Xiaobai snorted coldly: "Get out of here!"

A pressure burst out.

All those vicious fish were so scared that their eyes rolled back and they turned around and ran away. Many fish were even knocked over in the water and fainted. They didn't dare to stay for a moment.

After swimming forward for about four or five hundred feet, the underground river became wider, and there were more and more monsters with low cultivation, including crab monsters, lobster monsters, river clam monsters, and even a very rare water grass monster. At the same time, Ye Lin also felt a trace of strange mana fluctuations coming from the depths of the underground river.

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