Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 228 Wonderful Dream

After more than two years of mental preparation, senior sister finally decided to take this step when Ye Lin was about to give up her fate and go on an expedition for the sect.

In fact, she had some expectations about what happened in the dream, but as a woman and Ye Lin's senior sister, she was not a true Taoist companion in name, so she was always ashamed and reserved about this matter.

And today this is an opportunity.

As soon as the senior sister said this, the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

At this time, Fairy Qingyao bit her red lips lightly, her pretty face turned completely red into a big apple, while Ye Lin smiled at his senior sister, took his senior sister's jade hand, and then walked towards the bedroom.

Fairy Qingyao has long lost her former strength and dominance, and has become very gentle and obedient as she follows Ye Lin. At this time, she is of course mentally prepared to be manipulated by Ye Lin.

For her...

As long as Ye Lin doesn't take that step, it doesn't matter to her anymore...

That night, Ye Lin and his senior sister slept extremely soundly, and their dreams were so wonderful that they are indescribable.

The next morning, when Ye Lin woke up, he found nothing beside him.

Last night, the gentle and well-behaved senior sister disappeared without a trace. Even his clothes had been washed, dried and neatly stacked on the bedside. On top of the clothes, there was a The document is stamped with the seal of the Master of Spiritual Beast Peak.

The content of the document is as follows: Ye Lin, a monk in the foundation-building period of the Chartered Spirit Beast Peak, returned to the mortal world to eliminate the fate of the world and kill the inner demons, and accompanied the supervisor Zhang Xiaoqian, a senior manager of the Spirit Beast Peak.

Now Wang Changsheng is busy in retreat to stabilize his realm, and Song Lingtian is also busy preparing for the next battle for territory. Ye Lin is naturally embarrassed to trouble them because of this matter and asks them to accompany them.

So the senior sister arranged for him to have Zhang Xiaoqian, who had a good relationship with Ye Lin, and also had a good relationship with her. Manager Zhang, who had given Ye Lin Xiaolan back then, would supervise along with Ye Lin.

Rather than supervising, in fact, it was just to go through the sect procedures. The senior sister had already ordered Manager Zhang to find a hotel to stay at when arriving at the destination. After Ye Lin finished his work, they went to Tai Chi Sect together.

Manager Zhang was originally one of the representatives sent by the Taixuan Sect to watch the battle during the territorial battle.

Ye Lin showed a smile, stood there for a while after getting up, and then licked his lips, as if he was still recalling last night's dream.

As an immortal cultivator, your soul is powerful. As long as you plant a magic formula in your soul before falling asleep, you will be awake when you enter the dream, and you can change your dream at will.

Therefore, in addition to not affecting the real world, the experience last night is no different from what happened in real life. It can even be said to be more unrestrained and wild.

After all, you can create scenes, costumes, and energy at will in your dreams.

"Senior sister is so beautiful! But I guess she won't see me today..."

Ye Lin laughed strangely, feeling better than ever before.

After briefly washing up and tidying up his clothes, he strode out of the bedroom. As soon as he walked out of the bedroom, he saw the beautiful woman Manager Zhang waiting outside Ye Lin's courtyard door.

"Senior Sister Zhang, I will trouble you during this trip."

Manager Zhang, whom Ye Lin once respected very much, became Ye Lin's senior sister in terms of seniority after Ye Lin completed the Foundation Establishment. However, Ye Lin still respected and appreciated Manager Zhang very much in his heart.

If it weren't for her, Ye Lin wouldn't have Xiaolan, and maybe Elder Sun wouldn't accept him as his disciple.

Manager Zhang smiled slightly.

"No trouble, the Peak Master has given instructions. She said that you don't need to say goodbye to her before departure. There are still seven days before the battle for the territory, and we can't delay any longer, so as not to affect the sect's major events."

Ye Lin nodded, then called out Xiaolan, sat on Xiaolan's back and flew into the sky.

Manager Zhang, on the other hand, walked with his sword and followed closely behind.

Manager Zhang's cultivation level is not low. Ye Lin can vaguely detect that she has reached the foundation-building perfection. She is only one chance away from ushering in the thunder tribulation, condensing magic elixirs, and becoming an elixir-forming monk.

So when Xiao Lan didn't activate the Fart Escape Technique, there was no problem in catching up with Xiao Lan.

Soon, the two of them were far away from the Spiritual Beast Peak and headed towards Donglin County where the Lin Mansion was located.

On the way, Ye Lin talked with Manager Zhang about some things.

The main content of the conversation was about Ye Lin's arrangements after returning home.

Ye Lin told him that his plan was to stay for three days after returning to his hometown to pay homage to his relatives and complete his revenge. After three days, the two of them went to Tai Chi Gate together.

Manager Zhang immediately agreed to Ye Lin's plan.

Donglin County of the Daxuan Dynasty is hundreds of miles away from the foot of the Xunlong Mountain Range. With Ye Lin's current escape technique, in just four hours, Ye Lin and Manager Zhang had already flown over the bustling Donglin City.

Faintly, Ye Lin could hear the cries of vendors in the city. However, Ye Lin stayed in the Lin Mansion all year round and did not have the right or time to go shopping, so he was not familiar with Donglin City.

Manager Zhang said: "Junior Brother Ye, let's say goodbye. In three days, you and I will meet here again. In addition, if there is an emergency, send a message with the Taixuan Order as soon as possible, and I can come to support at any time."

Ye Lin nodded in agreement.

Manager Zhang's figure flashed immediately and turned into a weak rainbow and fled downwards. She should have found an inn to stay in according to her senior sister's instructions.

Ye Lin took out an invisibility talisman from the Qiankun bag. The invisibility talisman flashed and was attached to his Taoist robe.

Ye Lin's figure suddenly became blurred.

The purpose of using the invisibility talisman is to avoid disturbing too many irrelevant mortals. After all, the arrival of the immortal is a big deal for mortals. Although Ye Lin can openly return to the Lin family and attract tens of thousands of mortals to come and pay homage to him, there is no need for that.

The success of cultivation and returning home in glory is generally only suitable for those cultivators who are about to die and have deep feelings for their elders and fellow villagers. The fellow villagers will even build temples for them, build statues of immortals in the temples, and worship with incense.

Ye Lin also looked down at himself and was quite satisfied with the effect of the invisibility talisman.

The invisibility talisman was originally just a yellow-level middle-grade talisman. After casting, any cultivator with a little cultivation can sense its existence, but with the cooperation of "Hidden Dragon Art" here, Ye Lin's effect is greatly enhanced. Even if it is a foundation-building cultivator, it is difficult to sense him instantly if he is not careful enough.

Ye Lin patted Xiao Lan's head.

"Xiao Lan, go back and practice."

"Understood, Master."

Xiao Lan's body shrank to the size of a finger in an instant, and disappeared with a flash of blue light.

Ye Lin floated in the air, slowly falling towards the small ravine behind the Lin Mansion.

Ye Lin remembered that there was a mass grave in this small ravine, where his parents and grandparents were buried after their death.

In addition to the graves of his relatives, there was nothing in this city worth his nostalgia. When a wanderer returns, the first person he wants to see is his parents!

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